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=VG= m823us

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= m823us

  1. 1 hour ago, =VG= SemlerPDX said:

    Tried to get as many as I could before hand -- as you will see in the admin.py.

    Many people had not logged recently enough (or did not post up when I asked for names) so I could not get everyone's new hashes before this update.  Did my best.

    No worries, I can do this part.  You did your best with the information we got, And not everybody plays PR consistently.

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  2. Secretly I have been taking over the other admin's account and becoming a "super-admin" and now you have ruined my plan to be the only player in PR... More bots for  me to kill I guess.  All of this is a joke...

    But on a serious note, the PR player base has declined more and more recently, and we have little trends where we get a full server again, but they happen rarely.  People are playing other games, people have event's that happen in life @=VG= Rotblut for instance just came back from a work trip and school/ university is starting up for a lot of people.  As you know, PR as a whole is getting older,  I mean the game started June 2004 for Project reality mod and has had multiple waves of people invading and joining ranks of people who wish to play this game, free for the consumer.  On a positive note, we still do get new players and the DEV team (Our coop DEV team in particular, @=VG= TEDF, @=VG= Melon Muncher, @=VG= Fastjack @=VG= Double_13) still fight for updates and fix issues that cause some frustrations.  We, as a gaming community still are going strong and I still learn new things about this game or teach someone something every round in our server.  It is a matter of meeting new people and increasing our bond with people who we have never met in real life or may never get a chance to do so.  

    I, for one, still feel a strong connection to this community and it's members.  I have met some great people whom I consider to be best friends of mine and have never met.  I know about their personal life history, some great accomplishments, and been there to provide support in times where they are not having such a great life.  This is what a community is about.  We, as a whole are here to foster relationships and increase that association of what we share as a common thread.  Yes this will mean that people will disappear from time to time, but don't forget that you as a person have the ability to reach out and attempt to contact.  The wonderful thing that I have found as a success story for me is when I have not talked to someone in a long time, some even years I find that we were right where I left off.  I found a fellow gamer who disappeared for 2 years and he was surprised that I was still here, playing PR.   I hope you all will find people like this in your online expedition and enjoy what we have.

    Long story short, PR is love, PR is life.  Keep up the great work all, send PM's to people who you have not seen in a while.  Reach out on STEAM, or other gaming platforms and try to connect and see what they are doing.  Maybe they did not know about the updates.  Maybe they forgot about PR.  Maybe they moved or just do not have internet.  Keep investigating, asking questions, and continue to build friendships that will last.  If all the above fail, @ranger_12, you can always find me here.  I will not let PR die, and even though the DEV team has taken away or modified some of the great reasons why I play this game (Cough, the combat engineer kit to repair a lot of the assets is no more.... :() I will still play.  

    See you all on the battlefield,


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  3. They have 14 different usernames:

    [66th] Brischalke
     [ToG] Nevil
    [uSMC] Nevil

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  4. It sounds like you are having trouble identifying one man in 2 men assets that we have on our team and the reason why they are in place.

    Our whole purpose behind our server is to be a Co-Op server thus forcing individuals to work together as a team. We do have some one man assets that are available on maps but it just depends on what map is chosen. 

    I appreciate your frustration and the fact that you cannot solo some assets on our server making you a one man kill squad.   Unfortunately we are not gonna change our server policy and regards to that since it subscribes to our mission standards of facilitating team play. We do recognize the fact that the servers not always full and have to have Maps that are one man assets available to destroy the bots.

    As  I stated before thank you for your feedback.


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