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Arma 2 Not working after Steam update

=VG= Renainn

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I was attempting to setup all the mods for the Saturday Arma event, when steam hosed it all.

When I launched Steam it made modifications to Arma 2. No clue what it did, but now the game will not launch, and it will not play the mod jayarma2Lib_new.
Heck the game will not play.
Anyone encounter this?
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Yea, most everyone will need Combined Ops for most current games out there - even Insurgency has Arma 2 items on the SOAR menu...

Someone needs to scream at Steam - they've porked so many gamer's installs. Another reason why I choose to purchase my most favorite/important games in DVD-ROM format.
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Hey ya'.

Combined Ops is still there. After the file-format update thing, all that's happened is ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead have been merged, and are set up through Operation Arrowhead.

When you start ARMA 2: OA, at the main menu click [Expansions], then enable ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead files and whatever other mods you want to use.

That's what I did at least, and from there I've just been using Six Updater to manage all the other stuff that comes along with ARMA modding, and for launching the game. But yeah, once you set the 'Expansions' in Operation Arrowhead, it should run in combined mode automatically because it'll load both contents from ARMA 2 and Operation Arrowhead.
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Riddle try this:

Open Steam as administrator and run Arma 2 once. Close Arma 2.

Run Arma2OA once, close Arma2OA.

Now when you launch through Six-updater it should work without errors... I noticed as well no more Launch as Combined Operations but as Beast said I think they have merged them now so only need to run OA???
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SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ...

[...] I noticed as well no more Launch as Combined Operations but as Beast said I think they have merged them now so only need to run OA???

That's what I read, that's what I did, and for me, that's what works! But wise idea suggesting running each separately first--it might be they need to generate some kind of content file so that Operation Arrowhead knows all what's there. Maybe. I dunno. The exact process I did was run Operation Arrowhead once, close it when I realized ARMA 2 wasn't there, ran it again and set up ARMA 2 through the Expansions menu, restarted the game, and now I've got all the mods I selected through the Expansions menu enabled when the game starts.
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