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PR COOP Event 11.11.2017


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PASSWORD : "honk"


The server is up and running. For warmup, we shall do some of the best INF maps PR has to offer. Event starts in about 40 minutes.

Please, do not touch the rcon (and children, of course)

If you have any questions or issues with the maps, feel free to poke me, or jump in the tech support channel on TS



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yay! Double post.

Anyways, thank you all who joined, hope you had fun. As expected, the AI is useless when it comes to assaulting the flags and had a total brainfart after the APCs went down. Will be avoiding those scenarios in the future.

If you guys got any ideas for future events, then feel free to send them to me and I'll see if I can implement them. 

Thanks again.

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