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=VG= m823us

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= m823us

  1. 10 hours ago, 0100011000101 said:

    then I have a question too: if a member of the tanksqds disobey, I can kick him from the sqd? because then he is no longer in tanksqd and must give back the tank ...


    11 hours ago, WarGhost said:

    I'm just curious about something happend 2 or 3 days ago, we were playing kashan desert as tank squad and one of the squad members was refusing to fall back with his tank when ordered by squad leader and he said there is no rules against refusing such an order.

    The flag caps were in correct order, it's just that the squad leader want to regroup before pushing with the tanks and the guy was already in the midle way to the flag.

    Was the guys right about this?

    This does not distube me since i always follow orders but like i said i'm just curious about it.


     You both bring up some great points.  A squad leader has the ability to manage his squad as they see fit.  This is one of their jobs, besides making sure that communication is being done  and coordinated and that everyone is on the same page.  This means that if someone does not follow directions, they can be kicked because they were not following the orders.  If they are kicked, that forces them to lose the asset since at that point they would be stealing it.  A squad can only be effective if everyone is working together.  

    Hope this helps!

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  2. I can explain that AidFury,


    We have a special process to become admin, just like other server's, however we usually pull from the playerbase of PR to become an admin.  We are extremely selective about who joins our ranks as a admin, making sure that these players are active in the game, have an understanding of what our rules are, are well known in the community already, have access to our Teamspeak, and most importantly are active here in the forum.  

    Most of the time, a person who will become nominated will bring it to the attention of the HEAD ADMINS @=VG= Melon Muncher, @=VG= SemlerPDX or myself), and let them know about how willing they are to help out with the situation.

    Since we take being an admin so serious, we want to make sure that we only choose the best candidates, since they represent our core values and have to carry out the task of making sure the server is being run fair and are able to take care of people who give others a difficult time.  It is not just about making sure you have the ability to change the next map, but to make sure you follow our procedures and protocols when faced a stressful situation and have to deal with the drama on the server at times, or teach new players or old one's about the rules or maybe something they did not know before.  

    If you are still interested, you are on the right path.  Log some more time on PR, catch up with players in Teamspeak, and most definitely stay active here on the forums!  Hope this helps.


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  3. Thank you Megaethanater,

    After reviewing the logs, it shows that multiple admin had warned you before you started to perform trolling and TK in our Main and this is not acceptable.  Your failure to read our rules and head our warning has consequences, which is that you are banned from our server forever.  The fact that you had team killed an admin who was trying to help you at the time influenced my judgement of denying your unban request. 

    Please play PR elsewhere. 

    /locked ban denied 

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  4. If you wanted to do something like that, the PR DEVS would be the go to to ask. We can host something like that, however this would require a lot of work including coding and having everyone who wanted to play download the map pack as well as the config settings. 

    Long story short, not worth the investment from our part at the moment due to the limited interest and how much time we would have to put on for our server. Maybe in the future.

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  5. Kit stealing is not allowed and we try to enforce this as much as possible but it happens. You can not prove someone did but this is over ridden by the "don't be a dick" rule.

    I would just do an admin report with the players name and wait for results. 

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  6. Well I am just glad that smoking will be healthy again and could save the lives of our soldiers on the battlefield! We will have to conduct studies and new tactics that will add the realism back again in PR. I know it is not easy, but will definatly change the game style again!

    Make sure that we keep it up with the different colored smoke for drops and concealment.

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