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Control setup help requested


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First let me start by saying what I have connected to my system and then I will explain what I need help with.

I have a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick, Logitech G15 keyboard, Logitech G27 wheel, Logitech G500 gaming mouse and a Logitech G930 wireless headset all attached to a custom built gaming pc with triple screen setup.

What I want to do is use the pedals from the wheel for rudders, the joystick for the joystick, the wheel for throttle, the buttons on the headset to radio channels, and be able to map all of the available buttons to different functions. The issue I am running into is I can't seem to find a way to do much of any of those things as the list of commands seems a bit cryptic at best, and when I attempt to map commands to my shifter buttons, the choice doesn't stick.

The game does see the button press, and tells me what the button is that I pressed, but it won't map it. There also appears to be a lack of response at times for the buttons that are setup by default. For instance, I try to trim the aircraft roll and some times the button combination has an effect and some times it doesn't appear to have any.

I will tell you that the joystick wanders at times so that might be part of the issue, but not real sure.

One other thing I need to figure out is how to move my view back away from the hud as that is all I see when I fly. It is like I am sitting with my nose about 2 feet away from the hud instead of back in the seat as it should be.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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hmmmmm.. i'll haveto apologise as i dont spend much time at all playing BMS 4 though now i wish i did so i could help you out lol. i did a little searching and discovered something called DX buttons... might help?


sorry i couldn't help you much more than this dude
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Ok, figured out what I was missing. I have to choose the control on the main controller page that will control elevators and ailerons and then click advanced to choose what controller is used for other axis settings. I am now able to use pedals to control rudder and set the wheel itself as the throttle.

I have even assigned buttons to specific things, but will have to start over to be sure I assign buttons that make sense hehe. The thing I didn't realize is that the list that you click on to change assignments doesn't actually change what it shows unless I choose something specific on the keyboard. If I assign a button for instance, it will work, but the list doesn't reflect the change.
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Well, after messing around a bit with this, I have determined that I am not quite ready for prime time as far as my flying skill is. I have decided to mess around in MS Flight to get up to speed on my flying before I spend any more time with combat.

I am thinking that I need to have a decent grounding in aircraft control before I worry about combat :)
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