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VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv2
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Everything posted by =VG= GRNANDGLD

  1. Welcome to the site Moist..Glad ya made it bro!!! And who dont love a good nanner
  2. Welcome to VG...glad to have ya and thanks for checking out our server..See ya out there AB
  3. HEY!! WELCOME GENTS @Snowchtand @SirenPeeps Glad you enjoy the servers as much as we DO!!! See you out THERE!!!!
  4. Shout out to @eraser!! Thanks for gearing up with us..Hope you like the PR server and WELCOME!!
  5. Welcome To @spiderwand @Revox same ya both on the PR server. Glad ya finally found our secret hideout..Thanks for posting up!! See ya on the battlefield.....
  6. Love all the changes to date... My only suggestion would be to increase the range and accuracy of the sniper... It would be nice to see player reaction when the sniper had the accuracy and fire/fear, that the grenadier used to have on the players. Players actually use cover when they think a grenadier has a bead on their position..They scatter like roaches when the lights come on, after the first silent round dropped in the AO. Im not saying that they all need to be Chris Kyle, but the game changes for the better when the grenades started to fly. Your tactics have to change instantly or the squad isnt gonna make it out of that building in one piece. Those split second decisions....and the overall battle field perspective, changes for the better, when players respect that accuracy and lethality that the grenadier brings to the game . IMO the sniper is the perfect solution for the OP ness of the grenadier or AT that repeat fire and never miss. Just my thoughts...I maybe biased Well Done MAN!! and THANK YOU and the DEV team for your time and effort!!!!!!!
  7. Welcome Spider!! Nice to meet you. Thanks for joining the ranks and we will see you in game!!!!
  8. Well here it is 6 years now my brother!! Cant believe it...Shew...goes so fast!!! I always LOVE coming back here to listen to your voice "old" friend! I get so tickled hearing that laugh. Lil sad too, but I get it. PR has continued to surge as always..So many maps and layers now..I need a faking print out like the ARMA3 keybinds for shit sake. Still love it ..even though Ive been struggling with my connection as of late. I wont CAS, and rarely SL anymore because of the randomness of the drops, but I fill in where I can, when I can..lol. The VG family continues to grow with members and admins. You can't fart in that server without getting the HAMMER You never know where its coming from..Discord has been key, (its kinda taken the place of that archaic, 2 tin cups and some string thing that's called TeamSpeak). As always, Throbby is making a MIX tape, and is threating to turn the minaret into a scene from "Up in Smoke" . Surprisingly ....M8's bringing the hookers? We will see how that turns out... LMAO!! Anyway, MY BROTHER,, Cant wait for the event coming up!!! I will see ya at the mosque with some Green and Gold!!! Miss ya man!!! Shout out to Hater!! Your the reason that I got a chance meet and hang out with Scott. You also introduced me to the VG clan as something worthy of being a part of! For that Bro...I OWE YOU. Thanks Man!! Here is to 6 more
  9. my trip was delayed....If we are not doing ACE...Id like Alpha medic
  10. Welcome Kedi.. Your in luck mate PR is both!!!!!!!!!!! See you out there!! Thanks for stopping in
  11. Im crashing alot so put me someplace non critical please...Id like OPFOR but its limited and dont wanna take up a spot if Im gonna mess it up.
  12. AWW shit...the Oman from BFp4f...See you on the hotel KAV!!!
  13. Delta medic if we are not running ACE please..Im gonna try to skip work!!!
  14. Welcome Steel...We HEAR ya...Leemah Charlie.. Thanks for joining US!!!... CU on the battlefield
  15. Reserve rifleman...I might have to work, but make it by 3pm EST
  16. ill do medic if we arent running ace otherwise...spotter Thank You sir...holy fak
  17. Welcome to our little slice of heaven Shadow...Check us out on Discord and TeamSpeak.. We also have Arma3 servers for your gaming pleasures...Enjoy!!!
  18. Incredibly its been its been 5 faking years man...WOW.. We have alot of new faces round here and the heart of our beloved VG beats on stronger than ever. Nabil is our newest member..you might remember him..Im sure hell be blazin with us at the mosque..The updates keep rolling out for PR, new maps that (as usual) crash..LMFAO..Some things never change my friend...You may have shed a tear for our 2nd favorite map Jabal being removed!!!..I did lol..I will be hosting the event within your event as usual...M8 is selling the VIP passes again!! Now... if we can just get him to keep his shirt on ...maybe we wont get kicked out this year.. Blunts and brews at the mosque tower ...Smoke up Johnny.. Throbbing Gristle is handling the hookers this year, (as Binary dropped with ball last year with the ballon guy)...hold onto your taint!!! Shes a buckin!!! See ya at the event..I cant wait!!! YOUR TRULY MISSED MY FRIEND... PS: Fist bump =VG=Skiddles for US!!
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