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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. this depend on the admin who banned you. and the admins here are not on standby. you will have to be patient ...
  2. I thought you were banned...and why are you on the server right now?
  3. oh yes, we had that already ... ^^ every thread is a potential threat. ;p
  4. happy Birthday VG. I can only quote myself again: thanks and cheers!
  5. Dude, you are over-communicative. you spam the whole game in chat. nobody wants a livestream of your problems or views. I can not tell you why you have been banned but that is not a training server and pr is not battlefield2. if you do not know what the enemy looks like then do not shoot. You rarely see name tags. you do not really know the rules and I am sure you have neither the rules nor the manual read otherwise you would not ask all the time in chat any questions. the chat is not there to chat all the time and not all players have to constantly tell you everything. if you do not know a point or have a question, that's not a problem and most people like to help you, but what you're doing is just annoying. as I said, I do not know why you were banned ... but if it comes to an unban, please stop spamming. if you want to exchange use this forum, ts or discord. not the game. Thank you.
  6. out of: you remember? we had a deal ...; p
  7. too late...its over;) next time just look into event-post.
  8. btw: if I can do it, I'll be there. What about a dog-sqd?
  9. then I have a question too: if a member of the tanksqds disobey, I can kick him from the sqd? because then he is no longer in tanksqd and must give back the tank ...
  10. great movie. and he is right ^^ i love the leone western...
  11. shijia valley is buged. you can not take south city. not even if 16 men are on the flag. In addition, one of the two spawnpoints in the house is bugged and they die immediately when spawning. and on kashan dessert the crates at the repairstaion in the main are not usable. The other one works...
  12. Try Right-click (or press and hold) the volume icon on the taskbar and select Sounds. In the Recording tab, select the microphone. Select Configure. in the last tab there is an exclusive mode for the audio behavior. look if there are both ticks set. in the tabs before you could also check if everything is right. maybe your 3rd-party-software mixer will also have audio settings. something can remain activated even if you uninstalled the software .... so if you have used the manufacturer mixer in windows you should look if you can adjust audio behavior / phone mode there. same here. that sounds like you have totally bent the mixer settings. maybe you should uninstall the sound card correctly (also in the device manager), reboot, ccleaner run over it, reboot and have a clean install. exchange monitors, cables or graphics cards (against each other) ... if the error moves, you can make out so which part has a defect. By the way, 5760 x 1080 is a cool idea ... I never thought about trying another ratio.
  13. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
  14. ^^ what I have tried to say is that 1989 is too late because the cold war was already over. Make the 9 a 0, so 1980 and everything is good ^^ actually, there was no fight. That's why "cold". we only had tensions and there was no official peace agreement but it was "war" only because there was no official repeal. so it's clear that it's fictional. give it a different name or set the date a few years ago, then everything is fine ^^ if not, it is also not a problem. that was just a side note... The main thing is that we have a good war ^^
  15. the cold war ended between 1989 and 1991 ... when exactly cant say because there were no more fighting actions. Actually, this scenario would have to be predated because 89 gorbatschov, kohl and his minons was already working on the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  16. sounds good. Count me in, if I find the time ...
  17. Merry Christmas! thats an order! I hope there is no truce for Christmas here;) and many thanks to VG for the work you put in forum and server.
  18. That's why I prefer to play pr ... the respawn time in reality takes too long for me.
  19. is the problem still acute? do you have possibly turned on the mobile function? do you have an additional mixer for the sound card? often onboard sound cards have their own mixer. if you have set something different there as in the windowsmixer, the two could possibly get confused.
  20. it just happened again. merlin inf was the last map and then muttrah was loaded. before the button came to join the server crashed and it takes longer till the server is up again. 22:24 Zulu. and now im complete alone on vadso ;(
  21. lol, the bavarian police is the nastiest ... against that, the böhmermann video is still a kindergarten. but the tracks of Böhmermann are almost all pretty good. here's another cute "police video" ... in the second minute it starts.
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