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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.

=VG= m823us

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= m823us

  1. The devs report a update that will fix a lot. I will take a look and see what is going on when I'm out of work in a few hours.
  2. So does this happen for all PR servers or just VG. I know some accounts were having problems with linking up with the master server.
  3. ===UPDATE=== Server is up and running, thank you to all the different people who have helped out. Please update us as needed with problems or issues.
  4. ==UPDATE== Hello everyone, we are waiting for the DEVS from Project Reality to do an update for COOP to be up and running. Sorry for the delay's, but thankfully the other COOP servers and us are working with the DEV team to fix and resolve this issue. Unsure of when they will get it up and running but thank you for your patience so far!
  5. Hello all, As we transition into 1.6 please post any issues or bugs you may have for PR COOP 1.6 here. We will get to work on these issues, or the bugs may become some new features that the DEVS put in for us to enjoy.
  6. Maybe we should host an event and that is usually when the new updates always come out.
  7. Still amazing how beautiful this game is after all these years!
  8. I am assuming that is April 7th for people who read that as November 11th for the date @=VG= 0100011000101 for people that read "Month/Day/Year", not "Day/Month/Year"
  9. What is this COOP you speak of?
  10. Hello all, As some may know, Destiny 2 is free to play on Steam now. I know there must be some people that are interested in this game, if so please post up since some quests require some fire teams of two or more to complete. Hope everyone is doing well, Cheers, -Mate
  11. Hello all, I just wanted to take a moment and check in with all my gaming friends. As we know, some we have never known IRL or had a chance to meet, but we are all part of a large community. Something that I have always held dear to my heart is the support and bonds that we have here and I wanted to take some time and see how everyone was doing. In my part of America (Maine), we are isolated, the town is on lock down so I couldn't go out even if I tried, but that may be a good thing to help prevent our spreading of the virus. Our schools are closed until the 27 of April, but kids are able to receive education via online classroom resources. Besides the schools being shut down, most businesses are forcing themselves to close per town emergency policies put into place to prevent spreading of the virus. Most people are out mad shopping and purchasing large amounts of toilet paper and making the world difficult in other area's. We- VG head admins, are still up and running the server and making sure things are running smoothly as possible. As you noticed, we have an large number of people joining again and peak times are longer due to the massive gain in PR. Our server's will be down MONDAY- see @=VG= SemlerPDX announcement and will run as normal after that. Our BMS is still going strong and fully supported as well as our ARMA servers. Luckily, we have some great dedicated people at this and are willing to help us out with these tasks. I know people are sometimes struggling with isolation, and lack interest in doing things that were previously enjoying and luckily a lot of gaming platforms are making it easier to find something new- Destiny 2 is free on Steam if people want suggestions! Long story short- take time to check in with your fellow gaming community before it is too late. I know there are several people that are long time friends that I have not heard from in a while and I wanted to share this moment before it becomes to late for some to take advantage of it. I am not suggesting that you do some "corona virus and chill" stuff with them, but send them a message and let them know you care about them. Hope everyone is doing well and are taking care of themselves. Who knows, we may get some new friends out of it. I know I have met a lot of new people every time I am here or in PR or in other Steam games. Yes, I know this is sappy, but remember. When people are at their worst, sometimes all it takes is a check in and let others know you care about them and that lifts up their spirits more than anything. Cheers and remember we are all in this together, -M8
  12. 99 17 =VG= m823us 100 11 =VG= SemlerPDX 101 15 =VG= Melon_Muncher Well at least we are sticking together. I bet these guys don't play anymore... All joking aside, I really love data and to be able to see this and appreciate this. Nice work!
  13. I made a new thread to address these issues, please post here for Server issues other than "server down" or related sidebar issues
  14. Thank you @0100011000101, something that I have tried to add to people's to do list is do a !report MAP CRASH command when they load back into the server so that we can track it a bit easier from our logs.
  15. Oh trust me @=VG= Skitalez I am in 100% with you. Some of the old layouts are far better than what we have currently. I also miss some of the first players I started playing PR with and I was grateful that they recorded on YouTube so I could remember the banter or shenanigans we would get into, either from the situations that happen, the PR bugs, or just player interactions. Sadly, we can not go into the past. But we can take action now and make sure that our friends know we care about them and check in with them. Try to connect as much as you can. I actually became best man and planned a wedding for a player that I met online and never met until he said he was going to get married and we should all meet up. The other thing that I recommend is let people know about changes you want such as missing old layers, the DEVS don't know until we tell them.
  16. Hello everyone, I decided to hijack this thread and if people would please continue to post in this if the server goes down we will be notified faster. Thank you all!
  17. Thank you for the updates, please keep us informed if it does go down again since we are not always next to a computer and have the ability to restart it. Glad you were able to get it @=VG= STARK!
  18. So I had this similar experience, I actually had to reinstall it several times to make it work and then I found out that it made a whole new place for the icon to be. Windows 10, for me made it so I had a "virtual drive" and that was the icon that Windows recognized for PR. Try finding that as an option potentially. The other option is type in PRLauncer.exe into search on computer and you may be surprised to find that you have more than one instance. Sometimes Windows 10 will make a new one depending on how optimized your drives are. PS. I hate windows 10 for the record and still wish I was able to roll with Win 7...
  19. So let me read this correctly. You placed C4 on a Huey on our server after the driver reported you for doing something on our server? All just for the lolz? I do not approve of this behavior at all. Our assets are important. You also have a history on our server of doing TK's in MAIN with knifes and other area's. Our admin have been more then friendly, firm, and fair with you on our rules and you were the one to choose to break our rules. I will make the decision to keep the ban in place. Please go play PR elsewhere /locked, ban in place still
  20. Did a restart and all is well. Mumble looks like it is working again. Thank you for letting us know!
  21. You missed yesterday which was my first day of PR. How could you do that Kav?
  22. Aww, I was so happy that I got to play my first day of PR today and get to enjoy all the "older crowd" that use to roll with us. Hope they are doing well somewhere in this world. It is memories like this that make our community better in my opinion.
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