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=VG= Jaki

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About =VG= Jaki

  • Birthday 03/30/1997

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    Wilson, North Carolina
  • Interests
    Swimming and gaming

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  1. Decent game. Need to fix a bunch of things though. I bought the DLC, but it's not worth $10 IMO. Hopefully an investment towards making the game run smoother. Just ping me on Discord if you're down to play.
  2. Happy Birthday Jaki! 

    1. =VG= Jaki

      =VG= Jaki

      Thanks Blud! Hope you're doing good

  3. @=VG= Sausag3 can you add this map into your original post? More than likely we can add it into the mission briefing as well so people have an option to check it out and do it properly
  4. Is it possible for AI to use vehicles at all in this game mode? Would be cool to have more than just infantry around
  5. Get rid of the snakes! Most annoying shit I’ve experienced since AI shotguns in PR On the other note, having great times on the server. That new game mode really brought A3 to a whole new level
  6. Shared on our discord.
  7. Is this for VG community only? If you want more people, you can always post the event it in IFA3 discord.
  8. Yes... but to an extent. Unfortunately BI never made a proper system nor some kind of Ship DLC to make proper naval battles possible, but this is closest it will get you to. They might not be the nicest, but they do move and fire guns. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2012371414 There is also an LCI armed with 20mm autocannons and some other landing crafts in IFA3.
  9. I am not sure if this event has happened yet or not, but here are some notes on the mods you are using as I've seen the list of them under your event mission. Remove WW2_Objects from it, they are included in IFA3_AIO_Lite (All in One) Remove IFA3 Liberation or be prepared for errors and incompatibility with other mods. Another issue with it is ripped objects from other games, and I cannot support it as I respect the intellectual property Weapon sway - if you are looking for any kind of immersion, I would remove it I have been very busy with IFA3 lately, so I am not sure if I would be able to attend it, but I hope someone is recording or recorded. Take care!
  10. I just see this thread now, sorry. First of all, I wouldn't combine mods as it can really affect the server performance and stability in general. I don't recommend ACE, and TFR, as there is no purpose to use for a not that populated server and therefore the reasonable way to use it, is to have clan operations with possible Zeus included. Same goes with any AI mod, they are really not good as you might think, especially with different scenarios that could possibly be run on the server. I am really down to have a server that would bring us to a different era, or at least a front, as I'm not the biggest fan of vanilla Arma 3. If you need any info on Iron Front, I can give you pretty much anything about it as I am part of the developing team for it. The thing I will say is that it does have a wast variety of different assets and units.
  11. Let's put it this way - people are unhappy even with Vietnam maps most of the time on our server because there either isn't enough people, or they don't like "lack of tech" and don't know how to play without it. Adding another era to PR is a great idea considering you can add more variety to the server with maps and factions, and you can split communities and servers based on those eras, just like Sem said. On the other note, I am looking forward to it! Love WW2 setting, and I am ready for new challenges!
  12. Sad, sad news... I simply can't comprehend the fact such a sweet and humorous person is no longer with us. My condolences to the family, friends, and especially to you Hater.
  13. Jokes aside, PR is not dying, but like guys already said, there are some times when server is poorly populated or empty for sure. Nothing to be concerned about though!
  14. Always down to accept some steam trading cards as a donation for my poor steam level
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