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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. if you use an antivirus suit you could turn it off completely and try. I would look through the options of mumble again and uninstall PR and mumble in the worst case. then clear the hd and registry of remnants and then reinstall PR. but dont install mumble separately or individually... just to summarize again and because you are apparently German: konntest du dich mit gar keinem server über mumble verbinden, gingen generell keine PR-Server oder geht nur der VG-Server nicht? wie lange hast du das problem schon?
  2. thats the wrong ip... is the right one.
  3. then try to deactivate your windows and routerfirewall... if you can join mumble you have to open ports in the firewalls. but re-activate both firewalls after this test!
  4. I was the banning admin. with your behavior it was clear that something like this would happen...you shot at the carrier all the time, always very close to me, if I remember correctly you destroyed a chopper with an rpg before and at least wasted another one. when you tked me with the grenade, it was too much. please change your behavior and shift down a gear. Of course it is sometimes boring to wait 5 or 10 minutes for the chopper to respawn but then you shouldn't have let yourself be shot so quickly... you will be unbanned for the next weekend until then take your time and read the server rules. and even if it is not explicitly stated there, please stop wasting assets, trolling or shoot around senselessly.
  5. CPU: 8-Bit-CMOS 4,19 MHz RAM: 8 kB GPU-Ram: 8 kB LCD; 4,7 × 4,3 cm/1,9 × 1,7 Zoll 160 × 144 Pixel; I can't help you because I'm too jealous...;p that's pretty well chosen. So here, too, of course, the note you may find at amd cheaper alternatives or more power at the same price. but of course again depending on what you want to do but amd put intel pretty under pressure right now... but generally a great system. I would take it immediately.
  6. on friday i have a date but saturday, sunday i am at your service. you can take the candles i will have some wine beer.
  7. but before that I should maybe play again for 10 hours...^^
  8. then watch this with your hypnotherapist and he will suicide...;p actually you don't see any hard pictures but I still find it extremely disturbing. [ if your pacemaker batteries are weak, do not watch the vid! ] AFX - Rubber Johnny: i will quote you on that!
  9. or both? that would be awesome! but not just this "yyyuuuu phakkkkinkkk nooooop" also "i will kill you !!!" and "WWWWYYYYY Uu donttt rhe-wife mee ??!?!?!? u are useless !!!!" ...you can make whole tracks out of it ... hardcore-tekkno @ 144 bmp or very slow industrial with suffer background ^^
  10. btw: the cute aliens near the sun are not the problem, i have a lot more to worry about what is happening on the dark side of the moon...
  11. the video is no nonsense! I have made my own recordings that clearly confirm that ufos are out there. good to see in the enlargement:
  12. with the imprint "you get f*cked by =VG=" ... or condoms with bullet holes.
  13. then you can call it "the volod medal of honor" ...^^
  14. cool idea ... so I would buy this ...
  15. I played squad for about 10 hours. but I am very interested in trying it again with a few people,
  16. looks like the server is up again... i can join. if you dont see him in the browser join by ip. for everyone who dont see the server in the browser: deployment-->join internet-->join ip--> thanks for the report.
  17. TEDF restartet the server. its back online now.
  18. jap, the server is not joinable... i will contact the headadmins. thanks for the report.
  19. only in a boxing match and only when an admin is the referee. if you hit the referee than in any case ... ;p
  20. this is actually not a joke ... ^^ it makes perfect sense to have an old unprotected computer in your network. preferably full of garbage. every targeted attacker is so happy to found a way into your system and is busy. and you have a lot of time to watch him and do something about it. until he realizes that he is in a sandbox, you have protected your "important" computers and in the best case you have notified your or his ISP. I did exactly that with ftp servers. there are three ftp servers at work. the ftp server that uses the standard port (21) has 6GB of trailers that you can also get in the web and can be hacked. the other ftp servers have unusual ports. these have never been attacked. the server attached to 21 is constantly being bombarded. wires are always the best solution! I always use cables, especially for audio. no loss of connection, better quality, no perfomanceproblems and above all no additional AD/DA conversion. but most of the people who uses "alexa" and co dont understand that...^^
  21. if the hardware is damaged you are right. but if you only killed your windows the files are still there... but in this case dont try anything by yourself and give your hdd/ssd to somebody who know what is to do...
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