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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. =VG= SemlerPDX

    PSU help

    I thought you had a potato laptop with an i7 3770 and Radeon 4600? That's a crazy top tier PSU there, for sure!!! I have a $3000+ gaming rig yet nothing that fancy pants
  2. =VG= SemlerPDX

    PSU help

    Think of it like a race car -- one has a top speed of 200MPH and goes from 0-60MPH in 4 seconds. The other has a top speed of 200MPH and goes from 0-60 in 2.7 seconds. Both have a top speed equal, but the timings are much tighter for the other model, meaning it can get up to speed faster and complete a sprint race in shorter time. *the example above is in no way a comparison of these two different RAM timings at 3600MHz - the difference is so slight, only a demanding task or benchmark would notice the difference of a computer completing a task with one set over the other. RAM timings very much matter, and when all things equal (like two different sets of 3600MHz RAM), it is the determining factor for performance. That being said, as I noted above, no reason to chase after a few nanosecond improvements if the cost is not worth it for your budget, or if you have different goals. 18-22-22-42 is not particularly that much different from 18-19-19-39 so I wouldn't sweat that decision too much; measured in nanoseconds, these would be very hard to notice any difference as a user, outside benchmarks. You certainly won't be kicking yourself later on down the road for your choice in one over the other here. Personally, I go for raw technical performance over bling, but only cuz I'm into numbers and overclocking, benchmarks, etc. If I had been into style as much as performance, my current PC would look a lot different, subjectively cooler and more awesome - but also in my case, it is off to the left of the desk, on the ground. I barely see it. You do you, whatever you choose will be just fine.
  3. Great pics, man! Had that vacation shoe thing happen to me once, too - at the start of 2 weeks in the Cascade Mountains camping - though it wasn't monsoon season and so duck tape for the win! Cheers!
  4. =VG= SemlerPDX

    PSU help

    Roger roger. Just out of curiosity, were the CMT and CMK versions with the faster Samsung chips too pricey to bother? I found something like that with the G-Skill set I got, the next step up wasn't a few dollars, it was like adding another hundred dollars!! I was able to get 3600MHz with 16-19-19-39 (2x8GB) for around a hundred dollars - though I was splurging there, and also got two sets of two for 32GB, and still paying off that credit card
  5. =VG= SemlerPDX

    PSU help

    FTR, these are the validated CORSAIR RAM Part Numbers which match the specs of the RAM you noted @=VG= I3RY4N It is important to make sure you match one of these or potentially run into issues with the XMP profile in the MoBo BIOS that you may be using to achieve 3600MHz (over base DDR4 speeds of 2133MHz). They will be specifically tested with these model/part numbered RAM sticks, anything else will be a shot in the dark and/or require manual RAM overclocking which involves a lot of time and tuning and testing and some technical tools. Much easier to just jam the XMP "on" and trust that it was set properly by the factory using memory from the QVL, unless you're an OC geek like me with too much time on your hands (and that being said, I don't mind saying that my one foray off the QVL with memory could not for the life of me get it to post at anything beyond 2133MHz - buyer beware) (from the following link) https://rog.asus.com/motherboards/rog-strix/rog-strix-z490-e-gaming-model/helpdesk_qvl_memory
  6. =VG= SemlerPDX

    PSU help

    What motherboard model are you using? ROG STRIX z490 covers well over a dozen boards by ASUS (it matters for power requirements estimate for PSU) *EDITS: I added up estimates (guessing on parts not well defined) and came up with around 525 Watts before fans or additional storage drives (on top of the 2TB NVMe listed above). Seeing 3070 would make me think twice about which PSU to get, particularly an OC version from ASUS - expect around 275W draw on that card alone under load. Find the RAM you want to use on the Motherboard QVL for Memory (qualified vendors list) for the socket and specific board you are getting: https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1043883/ Find a proper PSU from the LTT PSU Tier List -- name brand and 80 Plus certification are NOT indicators of a good PSU (though not to be ignored, either - just don't base a purchase off those two factors alone): https://linustechtips.com/topic/1116640-psu-tier-list/ I have the EVGA SuperNOVA 750W G1+ 80 PLUS Gold Modular from that list, in the Tier B section. The Tier A section is where you drop tons of cash for a tip-top overclocking system ready to set records and compete, imho - if budget is a concern, like it is for me, you might stick with the Tier B selections. Just don't go any lower than that if you can afford not to.
  7. Hello and welcome! Thanks for the intro - see you around!
  8. Thank you all for your service! Happy Veterans Day!
  9. Tossed this up in the VG Events Calendar and the Discord Events, PR channels I'll be there if I can wake up early enough (edit: yeah, I didn't - couldn't rouse before 11, event was at 8 my time. Will catch the next one)
  10. Thanks to request from GRN&GLD to help with giveaways, etc. the VG Store now offers Gift Cards! Happy Halloween! https://veterans-gaming.com/store/gift-cards/
  11. This poll is now open to all VG Army Club Officers and Jr. Officers group members. Please be honest, answers are on your own honor, we want to identify those who are just starting to get into leadership in this game as well as those who spend most of their time for months (or even years) in leadership roles in VG PR COOP, Arma 3, and/or BMS at VG. This will remain open for some time, hoping to flesh out and solidify this new Leadership Wings program before the end of Quarter 4 of 2021 (Oct-Dec). There is much to do, and all of this will be part of an automated Ribbons/Medals/Wings plugin I will develop for this IPS website system, but that project has been put off so far for 8 months that I've been doing it all manually (adding donation pins, group ribbons for Enlisted/Jr. Officer/Officer, etc.) and trust me when I say it's getting old fast... I just can't find the time (yet) I need to develop this IPS plugin and all the ones I see for sale SUCK HOT ASS so VG will be designing our own very awesome plugin specifically for the VG Community and our specific needs (not only because I don't want to pay someone for a half-assed medals system when I can design one myself if I can find a week or few to fit it in my schedule, like the VG Wiki). Thank you all for being part of this thing we are continuing to build up!! So many great things in store for the future, some only teased so far, and we're happy you all are here for the journey! Looking forward to more regular gaming events for all our servers from PR through BMS, as well as regularly scheduled training operations events once we can get a structure and system in place for them (including modified maps/missions/TE's tailored just for us).
  12. Welcome to the VG Army Sytnaxx, Apologies, and mrgeniusgaming! ... Just a reminder to new VG Army members - we typically assume most members play PR COOP, but if we all don't know you from the games as a long time regular, please post up to say Hello and let us know what you play here! We just started this new membership path, and it seems the best route so that we don't accidentally award Enlisted group/ribbon to a semi-automatic bot preparing to fire off spam rounds in the club forums. We are glad to have you all - a simple reply from standard website members including what you like to play here will be rewarded with the entry level Enlisted website group!
  13. Profile for VoiceAttack by =VG= SemlerPDX Description: AVCS CORE is the new framework for any VoiceAttack profile I release in future, and provides awesome tools to any VoiceAttack user. It can be used alone and by itself, or as a base to build a VoiceAttack profile around, including its functions in your own creations. The Quick Command Creator cannot possibly replace the very easy and very powerful voice commands we can create through VoiceAttack in the standard fashion, but allow users to quickly create simple keypress commands for a phrase, or even advanced multi-step macros that can use a limited selection of common VoiceAttack actions. The very fun Voice Authorization System lets us create passphrases that we can gate a QCC Command behind, for example, "Execute self destruct mode", 'command code required!', "Picard 4 7 Alpha Tango", 'confirmed'. I've even created a special home page and forum section here at the VG website, and a channel in the VG Discord, to provide Help & Support for the many users of my profiles - with voice controlled bug reporting to make it easy to let me know when I need to fix something. As I plan to release more and more VoiceAttack profiles for various games, I needed a framework to standardize my methods, and to help keep profiles used by other people up to date and in proper working order. I never quite expected such a large user base, and with that I've decided to offer much more direct support through in-profile options menus and help & support options that tailor themselves to whatever AVCS4 profile is active. By checking for just 8 bytes of an update number on the VG website when loading, AVCS CORE can provide a pop-up choice for users to view the latest changelog, apply the latest patch (or open the website to download a new major update version), or just postpone until later. I've even included an option to turn off minor patch update prompts, and to roll back to the last version if desired! The purpose of this profile is to function as the backbone of any AVCS4 game profiles I release, such as the current AVCS4 Falcon BMS Radios profile, and provide users with a host of profile and update controls. When AVCS CORE is first loaded by VoiceAttack, it will initialize itself and any other AVCS4 Profile that is switched to, bringing its full list of commands into the end game profile. This includes the Quick Command Creator and Voice Authorization System, with new commands or codes saved to the Active Profile's save file. Any other AVCS4 Profile that gets switched to will clear and re-load its own QCC Commands or VAS Passphrases (if any), working out of it's own save file as well. Included is the AVCS CORE profile package that includes the AVCS CORE Profile designed for VoiceAttack, as well as the optional AVCS CORE Framework blank Template Profile for VoiceAttack profile builders. To keep AVCS CORE startup fast for any AVCS4 Profiles, commands cannot be added directly to the CORE Profile, so the Template is available, and can include all of the functionality of AVCS CORE by including the CORE profile commands through its profile options. This profile will have its own save file and config files folder in the VoiceAttack Apps folder along side other AVCS Profiles data. Since AVCS CORE needs to load before any other AVCS4 Profile (including the AVCS4 Template Profile), it will be updated the least, and has been tested the most over a year and a half of development. I will continue to support all AVCS4 Profiles through AVCS CORE and its powerful profile control options. Say goodbye to the keyboard, and enjoy the immersion! Cheers! Features: *The optional Push-To-Talk mode is disabled by default. Say, "Turn On Push To Talk Mode" to enable Download: (Click Here) Tips for this profile: Please use the voice command "Open Help and Support Menu" to communicate any bug reports. These help menus can be expanded without new profile versions, so suggestions are welcome. Thank you for checking out AVCS CORE for VoiceAttack! (click here to view tips) *On first import, you should say, "Initialize Profile" - after first time, this is automatic. Any attempt to use commands before this will trigger auto-initialization. If you get errors from my profile, Launch VoiceAttack and open Options (wrench icon in lower right): -Under last tab on top, System/Advance, check box next to "Use Nested Tokens" as in image 1 below -Unless absolutely required, during testing it's recommended to uncheck "Allow command segment info for composite commands" Open the profile - if not already done, group commands by category and consolidate multi-part commands as in image 2 & 3 below Click on the Description tab at the top to help sort commands further (see image 4) Read a semicolon ";" as the word "or" and look at long commands as having many options like saying "2;Two;Too;To;Wingman" (read as "2 -or- Two -or- Too -or- To -or- Wingman") Commands Reference: Say, 'Open the Command Reference', anytime to view available voice commands:
  14. Welcome to the VG Army @CallsignBeast, @Akagi_Aegea and @hovip1285!
  15. Yeah, I just tried right now to see if MS would allow me to install a trial version of latest Excel, but they want money and I don't have it. (One reason I've kept using my 2003 edition so long - hadn't needed anything more, and didn't want to give MS more money when what I had already worked well enough)
  16. I'm proficient with Excel, but the edition I use is SBE 2003 (as old as it sounds). But not sure how much has changed - you create your data cells, select them all, select Insert Chart, and follow prompts in the Chart Wizard to complete and insert into the existing sheet, or a new sheet in the file. I know this may not translate 100%, but I'm gonna try anyway and hope for the best... if anyone else has better/more modern step-by-step flow, please post up here! *TLDNR; This is a method from my Excel version from 2003 and may not be 100% applicable to a modern version, BUT this flow should be quite similar if MS still has the Chart Wizard in some form. Hope this helps - but it may not translate properly to the version you are using - had to try anyway. Set some data in cells: Select all cells including row/column labels: With these cells highlighted as selection, select Insert > Chart... Assuming the Chart Wizard still exists in the version you are using, select options for type of chart: Select the range of the chart in Rows or Columns, can set series here as well if applicable: Next, the Wizard should allow options for the look and appearance - set Title and Category/Value Labels and other options here: Choose the destination for this chart, either as a New Sheet or as object in existing sheet (just click Finish): Final Product should be a chart object with resize options and linked to all 4 data cells selected in step 2:
  17. You can check server uptime from the time/date the service was last started (this includes restarts) so you can know to avoid 'false positives' for regular fog which I assume would pass as normal in time:
  18. Life has been extremely busy, and I've not been feeling well.  This has caused some of the projects I've been working on to get pushed to the back burner, but I expect to be active again real soon - this stuff is on my mind even when I'm not at my PC.  Plans for the VG Store, releasing an update for my voice control project, the VG Clubs Leadership (Wings) program, and getting requested servers installed and working are at the top of my list as soon as I can break away and get some time to tinker.  Apologies to anyone who is waiting on me to act and get things done, I had not anticipated these distractions, and when I do get time at my desk, it's barely enough time to make rounds and make sure things are solid before I'm busy again.


    1. ASAP Xelah

      ASAP Xelah

      take your time! you always did great for VG :)

  19. +1 for this - weather in games is awesome, but if there is a way to turn down the frequency of the extremes so that they still happen, but not like all the time, that would be very cool
  20. I'm sure my Falconeer X52 Pro profile still works, it was developed for this version and is close to a 1:1 match for the proper pilot's HOTAS plus some extras for the sim. Happy to help whenever. I've also not had time for this spending too much on VG management/development and not enough on VG servers, and only got myself to blame. I feel bad that I keep saying 'soon' and things keep coming up - the kid in me is screaming for a chance at the helm, rest assured. I can't hold him off forever I'm looking forward to any BMS event here - I'll force myself to join even if I'm just 'winging it', certainly not ready to be a flight lead again anytime soon.
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