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Everything posted by aarongooding

  1. Robot can Plank with the best of them!
  2. Shud I be paying 50$ for this? http://www.speedtest.net/result/3077352345.png :(
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j7z3nQJj-0 dontchuworryboutathang
  4. The Swamp Master.....not yoda... Derek Trucks Layin Down the Funk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9tE-3AI1pI
  5. member last opfor weekend wen we were Chinese and swam to the us carrier
  6. Try Pinnacle Game Profiler......i want to do the same thing with my pedals that go with my wheel.
  7. was on cia deployment ....the heli pilots are like their own arty strike.....they come down from a million miles up on muttrah onto the castle fortress and just annihilate everything.......new rule..If one can hear an attack chopper, It Is TOO LATE!
  8. Its worth going bankruot over.........For God Sakes MAN........ITS GOT FLIP UP HEAD LAMPS!!!!!
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