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VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= STRONTIUM-DOG

  1. Greetings from the sea, C N J fellow globe trotter : ) and my cyber bot node calculators im back on land in a week or two, joy a PC, good queen sized bed, with fresh white bed sheets, that is firmly rooted to the earth, and absolutely no chance of death butterfly's that wont bite or sting you, and food you don't need to fight with to eat its been four months or so, and yes i have missed you all, work was easy here, in 7000 islands, shallow clean water, good equipment mostly Nitrox gas to breath lots of extra oxygen. good pay, and all the fish you can eat i even took a whole 2 months off to hang out, eat like a pig, and service a long line of hot women from around the world double plus good cant wait to boot up the old beast PC, fiber optic line gets turned on 5th of May. and i haven't been burglarized as i purged my area before i left hahahahahah nice and all good : ) Here are a few photos of my time away, it will be good to be ruining about with more men, making loud noises, and braking things, that cost a lot on land, cant wait : ) hope you all have been doing well. Joy peace prosperity : ) STRONTIUM_DOG
  2. Hay Fat Albert " Albert is a word used by the aristocracy in the UK instead of DI +++K or Co++++k" haha so its not your A++ss then lol I'm going to work at sea for a while, 2 months so quit ya crying hahah at least you will have a T1 fiber optic line close by,,,, ya gotta skip rest for play sometimes : ) if i can patch in to one of the chinese lines, i will be able to play : ) if not i'm down to satellite emails 56 k up 12k down lol this page might take a while to download. As soon as im back, im booking time to play with ya Albert. If Captain Corso,, turns up on the server again, ask nim not to lunch anything at the, Spratly islands for 60 days, and i will post my beacon number for a lift if we bump into some rocks : ) Smoke me a kipper i'll be back for breakfast : )
  3. Earth to the creator, all is well at 8 bells, just doing some admin work, for my pals here in London. i will be back on duty ASAP : ) miss ya all xx 

    cas yep still alive.jpg

    1. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Got your email ... your perfect ... have fun .. be careful .. think twice , act once ..Big hugs



      BLUSH blush, bats eyelids haha think three times act once triplicate, haha   

    3. =VG= kiwirambob

      =VG= kiwirambob

      Cheers STRONTIUM_DOG .. Don't get wet


  4. Help Help ho omnipotent node master,,,, i  think a few of us have some IRQ problems. see post  xx


    with 1.4.19 when I start the game the screen goes black like its starting then closes and i get the error:

    "1103: There was an error linking to the game process. Please try again"

    with 1.4.18 I had the keyerror error when trying to open launcher if that helps give context.


    PS i'm guessing your a EX NSA IT spy  hahaha or Baker  ??? love is a 2 way street, chase me chase me. 

  5. 1103: There was an error linking to the game process. CRASH CRASH CRASH Mayday we're goin down, brace brace brace !!!!!! I suspect the old IRQ conflict BUG, still no patch for this one, as yet, first one to find a fix gets free blueberry donuts : ) ) and a weekend in Moldova : ) )
  6. 1.4.18 Update game crash for the 3rd world Eak eak. 40 Key error XP users might need this as well if you get 40 Key error like me. 40:Keyerror after installing 1.4.18 Update After update: Getting Critical Error immediately when starting game saying: 40:Keyerror (Using WinXP still) Cannot play anymore Please help... https://files.realitymod.com/updates/prbf2_1.4.18.0_to_1.4.19.0_client_patch.prpatch just open link and bingo your dun : ~)
  7. XP users might need this as well is you get 40 Key error like me. 40:Keyerror after installing 1.4.18 Update After update: Getting Critical Error immediately when starting game saying: 40:Keyerror (Using WinXP still) Cannot play anymore Please help... https://files.realitymod.com/updates/prbf2_1.4.18.0_to_1.4.19.0_client_patch.prpatch just open link and bingo your dun : ~)
  8. SHOWING SOOON VAPE NATION TOP GUN 2 STARING Squirrel and Dog hahahaahah
  9. What a night out, like ya wingman, you going fishing hahah 


  10. Hay cool just also be sure your selecting the 86x version not the 64x thing , as net framework will go bonk. The constant battle with a PC, is a unique and personal crusade, may the force be with you.
  11. Yer its the C++ mumble crash, lots of tech wizard lingo on the post, and i like it but, please remember ,you need to have been exposed to computers in the womb, to chat python xp root folder options. Blizzard. just follow the steps shown at the top of the post by, =VG= Blazer and all will solved : ) I had exactly the same mumble crash/ mumble off and game working symptoms. simplified version 1 open link https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=48145 2 click the download button 3 select vc_redist.x86.exe 4 run it and your good to go : ) ) love the CHEM gear, i'm waiting for gean mods Custom Cloning Services - High Quality DNA Engineering‎ Adwww.oxfordgenetics.com/custom/cloning‎ love VG xx
  12. Nice job : ) much better than a kid on youtube : ) at laast were saved, A++ I give you narwhal horn as a gift : ) good for hunt Python lolzz
  13. keep fighting bud, i got ya a magnet to play with take off your belt and fillings, before ya turn it on trust me i know :. . .; light one for me i will give double 13 a blow back and see if he can still play hahah
  14. Hovering Insurgents nnaaaaa they are break dancing mixed with porn, using a famous US director, Quentin Tarantino GAGAGAG
  15. I lifted my keyboard off my lap 3 times, just now. And each time, I lifted up in the air, my screen flashed white and made some sort of event sound. ITS a BEEP warning,,,,,, BEEEEEEP right Im sure your keyboard cable is worn out and shorting, they break just at the grommet holding the cable at the keyboard, ya gotta crack it open and fix it or get a new one, 100% sure : ) just wiggle it for lots BEEPS hahahah. Been making my own PCs before the interweb : ) FIX IT, it takes and hour, but makes you stronger : ) Mumble starts and stops working on each update, if it worked before just wait and it will work again, next time you play : ) if you have been tinkering in the config reset defaults : ) mumble is fully AUTO : ) just jams a lot,hahah hope it helps
  16. Old school BF2 maps, cool nothing like corned beef and chewing tobacco, history lessons will help as well , : ) Thanks for the sand pit : ) and hot lead : ) VG rocks
  17. First ask a yank if he can catch, then tell him it's better to tosss  hahahh you got DOC MOON GOOD hahah well dun, : ) 



    1. =VG= Sausag3
    2. =VG= Sausag3

      =VG= Sausag3

      Thats gonna be the quote of 2K17 VG and ill put it on my signature XD Good Lad

  18. DONT YOU DIE ON MEEEE OK !!!!!! : ) xx my dads just killed 2 brian tumers, and my sister had one on her leg, she's ok now as well, i'm sure you will be. : ) im sending you healing vibes like a ray gun. Cancer hates alkaline water and food, eat green shit all the time drink alkaline water. dont listen to Doc qwk telling you you blood will just buffer it , it will buffer it, before it can, the sight ph change will help you, fight it. kill it mann in your mind body, focus on winning and remember its cant be worse than the hut we were stuck in, on our two man squad. your fun to be with Vet, if you try to leave us i will come up the heaven, with carkid " the cherub angel with a big dic@@@K and a hand grenade" and drag you back down here. IF you can get it ask for proton therapy, is kinder and space age shit, as the beam is only a proton wide. more accurate, Compared with standard radiation treatment, proton therapy has several benefits: It may deliver up to 60% less radiation to healthy tissue around the tumor, lowering the risk of damage to these tissues. However, more research is needed on these potential benefits to know for sure. Talk with your doctor about the benefits of proton therapy compared with other advanced external beam radiation therapy methods. These may include image-guided 3-dimensional conformal radiation therapy and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). http://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/how-cancer-treated/radiation-therapy/proton-therapy ITs the doctors that want to kill us alll, mannn,,,,, don't trust them, use them as a tool : ) patch up that ass and get right back ASAP : ) LOVE YOU xx were all waiting for you xx i give you food from my jungle larder don't cook it ok hahah it's bad octo form. hahah
  19. HI All : )  tougher rules on the PR maps plz  : )  I have seen too many hunter killer wackos, from non CO OP  servers ,+ troll punks pissig in the kids sand pit LOLZ forgive the language . maybe a MPS  squad as well as tranz, apc. Hater One Actual  can  flip it on and off , he's firm but fair. loves the team work as well . 

    Thanks for all the hard work . JOY :)


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