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=VG= Nyther

VG Clan Member
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About =VG= Nyther

  • Birthday 01/08/1998

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  • Interests
    Music, Games and Coding
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=VG= Nyther's Achievements

Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major (8/18)



  1. I always love reading your guys messages, I almost cry everytime. I appreciate a lot the dedication and affection you guys have for him and I'm sure he would appreciate it too. I also miss him a lot and for me PR hasn't been the same ever since he's gone. Can't believe it's been 6 years now, can still hear his laugh when I read all of this... I loved his accent.
  2. Take me out of the list to make room to someone else I was already stretching the possibility of me making into the event, I dont want to be a burden as well. Once I learn more about ACE I will join future events
  3. Be wary of him, they say he doesnt actually munch melons...
  4. It feels like you've read nothing he just wrote. His post already replied to all these questions and I bet all of your future questions too LoL!
  5. I feel like I'm stoned while reading this thread
  6. Aw man, that's so sweet of you... I also miss him a lot. Mind if I repost it on our Discord? I'll link it to this comment.
  7. Maybe if we played as redfor and playing the map in reverse it would be different
  8. I wish we still had the downvote button
  9. It's right when I leave work, so I might join a bit late I would like to lead a squad
  10. That is a great piece of data that I will definitely use. Being able to tell the map size and factions will be great!
  11. This is what we had in mind btw (Edit: Sorry for the huge image, on mobile it looked normal)
  12. Not a whole bot but a command to VG Bot I could add an optional argument for player skill but that would also require us to fill that list with map difficulty besides recommended player count
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