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=VG= Stixon

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Stixon

  1. Will probably join you 1 hour later circa with a non essential role, can't wait!
  2. I have SWAT4 as well, I'm down for a game!
  3. Too bad I have to work those days, I'd have definitely partecipate. I hope I'll be free the next time. Hope you guys are good, see you soon! Have a great time, take care!
  4. Please disregard my last statement! Luckily for me I can be online today, I'll join squad 2
  5. Wish I could write it sooner but couldn't, @=VG= Sausag3 I might not be able to join you this saturday so it's better if somebody else picks my role. If I make it in time, I'll be a rifleman/ammo carrier for the guys.
  6. You've got to admit Alienware made original cases! Love that style
  7. I'm in for a change, in the worst possible scenario we can revert back to the actual mod pack we're using! If we all have the space for momentarily store unutilized RHS, shouldn't be a problem to try CUP for a while. Forgot to vote, golden monkey award goes to me today
  8. Would like to play as marksman this weekend. If we're going to lack on medics, I'll have no problem in being one!
  9. I would suggest Option A but with lower CAS latency ram... 3600mhz C16. The Infinity fabric clock speed usually doesn't get much higher the 1800mhz (which is equal to the 1800mhz of your ram) so i would just try to lower latencies. Try looking for Crucial Ballistix ram, with the "C16 signature". They might be a bit more expensive, but a kit 16gbx2 is usually 160-170 euros (i guess around 200 us dollars?). Also don't save money on the power supply and take a good case with a good airflow.
  10. 100% agree with your points! This is kind of the summary of all the several differencies in the DayZ's "bio"product, since there is a vastity of mods ( Epoch, Overpoch, Vanilla and so on ) you can also see which pros and cons of each mod. As previously said, I agree with Fastjact and I'd love to see such project take shape. By being highly subjective and personal preference, you can also not take note of this: PVP isn't that cool, unless we have fair people playing in the server. Unless we have very few "Traders", or even none, PVP could still be fine, since there will be less chance that an advantaged player will camp one of the many spawns (or the airfields like in the DayZ mod) and simply spend the day shooting at fresh spawns and bambis. Regardless to the previous words, a very good way to handle PVP players and/or disruptive behaviour would be to state some rules about engagement and combat mode, as example if a player gets shot at, cannot "Alt + F4" to avoid losing his gear. If you start or get thrown in a combat, you can run away and try to escape from your aggressor(s) and ONLY after putting some distance from the enemy, you can close the game. But the worst thing is closing the game while you're bleeding, that's heavily ugly and not sportsmanship.
  11. Welcome back man! While you were away PR 1.6 finally released and we had some nice events both in PR and Arma 3. Hope we'll see you in the game soon. Unfortunately I can't help in your internet issue, I'm sorry.
  12. I'd like to play again as marksmen - if nobody else wants that role - otherwise i can be ammo rifleman, feels a bit simpler role than the others. All you have to do is yell my name and i'll be there.
  13. Nice one Blizzard, I'll be there! I'd like to be signed for Marksman role in Alpha squad. Time to stock up on cookies! See you on saturday.
  14. Some week ago I was thinking about a scenario, but was nothing defined. I'll try write it at my best. Considered we have a maximum of circa 20 players on the server, two squads composed by seven men each would be the active force while the remaining 6 people could have different roles as undercover soldier/soldiers, medics, marksmen. We are looking for an alleged traffiker of arms and our intel reports 4 possible refuges where we could find him and his best men as form or protection. We might encounter heavy resistance on the road from suspect's affiliates, so we must be careful. Our objective is to find our suspect with real evidence of his traffiking, as we know he collected his latest container of arms ready to make a sale. Alpha and Bravo squad are going to actively research, clear and suppress any resistance with attention in avoiding enemy casualties if the situation is not particularly dangerous, as they might gather precious informations from them. Undercover men must be careful in not to blow their cover, as they will be taken as temporary hostages until the arms sale will be finished. No one knows what's their fate after, so it's important to rescue them. This is my idea of a random game, you guys can twist it and make any changes since i myself have no idea if something like this could be possible with little or zero work on arma 3 configuration.
  15. I've played more Arma 2 because of Day Z mod than the actual game. I'm fine to play it, I've got all the expansions and I have space for mods, what would you like to play? Game modes, mods etc. Let me know, I'll be here.
  16. From the classic meal we usually have: slices of bread, some pecorino cheese and a dried and seasoned sausage. Also Pane e Pizza ( bread and pizza), which is very nice when you have some extra bread leaning in your house but it's a bit too hard to eat it. Some tomato sauce on it, few bits of mozzarella (the fresh one is always the best, but you can buy the dried one and it's still good) and you can add all the toppings you want. Heat it in the oven to melt mozzarella. And for something completely different, Bread! Grab som fresh bread, cut it in slices and store it in the oven at 100°C for just a minute, so that it dries on the outside. Then cut a clove of garlic in half and rub the cutted part against the slice of bread. The more you like garlic, the more you rub it. Add some olive oil on it, even some salt if you like, one more minute in the oven and there you have a very quick and good tasting snack. During summer, it's also nice a good plate of rice salad. You make some rice ( 500 grams is fine, it lasts for two meals or one for two people ) and let it cool to ambient temperature. Just cut and ad add some mozzarella, black olives, corn, fresh tomatoes, one or two cans of tuna and artichokes in oil. That's my favourite meal during summer, especially when I'm at the beach. Hope you like it, cheers!
  17. I should be able to join this time! As =VG= m823us asked, will the squads kit, besides medic and squad leader, be strict rifleman? I am new to Arma 3, so I'd prefer not to take such a big responsibility to be medic for this event. I'd love to try AR kit and/or marksman. Maybe it's too soon for the AT, I'll look for a practice server so I'll gain some experience.
  18. Have you tried Speccy Setup to find the bluetooth card name? If it's integrated with your wifi card, you will for sure find the name with Speccy tool!
  19. In your case I don't know what feedback you could have with your hardware. Yes, Win10 is not a bad OS and it's constantly updated (keep the stable untill there is newer one), but there is a lot of stuff that makes Win7 much better. You've got less privacy and a lot of "apps" that you cannot uninstall, no matter if you don't need or want them. But anyway, I'm forced to use it because of UEFI and i got used to all this stuff... It takes a while to configure the OS ( i also used - maybe SemlerPDX? - guide) but you will make it similar to what was windows7. After that, it is quite enjoyable and rarely crashes or anything else... A good thing is windows defender, i never had trouble with it and it is quite cool but keep an eye on the update timing. If you don't pay attention to it, it will start updating with the worst timing possible. Like traffic when you're in a hurry. Looking at your laptop specs... You should think about a little upgrade on it before win10. It still can do many things, but with only 2gb of ram and presumably a 5400rpm hdd it won't be a happy time using it. Most of the browser now use lot of ram, and windows10 is a bit hungry too. So maybe 2 extra gbs of ram and an ssd + dvd/hdd bay will do a lot for you with win10. It is cheap, i think it mounts DDR3 ram and in that case, internet is plenty of those sticks! You could find in pcs similar to yours, maybe with dead motherboards or broken screen... Consider checking for them, somebody could give you the full laptop and you can take the ram or even the screen and sell it. I hope my statements won't be a total failure, but in case... Sorry IT guys!
  20. Sounds great! I won't miss this event for sure, see you soon. Ciao!
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