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VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= STRONTIUM-DOG

  1. I have been under the sea for months,,,, lol wow its fixed joy thanks for keeping my favorite game patched up. : ) whoever solved it : ) bad players always exploited the bug to crash the game.
  2. Nice ride but can't see a snorkel on it ? - NetherlandsRoyal Netherlands Army - 365 and no snorkel ?? i still want one Crew compartment is protected against anti-personnel mines nice one up on the brits and it's not pink hahahah but the golf caddy has a snorkel and love the green text : ) im adopting it : ) Thanks for the eye man candy it was a good read
  3. Hoo i just want to add can we bring back taking prisoners, the hand cuffs are my favorite weapon. hahahaha
  4. Duke is a good role model : ) hahahah
  5. Solid copy, COOP is a good team game,, more complexity means more players on the sever, so extra maps in any format will help. But your right.... the amount of work getting the trucks to work for bots and humans, is a big ask.. there will be more problems to fix as well.
  6. I Play only coop as, after 20 years of fighting the humans i have seen how just one good player can wipe out a whole teem, just camp up in a good spot and that will turn the game in your favor. I like to think i'm a good sportsman, but the PvP is just to open to abuse. And to win you need to crawl holding your breath, and if you fart boooom the sniper gets ya... For me PvP is to messy or too boring as you need to be on point 100% and hiding in a cellar, not much fun. And Robots don't cheat lol, so unless there is a better BOT admin keeping track of all the players all the time. PvP will just be like grand theft auto. a free for all riot lol If you vote in mixed PvP COOP i will still play, i just wont walk in the road, shoot more than 3 rounds before changing position, look out of any windows, or talk on local. and you probably wont see me or my 3 man SQ until the end . LOL I prefer a Juke Nukem round
  7. Hay mate been a long time, hope ya still on the PR maps, i got a shit interweb connection, as i'm wintering  in the tropics, : ) living like a beach bum hahah eating strange stuff, and being eaten by strange stuff,, haha 

    Back as soon as the sun comes out in old blight'y  

    life is a beach, and then you dive..... 

    1. =VG= Sausag3

      =VG= Sausag3

      Hey man, after the change of my job I've been pretty busy lately. along with the fact a couple of months ago my computer died and this month only managed to build myself another computer. its bigger and better than before. I hope to see you around at some point, popped in PR yesterday and seems like most of the crew has vanished. either way. now that I've got a beefier computer I can start playing on Arma or Squad. so get your self on them big boi games and share some banter!

  8. Hay mate been a long time, hope ya still on the PR maps, i got a shit interweb connection, as i'm wintering  in the tropics, : ) living like a beach bum hahah eating strange stuff, and being eaten by strange stuff,, haha 

    Back as soon as the sun comes out in old blight'y  

    life is a beach, and then you dive..... 

  9. For me its the good old boys, like 45days Ranger Crazy vet. Death dealer more thickets more fun : ) we all play for hours anyhow, short maps have to little foreplay : )
  10. Nice thing, get 2 and ya got a washing line i'm sure people will buy it. good for keeping food out of reach from ants. hanging lights from, do a USA flag version and your rich : ) hooo and if you can play PR you can play CAD software, u do't get banned on CAD : } If you want some company to make them they will ask for CAD flies even if its a paper cup. I'm a big kick starter fan : ) : ) : ) go get some wing nut $$$$$ and see what you can do. 4 backers $85 pledged see people will buy it nice one : ) : ) This place has 10000s of small business's that will make you a UFO and cheap : ) China number one : ) https://www.alibaba.com/ Hit the government non taxable income ceiling before doing any paper work and tax : ) He who dares wins ............ good luck
  11. Dam right Jarsons range safety protocols are for a reason, i had the same experience in the USA, drinking machinery bad mix : ) But i'm in debt to the molon labe dudes for my freedom.
  12. Hes American,,,,, its in the blood, its how would one say ???? cultural : )
  13. Yer hes looking at me saying ......let me go or i will report you to the admins..... hahhha Vold always quoting the rule book, if hes not swearing. hahaah anything that comes within 100 meters of me gets eaten or impregnated unless it smokes lol so no little haterone actual hybrids : ( hahah or big Volods hope your bagging some big game there
  14. ZZANG your the only Guy i would let marry my sister : ) hahahh Get a Walther PPK for the underpants : ) and i will pay for the cake : )
  15. Volod dont need to pay for fights like us motels... he gets about see him allover the place : ) i almost ate him by mistake lol never eat a bat that smokes he was on the Larry King show once, not published : ) You hunting in the woods,,, any bear ??? i'm a big catch and cook fan : ) trapping hunting fishing livin my boat Tarzans cat i ate all the monkeys hahah
  16. Nice woods, i have been beached for so long,,, i have to get my salty ass up in to the hills some time, there's GOLD in them there hills... and wild food that's not covered in slime. You look like you were born there, nice trip UG UG : )
  17. MY survivalist kit water filter {dont work to well for piss} lol zippo flint rods and some magnesium, water makes magnesium burn more : ) brakes the bonds so you get 02 and hydrogen gas....niceee Flash light PLB beacon costs shit loads but worth a free ride in a helicopter Don't need a knife as you just wast time making stupid stuff hahaha I go as close to abroganl as i can And spoon cos i'm British so no guns ammo or hot dogs lolzzz The Spoon is mightier than the sward : )
  18. good to see ya all on the post vet was a good man, wish i had time to play. will be on as soon as i get near a connection. light em if ya got em
  19. Hay Vince im back on land for a bit, just in time to help out with your home made fireworks hobby . if god has banned them up there look down at the spratly islands. 4th of july... thanks for being a good point man and wing man. never forgotten.............
  20. Taffy BOB the lads like you and your still here, you must be ok, hay i'm off again hahah i will see ya when i return. 

    until then i will leave you with a short play, depicting, administrative form and conduct, Double 13 is Queeney Death Dealer nursey, keep the place alive for me, it's a ball : )    


    1. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      were yer off to  .. time Traveler.. stay , safe & dont get wet

    2. =VG= kiwirambob


      dry for a week or so back asap with fish :)

  21. Have many good times buddy, it's been a good gaming session with ya, heaps of fun. Travelling the world, well the world is not enough hahah, enjoy the wander lust. I to will be off soon for months or years, but like me you will be back, brother xx. Get a beacon and register, with the cost guard its better than insurance. one with a meter long arial is the size of a mobile phone. when you wake up in the middle of the sea just punch in the code, and it will beam up to the satellites, then then the Good old USA will call up the nearest official to you, and hold them accountable for your comfort. Using complex trade agreements. 500 bucks a bargen works in the jungle as well as deserts. And if you need one a free chopper hahaha Emergency Beacons | NOAA SARSAT | Cospas-Sarsat | Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking: SARSAT SARSAT overview graphic Is your emergency beacon registered? To enhance protection of life and property, it is mandatory that emergency beacons be registered with NOAA before installation and that information be kept up to date. Click here for easy online beacon registration. U.S. Beacon Registration Database System
  22. Yer used to be now its soylent green
  23. Still Waiting for the Boss to command me, just a few days left. looks like a years worth of toil, and jelly fish bites hahah, Joy : )
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