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=VG= Stixon

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Stixon

  1. I have committed a rookie mistake, forgot to download the mods yesterday. I have slow connection so I definitely won't have finished downloading these 10gb before the end of the event. Sorry Polish, I got to bail out.
  2. Tank Driver reserve please! Hopefully I won't have to change tracks once i hit a small bush
  3. Team 3 please, those two guys are going to need to be carried... As always.
  4. I might not make it tonight, sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please set my slot as free?
  5. I'll take the last rifleman slot for Deathdealer squad at this round Thank you Polish!
  6. I can play medic in your squad @=VG= The_Polish_Guy!
  7. Is there an extra spot still free? A simple rifleman is enough for me
  8. Is Task Force Radio going to be active? No mic in here. I can play medic in uragan 3 if available!
  9. Sign me up as marksman please, if needed I could also go as AR Thank you!
  10. Yep, that's what happens when you listen to the co-pilot! Good skills and a clean driving overall. That wheel extension tho, makes me think those bearings will start making lots of noise soon... I would make the stand longer and fit the engine closer to the person and shorten that extension. This stage feels like Australian Rally stages on Colin McRae 2.0 game... Never forgot about that, played it so many times!
  11. AR or MG, any squad is fine! Glad Arma is taking off again, thanks for the events @=VG= .Blizzard. @=VG= Sausag3.
  12. I am highly trained to make fireplaces, and to cook on them. Can you give me the last Scout role? I make good roasted meat!
  13. Might as well, since I love them too. I'll limit myself to 4, and I was struggling. 1) Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale: 2) Peugeot 306: 3) Quaife R4 GT1: http://www.dailysportscar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Quaife-R4-GTS-Spa-1999.jpg 4) Ford Transit Connect, great work/hobby vehicle for use and abuse, can go quicker than a Lockheed SR-71 if you're in a hurry:
  14. I'd like to pick AR this time, so that I can finally match with my profile pic!
  15. =VG= Stixon

    PSU help

    Send a private text if you need anything! I'll be happy to help
  16. =VG= Stixon

    PSU help

    You could look on the internet for the max wattage of both cpu and gpu since they're the main power suckers there. You don't need to, 750w should be good enough for those. My suggestion is to pick one of these: - Corsair RM750 X - EVGA SuperNOVA GA or G5 - Enermax Revolution D.F. - Seasonic Focus (or Antec, which uses the same components from seasonic) These are the best psus you could have. All of them are available both 750w and 850w, with the 80 plus gold certification. I'm not saying that you need an 850w psu, but I think it could be better, in case of a future upgrade, to have more room without having to get a new one. Also you'd have lower temperatures inside the power supply and so its fan would spin slower, having a quieter psu.
  17. I'll handle the explosives this time. I'm trusted, right?
  18. You already had me at this: "Come and book free tickets"; Stixon Smith, age 25. I'd like a seat - possibly the closest to window - where I can see plane's engine. I only bring a tiny backpack for myself and that's it. Is it a dry plane or alcohol will be served?
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