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VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv2
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Everything posted by =VG= GRNANDGLD

  1. i lllllluuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvv peeking corners how simple, but makes the fighting so much more tactical
  2. Ive got about 60 hours into it, but the dynamic of the community seems diff than the true COOP community that I'm used to in PR. No one has ever offered to help the new guy, but I kinda expected that. Dont even talk about combat tactics...its friking PUBG with uniforms. I would love to see a VG server up and running guys... heres my steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/grnandgld Lets do this !!!!
  3. Dear Vincent Well my friend, its been a whole fucking year man, and Im sorry that Ive drifted away from my VG roots. You and Hater really opened the door to PR for me, but since your departure, Ive just lost the excitement that you would create when we would get into the HMMV and bomb into East City with the dam wheels on fire, guns blazing, and you screaming OH SHIT. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. Some of the most enjoyable online experiences of my life. It was so good to hear your voice today buddy, but sadly, I could only bear a small sample, as it literally tears my heart out ...Im still having trouble wrapping my head around it ...man I really miss ya bro. I did get a chance to play yesterday, and what a thoughtful tribute your old Hommies put together, although I regret not making the tribute photo. Sorry...you know me..always fakin LAST. Bunch of the "old crew " made it...Anyway, just a quick note to let ya know" YOUR NOT FORGOTTEN MY FRIEND", and I vow to never forget you Vincent! Peace be with you buddy!! Luv ya Bro, Chris I miss ya Scott #VETSFORLIFE
  4. Happy Birthday VG!!..Thanks for giving us a safe and enjoyable place to do it..SRSLY THANKS!!
  5. Ive always favored the WOLVERINE!!!! wait...maybe this one isnt rabid enough...hes not even foaming
  6. Merrrrrrry Christmas.....HAPPY HOLIDAYS GUYS .........Im back!!!! sorta<<laptop, but it works!
  7. ooooo that 50...OMG what an amazing gun. My downfall has always been a shitty computer that wont run the graphics. My longest range kill at Oman was from the igla at the crane to the spawn at the beach an he was a shadow....lol. Like I said, i dint even know grass existed..always ran super low graphics...same scenario today...got an old clunker and just chugging along...Just have to be thankfully we got a well balanced community that supports the game...LONG LIVE PR!!!
  8. I agree with you in the sense that the weapon mechanics in P4F allowed you to modify your weapon to a specific style (and initially you had to EARN the weapon and mods), but it was also all those differentt aspects ...the training point placement ..the OP asshole in the harreir or appache... and the Team speak use for commo...the satscan ...tracer dart...all that stuff made it an amazingly well balanced game. The whole setup of the game was designed for expansion...but it was also that pay to win shit that killed it. I was playing for days chasing that XP tho...the teamwork aspect, not so much on those tiny maps. But in a nutshell, you cant touch the amount of weapon/game mechanics that P4F had with reguards to weapons that we get from the armory in PR.. the bullet drop and vapor trail in P4F ..i mean AMAZING (to me) mechanics. PR is best at teamplay and massive force on force maps ...thats what its good at. Thats why me and few diehards still play..fak that XP grind. I luv PR!! ...........(But P4F is still my all time #1 MVP!!) ps : i still have P4F wallpaper on my home page...is that holding on to long? shout out :** Double for his amazing work on our stuff...no kidding!
  9. Man...i used to luv that sharqi rush with the VSS and 10 claymores...WOW i miss sniping.....longest was 325 ...I waited so long for that barrette 50 cal and the vulcan range ace....fakin LETHAL...I remember the first time running on high graphics and seeing grass and roads..lmao I was L3 , SAS and iM clans but grnandgld4 with all my classes i hated those helli nubs....i was skilled engi with tracer dart and rpg...LMFAO then he shot your claymores and got u?....FAKR
  10. Throwback event info here https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=148499
  11. Just a quick THANK YOU!!... to all Veterans for your service.
  12. Im going into battle with the crowd!!!
  13. Great work double...We are truly blessed... but maybe the problems is the kits being limited at spawn...first 2...medics and no faking shovel ,but smoke like Mickey Rourke. Then the poor bastards got to cover the rest of you bullet magnets while you dig stuff. If everyone gets to smoke then eveyone gets to DIG damit!! Shovels for the medics, I say. Problem solved.? <<<<smoker....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  14. I wouldnt worry about spamming smoke, u can do that now!! Lets start talking about the AI already scoring head shots at range. The upgrade, for the AI , gives THEM the advantage. WTF is that. Now we gotta bring shovels AND start smoking? This is headed in the way wrong direction boyzzz. I'm worried
  15. Ya, missed ya bud...rub some icy-hot on that bitch and lets play!!!
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