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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. it didnt crash...there are working on the update i think.
  2. if you go to deployment-->create local, you can join this server with another computer in your network. but i have tried it 3 times now and it wont crash...
  3. Great job binary, so if i'm not mistaking, we can do the test on local server ? That would be great. im not sure...i tried it again today and the local server wobt crash anymore... it is about 1:35 or so ... If this happened to me again I would say yes, otherwise it might have been another PR bug. ^^
  4. During testing in the last few days I had the feeling that the server did not crash at all once you have successfully flown over the south edge. So once I was over it, I could fly with all the jets and choppers over the southern edge again at any time and nothing happened. I tested this way: mainly, I flew along the border of the map in all directions with two different choppers or jets, and then in the south ... because the other edges do not crash and the crash itself does not matter if I flew over another one before, I would stop this because it saves a lot of time. and I have more and more the feeling that it is map dependent, but it does not always crash ... there are some maps thats crashes more often, but there is no real pattern. So far, I think all crashs are on STD maps. at least according to the listing... I have tried to crash local server. that was very strange. right at the first attempt (kashan std) there was a south crash. after that I tried it at least 30 times, but did not crash it anymore. there was still one crash when loading map but not a south crash. I still wonder, what is different in the south than in the west, for example? Something must be different there, otherwise it would not happen ^ ^ I also tested two maps on blackhound DEPLOYMENT but there were no crashs. I did not find any STD map there but mostly AAS (and AA INF). it will be hard to test this in deployment. @ head-admins: is it possible to clone the vg coop-server and lock it with a password? so that we can study the crash at vg? ^^otherwise I will banned soon at JTG and with admin commands and possibly even rcon-commands you can try more and you are more efficient. if that's possible, would it be possible to change it to a deployment server for a short period of time? so we can try out if its a coop or pr-wide bug?
  5. I joined pr somewhere feb 2017 and I do not know it without crashing. but that was not nearly as much as it is today. but we also had more maps ...
  6. on the JTG server you can do a map vote... if you are alone on the server you automatically win the vote... so you can switch between two maps and try again and again. that would be really good. if that works, you could also enable mapvote and assign a password ... so others can test it. alternatively you could perhaps only on this server give individual people admin rights so that they can try out.
  7. ok, me again...thats why i wrote that before^^: does the bug really happen only in the south? on which servers? coop and deployment or just coop? do the server configurations differ? what else is the difference? eg 32 / 64bit, teamswitch on / off, anything ... which logs can we see? also over a longer period of time? to see for example which maps before that ran, when the server was restarted, which team was played, which commands were used, are there other game mechanisms that can crash the server? What is different in the south? on code-side, on the map, in the circumstances, ... Sometimes the server crashes immediately at the border of the map and sometimes you can fly further ... why? is it possible to set up a sevrer to provoke crashes and to try things out or is that associated with a lot of work? if so, how easy is it to test all allowed settings? I have the impression that it has become more recently. why is that? what changes were there? why do some servers not crash or rarely and others often or always crash? is it better after a restart? for how long? what makes it vulnerable? if deployment is not crashing, why? what are the differences in map, config, etc ... are the bots to blame? Why? what happens when you turn a map around? is it really not possible to generate the bug locally? is the earth really flat? ^^ what existing information is still available? Where? I would ask more of such questions ... and there are many sub-questions. and probably everyone has many other questions to contribute. please move this into the new thread;)...
  8. since this bug seems to be very hard to identify, maybe it makes sense to moderate the discusion a bit. So it would be nice if we do not let trivia, unconfirmed, contestable have entrance into this search. perhaps a diskusionsthread and one where we carry the knowledge together? I have the feeling that pr here and in the other communities has the problem "old against new" (at vg not in a hard way). The veterans know everything and the newbies have no idea. On the other hand, the newbies thinks then the old gentlemen are caught in their game system and invotaions are categorically rejected ... short story long: I think we have to tackle this down on several levels on a very professional way and should include everything possible. We should try to approach it from the programming side ( if you can. ) as well as from the playful side and from the theoretical side (making/collecting logs). if you can not find it in config files or anywhere else we can try to find it by using logical exclusions. and everyone who plays a lot can do this... even if we do not find it, we may find a way to avoid it or move around it. I think that's really important because it takes 90% of the game fun and population and gets worse and worse. And that reduces the quality of the server very much. but if we discus it exactly as in the thread before, then because of the length many things get lost and in a time no one knows what was on page 2... but both, narrowing down and sharing knowledge are important. I think it would be nice if we could do at least 2 threats. one strictly modierte where no discussion is allowed. You can post logs-fils and listings there. confirmations at best with source, refutations, officials, etc. and a thread in which one can ask questions, discuss and sometimes become offtopic and evaluate. Of course, all other suggestions are also welcome. I'm just scared that we will never find this bug if we continue to do so as we started it. including me. but it is also important to continue to exchange as we did before. does that still make sense? ^^ sorry for highjacking again...you can delete this post. I just wanted to say that before you creating a new thread.
  9. Now I feel with you ^^ I do not take that personally and I do not feel attacked and did not want to attack fastjack personally. but it does not help if we always talk about "possibly", "maybe", "I heard". and since this misinformation paralyzes very much and it is not helpful to speculate in this case but facts have to be researched, it was important for me to put it right. broken, at the end and totally frustrated, I now go kill some bots. let's see ... maybe I'll do it like the birds and fly in the south
  10. sure. every time I say that it is not only vg concerns, someone says that it seems so only a vg problem or it is not clear. and that is really silly now, especially since I called the server on which it is provociable and have given instructions how to prove it quickly. but instead of convincing, it is better to question it. I do not suppose it's personal either, but if you're completely overheard, you'll be LOUD !!!!! ;p but i am chill...^^ you are welcome: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bvnRK_T5y_Ksnehx2OovlchK_bbD9F-r/view?usp=sharing in the first 5 seconds you can see on which server it is. if the server crashed nvidia unfortunately stops recording. but you can still see the "connection problem" and no it was not my connection ... the server is crashed. edit: If anyone has a youtube account he is free to reupload it. Unfortunately, google probably does not get an instant view ... or I'm too stupid for that.
  11. the next one who writes something like this gets a reallife-tk! ;p go to the JTG server. run kashan. fly south ... and your question is answered. I dont lie. it did not happen once, but EVERY TIME! again for all: the flying-south-bug IS A COOP PROBLEM. NOT ONLY VG IS AFFECTED BUT AT LEAST TWO OTHER SERVER !!!!!! then he is lying or he has not tried enough server or JTG has changed something after his statement. Of course it can also be that I hallucinate. since it is now statement against statement: try it yourself. try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself.try it yourself. form your own opinion or we will not get any further here. but theoretically debating whether it is so or not makes no sense ... try and share experience!
  12. thats really not the case. you can go to JTG now, run kashan and try it... I tried it several times and every time the server crashed. and of course I was alone on the server.
  13. I do not want to get involved in this debate, but the error is provable on JTG. practically every time I fly out of the map the server crashes. ssg and prta, on the other hand, seem to be "uncrashable". at SSG I've tried it 10 times and not even the server crashed. with JTG on the other hand always. could it be that this error has something to do with the bot / kit configuration? the nice thing about JTG is that there is mapvoting on and if you're alone on the server you win the voting right away. So if an inf map is loaded just vote for kashan and 5 sec later it loads the map, then you fly to the south, the server crashed, loads new and you make a mapvote on kashan ^^ JTG: Maps: Kashan std Crashable. Bots only on enemy side Kit-restriction you can be SL no teamswitching map voting on ________________________________________________ VG: Maps: Nearly all Crashable. Bots only on enemy side Kit-restriction you can be SL no teamswitching map voting off ________________________________________________ OWLS: Maps: ??? Uncrashable. Bots only on enemy side no kit-restriction you can be SL teamswitching is on map voting off ________________________________________________ SSG: Maps: Shahahahaha Uncrashable. Bots on both sides kit-restriction you can not be SL (in a bot squad) teamswitching is on map voting off ________________________________________________ Blackhound: Maps: Kashan std Uncrashable (now...pretty shure that i crashed Blackhound before) Bots only on enemy side no kit-restriction you can be SL teamswitching is on map voting on ________________________________________________ PRTA: Not empty now. the enumerations above are for me and will be expanded over time. but why should I deny them to others ... Feel free to add other points, maps and ideas to these lists. I just want to narrow down/find this error, but I did not want to be dev. Especially since I have hardly phyton-experiences and I have not otherwise very much concerned with the structure of pr. but often you do not need any great programming skills to find errors. you just have to understand what happens where ... Of course it is understandable that such server / config files are not shared with everyone. but if there is a way to give one or the other such an insight, that would certainly be helpful; p
  14. I have seen that the time until you die when you are in the red marked area, apparently can adjust ... at least I had moments where I died after 9 sec and on other servers/maps only after 15 or 30 sec ... is not the best solution but if you keep this time very short then some players die more because they can not make it out of this zone but maybe you can not fly far enough to crash the server. another thought I had concerns the map size. but probably would not be realized. Often Coop uses only a part of the map. So in deployment or at inf and std, there are often extremely different sizes of the same map. Is it possible to make the maps bigger in the south and to provide them with a larger red area? So so that you can not use more map, but more map is there?
  15. thats not true. but really cool that you do such work. I also have the feeling that it is not map-dependent but that it can theoretically happen anywhere, but some maps are more vulnerable than others. can it have something to do with "air"? if other vehicles do not crash, so that they are bound to the ground that is not present when flying. maybe you should "drive" slowly with a jet from the map and not fly ^ ^ the other thought was: the server crashed with me every time i was dead ... so if you were punished because you flew into the red area. is it possible that it has something to do with it?
  16. This morning at work, I've tried something ... even if that is a bit of a dickmove, I tried to crash empty (!) servers. Unfortunately, I did not find an empty deployment server that had air-assets, otherwise I would have tried it as well. When I create a local game, whether deployment or coop, the server stays alive. but in coop I could crash blackhound and jtg when I flew in the south of the map but doubles PRTA server does not crash! I flew there on operation archer 2 times in the south and only died, the server remained stable. is this map dependent or does prta have a solution to the problem?
  17. but does anyone know why the server just crashed at south? I mean something has to be different than in the north, west or east ... how meticulous was the search for the bug? and what about the other servers? only coop or even deployment? I did not find anything about this bug at realitymod. it may make sense to carry information about this bug together so that we can narrow it down.
  18. all maps. Currently the server ceahed every 2nd or 3rd game, so he automatically restart... At the moment it is really bad. 60-70% of the crahes are due to the south-bug but we also have more crashes when entering a new map, so when it's done loading and you could actually join. then 5min is nothing at all and then you are back in the server selection ... but there are also more chrashes in the middle of the game, without someone flew or was too far in the south. that the server does not come back after a crash has not occurred since a few weeks ... at least not when I was online. Unfortunately, you can not say why the server crashed, unless you are just on the map-view. From now on I will write down the maps that crash when loading but the rest will be hard to find unless you look at all demo files.
  19. technically, this is possible but then everyone must have installed this map. that would mean that we have fewer players and not everyone can join immediately. I think it makes more sense to do that on a second server. I can not remember exactly but after the last update there was quite a problem ... I think the server crashed constantly. this is more for the admins here: maybe we can make a (current) list which maps with which layout is usable and maybe with information like "low-pop-map" and things like this... especially if you play often at night and only 8 players online then you can choose between muttrah and kashan ... except there are eight top players, then you can take any map and hold a flag.
  20. I bough squad 2 months ago and was quite negatively surprised. I do not really like the gameplay, it affects me like pr in negative ... I can not explain it, it all seemed inhibited somehow. I have the feeling that at Pr very long on the small wheels turned until you had a good mix of gameplay and realism. in squad, the extremely real-related feels extremely unreal ... even if it is only a start button press or stay at the track on vehicles. I would still play squad again, because it's still changing a lot and I've never really played squad intensively ... on a i3 +3,8ghz, 1050ti, 16gb not playable. (on this mashine i run pr mostly) on a i7 8700, 1060, 16gb smooth till the last update. now i have to close all other programs to run it smooth.
  21. I just asked because you once said that server os is windows. If there had been problems, I might have been able to help locate the error because we use various server on different windows versions at work... but with TCA I have only a very few experiences and these are years ago so I will not be able to help you there. thanks for the info or answer.
  22. the problem that the server no longer restarts by itself seems relatively new, do you know what it is?
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