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=VG= m823us

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= m823us

  1. I play COOP so I can have an only fans club: Or make a top TRANS squad:
  2. Yeah, after server crash I found the report in Discord and was not able to replicate your issue so I assume it was as TEDF stated. Just due to location of the map on maplist.list at the time. If you have issues with maps and either spelling (like me) or just not working hit the ` key (next to number 1 on top row, also known as tilda or grave or console) and type maplist.list to get your map number.
  3. I can show up and do that. But seriously I love this concept, I'll talk with some community members and see what they may be able to bring or see if they are willing to learn or teach how to do this.
  4. So rush Muttrah! I like it. We may have to employ some more people to do the !fly command though...
  5. Sadly, I see more maps played where the entire team is struggling to communicate intentions, what is going well, what isn't going well... As mentioned before, there are some spawn points where they are broken so you have to camp it, it is a "feature" that we have to add to the complexities of playing the game. We, as players compensate and have to move on. Personally, I don't like the "a kill is a kill", and should not be a competition between who can kill the most bots. If you play the game correctly, as an infantryman fighting the flags in order you can still rack some impressive kills due to the game mechanics. It has been discussed in the past to eliminate the scoreboard all together and that would eliminate that, but at what cost? It would be nice to have a "call CAS as needed " feature, but let's be honest. How likely will that happen? How many players struggle to read the map, let alone mark where they are and identify target's from their location and call in assistance. Most people didn't know a map existed sadly and is part of my training I offer people. I do think the "warning of camping" needs to be enforced more so that the game is able to be played as VG set up the COOP side to be played. Using TEAMWORK and COMMUNICATION to establish our dominance over bots. Learn some new tricks and techniques about the game. But most importantly, have fun and meet some great players and some life long friends.
  6. I think squad leaders by default should also not be killing stuff, but that happens a lot.
  7. This made me laugh more then I like to admit.
  8. Sorry about that, we messed up and missed your date but you should be good to go now
  9. It is a different file and a different set of maps. Here is the current list of starters: mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 32 mapList.append jabal gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 32 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 128 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 32 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 64 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 16 mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 32 mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 32 mapList.append pavlovsk_bay gpm_coop 64 mapList.append vadso_city gpm_coop 64 mapList.append vadso_city gpm_coop 128
  10. Oh man, always good to see some older PR players active again!
  11. Good luck Ranger, hope all is well. We will still be here or who knows, I may see you in other games.
  12. I'll be commander/ Driver if we don't have another join for TANK
  13. I'll join @=VG= asquirrel456
  14. We use to do things called opfor Fridays, where we would take the bot sides. However, people hated it after a few maps and would drop out since they didn't like the kits. I know @=VG= Melon Munchertried to spark interest via a poll and had a poor turnout from people responding.
  15. Hey man, when you get a chance reach out to me. I hope all is well

  16. Anything that I can do to help between now and the Event @=VG= Sausag3?
  17. Fanny One Actual will report: Squad members to be determined
  18. Can we do it next Saturday, 2000 Zulu? Maybe create an event again and get people to join.
  19. Maybe we should get together and do an ARMA event again.
  20. UPDATE: They are doing a day 0 patch so it may take a bit longer for release.
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