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VG Clan Members 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= STRONTIUM-DOG

  1. Yeeeerrrr mannn i have been into this for a while theirs lots of people filming this stuff, with computer enhanced hi tech DIY home rigs http://hgn53k.blogspot.com/2008_10_11_archive.html Share Our Stories! - Click Here Space Ships Parked In Orbit Around Earth - Photos And Video By Jeff Rense 5-17-2019 Extraordinary British researcher John Lenard Walson has spent the better part of 2 decades observing space and objects in earth orbit. John has been a guest on the program many, many times in years past. His work has caused him to be severely harassed and even large Chinook helicopters taking flash photos of him and his home have been sent to intimidate him...flying just a couple hundred feet over his head. Here are just some of the large machines parked in earth orbit he has photographed with his telescope on many a cold, dark night in the English countryside. The more you look at these space craft, the more detail begins to become discernible. Keep in mind that in space, no sleek aerodynamics are necessary, so these craft might look 'different than many might expect. The late Bill Tompkins was very impressed with these photos and told me they were entirely legitimate. Ever wonder where all this missing trillons of dollars have gone over the years? Here's at least one answer...the deep black above top secret US space program.
  2. 1 Dog Tags 2 VG calendar with chick's NOT players lol 3 Para cord bracelets 4 T shirts 5 Baseball caps 6 Coffey mugs with personalized photo and stats 7 10 kick player tokens ..........Ban player if missuses tokens............. keep the 10 bucks : ) 8 VG Tested mics and head sets 9 Condoms i'm Catholic 10 kids,,,, so i never humped a plastic bag,,,,,,,, but all my palls carry them about FUN purchase/gift 10 Volod's cussing,, phone ring tone : ) hahaha an eastern European voice, is the best for cussing, Volods downloadable hahah 10+ hater 1 actual ring tone, hes mint and authentic, he can make a good Squad out of 6 goof balls and a wing nut, better Sargent than R. Lee Ermey Voice commands a gift ...........
  3. OMG a trip to the tooth puller,, double check that wako before he makes up a bill hahahha..... ok 550 Paracord bracelets will go down well, i would use one and get another and another. In the UK TAX is only charged if you make more than 7k PA if anyone is a USA tax expert chip in, we can play the game well : ) all legit : ) hoo and if people donate 10 or 20 bucks and get a free bracelet then were not selling anything : ) USA Tax and Law is out of my range so i'm calling on all USA VGs to help out keeping the bills down to - 0 - Crusty stock is a accountant lets all beg him for a bit of help to : ) hes a nice guy : ) I cant find him on VG so please send him this in game when ya see him : ) message to crusty ............ Hay mate long time no frag : ) fancy a job ? Pay = 0 Hours = part time Office = kitchen + phone Job description =VG= merchandising accountant / tax consultant : ) Application =VG= SemlerPDX Yours =VG= STRONTIUM-DOG
  4. Yep super cheap and small orders welcome most people use Alibaba.com 10000s of manufacturers willing and abel : ) i'm going with the DOG tags .... flash up a message in game as soon as any player hits 10 kills, offering them VG dog tags 10$ + added shipping 10$ 20$ all in, with there name, use a metal name stamper on blank tags. easy to do 10$ a wack : ) It will help recruit new members and reach more people, i did the math on 400 members and the pickings look slim. We could start with one item see if it helps out with costs.
  5. Good thinking, i was wondering why VG struggles to make the payments each month, 1000s of people visit us each month ? maybe it will help out with the running costs. Maybe start with Baseball caps, then work up to condoms T Tops, mouse pads, merkins, eye drops, and tweezers, hahah Seriously tho it's worth a try. My list of stuff people will pay for. Stickers with name and or clan tag. Mugs with player stats /and epic photo moments Bottle openers Lighters Medals / badges Baseball caps Mouse pads Photo ID lol Vape liquid, the whole world seems to be smoking vegetable oil ? 10$ for 5 litres or 10$ for 5 mill proof of the power of marketing ............... one size fits all stuff, 300 bucks a month seems doable
  6. Yep that's the job of the SL so i have to agree that it's the SLs job to control the minds of the SQ, tricks are better than kicks. logic and reason seem to be more effective in the long run, than a kick up the ass. And honour amongst chaos keeps stains of your pants : ) I will try not to execute my own men as it seems like its a gray complex undetermined issue. Are You Able To Embrace Chaos? | Psychology Today
  7. IT's, sir yes sir ! or there shot for insubordination is that allowed by the way ???? : ) it's just i have to lock the SQ when Mr gonzo rejoins after being kicked and it takes time and some GUI in the heat of battle, then my SQ is locked denying access to new players, unless i'm messaged. Mostly due to some leaderships skills and patience, all my cats are in a line but there is always one , rouge SQ killer maybe that's unavoidable ? i would still like to know if executing them is allowed. ? Q1 Do SQ leaders have the right to shoot their own troops for insubordination. Q2 Will the SQ face a lengthy ban inquiry after the incident.
  8. : ( Here is a replacement, anime thanks for starting the thread It solved my WIN 10 BT probs, Thanks to all the contributors ya saved me a few hours of life force. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-may-2019-update-blocked-by-old-bluetooth-drivers/ Personally i ME ME ME prefer spear fishing for sharks : ) ) it's really intense : )) and a good source of protein. Kenshiro is ok to wind down with : ) before breakfast : )
  9. PC shop hahahahah i fix all my own Sh$*&T........... always, if you use it ya better know how it works. Dann right change all the ports that apps use, to funky new ones or your open, wide open, and being part of a bot net will slow you down to the same speed as a 80s zx spectrum 48k rubber key calculator. The New GUI is rubbish there just merging all phones tablets and pcs in to one kiddo friendly toy, the trouble is, no matter how simple you make things the universe keeps making more idiots to keep the balance. Soon were all going to end up using a version of x box,,,, Nasa, banks, NSA, CIA, MI5/6 and us gamer's lol ATX cases, overclocking and just making your own stuff from bits will be history. HOOO Thanks mate so the RT wireless/Bluetooth Chip, is being humped, by Bill Gates don't think the IEEE will be happy about that at all lol "Replacing old board, with a intel/broadcom or other quite easily to circumvent this issue". Nice the next dead lap top i see i will cannibalize : ) Thanks for the link : ) : ) FED EX are on the way : ) with a coconut and seashell bikini hope it fits : )
  10. OK its fixed i just used a cable for my sound system hahahha Slowly over time i will get the bugger working 100% so far it all works well and my old dell is performing better than ever with win 10, soon bluetooth wil be replaced with wifi anyway, for now i will just suck it up and use good old wire. I'm still going to run through all the divers as you suggested Binary, it might take a while but its the best option. Thanks for the input : )
  11. OK thats sounds like a plan so far all Dells divers have been dumped on install by win 10 but i will do the whole lot Dell intel and my card manufacturers maybe one will stick : ) DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card Fixing up an old MFP interceptor would be easier hahahh
  12. Switched off in the bios nice one i will go in and see what i can do, so far as i can gather, the network adaptor and bluetooth adaptor are on the same chip/card drivers no longer work with win 10 as Bill Gates has taken control over them, and win 10 now only uses Bills divers, that don't work lol. Some poor jo just like me has fixed this, and i will just have to hunt him down : ) even if i have to learn Hindi to read his post. : ) My old Dell Laptop is still pristine, i have to keep it until its covered in duct tape and the epoxi starts burning : ) Trying to fix this is turning me into the lord humungus. L O L
  13. Hay thanks mate the device manager won't show my BT adapter it's like a ghost in the shell, i know its there but cant see the bugger... Keep on going and you can have any apart, from the one on the right with the thigh gap she's a month keeper : )
  14. Yer thanks Binary : ) i tried that, the install of the diver looked good but then ....zippo nada zilch it just jumped in to a worm hole , in to hyperspace. ? I miss ya all toooo. Skipping around in paradise, with hot nu bar goddesses giggling at anything you say, eating mango's and shark fin soup for breakfast, is still less enjoyable then sitting in a trench with Hater 1 whilst, he chews the balls of a goofball. hahahah soon i will be 150 K away from China so fingers crossed, maybe i will get a fibre line to HK If not i will start a GO FUND ME campaign : ) titled "HELP ME I'M DYING to play PR". If anyone has a dell inspiration lap top and can get the FU£$+%$ing Blue tooth adaptor to hand shake win 10 , or if anyone is an omnipotent IT guru "not Xenalite" and can help me with my OCD, it has to all work perfectly disorder, i will FED EX you a sea shell bikini "used" and 1 coconut, if you can come up with a fix.
  15. From a software professional: always take latest stable and always update your system. If my PC wont boot,,,, do i need to turn it on ?
  16. I just updated to win 10 as it was free : ) now my PC and lap top act like a cell phone hahahahahah programs are now APPS and the GUI looks like a cheap phone ? but if you don't update you will end up in whats technicality called windows jail, where you are locked away from all the stuff you need, as all cash registers and most infrastructure in the world still use win XP there are hidden updates to unlock the apps you now need to use. But i gave up LOL The only problem i have now is my Bluetooth device will not show up and cant be updated : ( Running updates with MS wont work and i am still looking at VIDs on you tube trying to work out WTF to do BOLL£$%*X has anyone got a fix ??? Ho by the way Inch you can opt in to keep all your files and stuff the OS will just change and its still free to update : ) https://www.evil.news/2016-04-14-all-vaccine-research-eventually-leads-to-bill-gates-and-nazi-eugenics-vaccines-used-as-vector-for-depopulation-experiments.html
  17. You to Island boy : ) i will be fine the kraken don't eat smokers,,, sooooo fussy lol see ya on the maps.
  18. Welcome home Fly boy : ) i'm still doing my island thing so see ya before next year i hope : ) Light one for me : ) Good luck with the new players : )
  19. yer cats carry a microscopic parasite that infects human brains and makes them desensitised to danger. A microscopic parasite that breeds in cats has been found to make chimpanzees less fearful of predators in what scientists believe is further evidence that the microbe can also affect human behaviour when it infects people. I'm trying to get some in a can : )
  20. Yaaaaaee another PR nut i cant play anything but PR lolz its old cranky and will die any day now, but mod games are better as the corporate shit gets cut out, welcome to VG, you sound like the perfect Admin enjoy the family : ) I think you're to greasy hahaha im gonna watch you ..................................................................
  21. Naa cant kuff a vampire, anyway his wrists are to thick for kuffs hahhahaah. chains may be ok, funny enough i still like the bastard, he has a charm i can't describe.. and i never seen him qwit, just get madder hahaha...
  22. Uninstall it, reinstall it, follow the instructions to the letter, make sure you have the right driver settings ect Good luck it's part of the battle side note windows XP won't run PR now i had to get a new OS last year : ( yer i'm a tight fisted bastard. lol 10$ Try again : )
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