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About Vanillapop

  • Birthday 05/08/1998

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Staff Sergeant

Staff Sergeant (6/18)



  1. Lool, the core I5 runs pr well and for the rest i use Nvidia's streaming service.
  2. I liked the event we did a while back where you had to capture the vip in ramiel. Maybe something like that?
  3. The bots will always end up right behind you after a little bit of fighting. The only way you can break away is if you go straight up in the air then once they stop chasing you can find them again.
  4. Recently started sketching what do you guys think? Good or no.


  5. Vanillapop


    When youre flying trans and a squad your not familar with says dont crash
  6. Better question would be who flys by only using the keyboard and no mouse. Geroy does
  7. Most of the guys here have played for so long that they have a beautifully orcastrated song and dance, and after playing for about 4 years i can easily say that coop is predictable and a commander throws off the dance as well as makes it inconvinient. Once you play for a bit you will see that pattern
  8. This battle would be a great event series for Arma 3. If not still like this channel they lots of great animations and accurate story telling of modern battles.
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