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=VG= keed

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv3
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Posts posted by =VG= keed

  1. I think it's the same in many other nations. Here in GER if you say you are in the Bund then you will be looked at a bit weirdly. Not neccararily hostile. Soldiers in uniform are a rare sight and there are next to no official military parades. If anything there is only negative press about it. Right wing extremism in KSK, responsiveness of Luftwaffe is very slow, increased budget because of NATO membership (BTW our plastic rifle is fine, just used outside its specific parameters!!). I personally have nothing against people who are in the military in general. I might even be very interested in first hand accounts of stories.

    5 hours ago, =VG= Vanillapop said:

    the only thing the military does is infantry stuff and killing and that just scared the shit out of some people, like there are alot of trades and jobs in the military then just fighting.

    In a way every trade is meant to support the infantry stuff and killing... The disconnect lies deeper in the mind of citicens that never experienced indirect or direct thread of conventional war. Generations like mine are used to the idea of constant peace. Maybe it's like with IT in companies: "Why do we need them? All systems are working fine."

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hey guys,

    yeah I am still down. :) But we have to change the topic from "=VG= Social Meeting" to Community Night or smth. Judging by the feedback it would be great to include regulars who are not technically "VG" but are active just as much.

    On the topic of anonymity:

    I've dicided the best way is to let each and everyone opt in if they would like to show their beautiful mug. Video Feed should not be required.

    We are familiar with each others voices so a microphone is acceptable to be required. If you feel differently about this please let me know.

    List of things that have to be decided:

    • Software: Skype, Teams, BigBlueButton, Zoom (please not), Jitsi Meet, ...
    • Format:
      • Show and Tell (Some people can apply to prepare something and show some stuff related to gaming in general like PR Modders or BMS Simpits.)
      • Online crowd games (drawing stuff)
      • ...
    • Time: Timzone neutral as much as possible. I think the best would be on weekends at our usual event timing.
    • Date: During summer preferably, in the next three weeks.

    I am looking forward to hear from you guys about this post.



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  3. Please update the server :):) 





    Today we are releasing the second update for v1.6. With it we bring you further gameplay improvements as well as some new assets for the Russian faction. This includes the 2B14-1 Podnos mortar and 9K135 Kornet ATGM deployables. Along with those new weapons we also introduce a brand new map to the BETA program by community mapper Rabbit called Masirah. A beautiful 4x4km map featuring a large peninsula, you can read the highlight on it here.

    Included with the gameplay changes is the ability to see the supply points remaining in supply crates. Supply points were always used to determine if a crate is depleted or not. Now we provide this information to the player as well. We have updated the manual to give you more information on the cost of kits, rearming and others. Read it here.
    Another big change is the improvements to the back-up sights. To learn more about these changes and new content in v1.6.2 you can read our highlight here.

    This update can now be downloaded through the PR Launcher. Enjoy!

    Want to help us test changes and new content for future releases? Sign up as a tester today.


    PR:BF2 v1.6.2.0 Changelog (2020/07/19)
    Added ability to check remaining supply points in both friendly and enemy supply crates and ammo boxes.
    Updated wounded screen while dead to slowly fade to black.
    Updated mouse sensitivity to scale with vehicle zoom levels.
    Updated BUIS to allow toggle while scoped in.
    Updated BUIS to no longer slow you down while moving crouched.
    Fixed BUIS lagging on high ping.
    Fixed being able to spawn on any rally point.
    Fixed requesting kits not costing supply points.
    Removed blood effect when hitting soldier with small arms.

    Updated co-pilot AI.
    Updated Fighter AI.
    Fixed bots not firing PAK and Flak 88.

    Fixed inconsistenties in bodyarmor between kits on some factions.
    Fixed Polish commander missing some voice messages.
    Updated Polish sniper kit by swapping standard and alternative kit layouts.

    Added 2B14-1 Podnos mortar to Russia, China and Militia.
    Added 9K135 Kornet ATGM to Russia and Syrian Rebels.
    Updated mortars to have 10 second warm up delay after entering.
    Updated HJ-8 maximum depression to 12.5 degrees to simulate moveable legs.
    Improved BOR .762 1p animation system transitions to/from zooming

    Updated exit damage when leaving moving vehicles to be more accurate.
    Updated Chinook to have moveable ramp. It automatically raises and lowers as you take off and land.
    Fixed UH-60 tail bouncing when landing too hard.
    Fixed issues with some vehicle cupola gunners.
    Fixed disabling settings not working correctly for lots of vehicles.
    Fixed Mi-24 being too quiet.
    Fixed Tigr being too quiet.
    Fixed SdKfz 251c gunner being too hard to hit.
    Fixed being unable to spot A1H with commorose.
    Fixed RWR/lock warning tones being too quiet.

    Added Masirah - BETA (4x4km) - France vs MEC - AAS, COOP & Skirmish - By Rabbit.

    Al Basrah
    COOP64: Fixed a number of issues with spawn points.
    COOP32: Updated layer.

    COOP: New navmesh with new layers.

    Battle of Ia Drang
    COOP: Deleted REDFOR base protection.

    Bijar Canyons
    COOP64: Added DODs for both teams. Fixed incorrectly assigned spawn point and moved it to a different position.

    Black Gold
    COOP: New navmesh together with new layers.

    Brecourt Assault
    Added COOP.

    COOP: Removed smoke of a tank wreck from COOP since the wreck had been removed from coop as well, leaving the smoke coming out of nowhere
    COOP: Added alternate layer
    COOP64: Added DOD for BLUFOR.
    COOP64: Added vehicle depot to Ger side.

    COOP64: Added DOD for BLUFOR. Fixed a number of issues with spawn points.

    Dovre Winter
    COOP64: Fixed a number of issues with spawn points.

    Dragon Fly
    COOP64: Added DODs for both teams.

    Fools Road
    COOP: New navmesh with new layers.

    Hades Peak
    Added new COOP64 layer.

    Iron Ridge
    COOP64: Added DOD for BLUFOR.

    COOP32: Fixed a spawn point being shown in the middle of the sea. Added DOD for BLUFOR
    COOP64: Fixed a number of issues with spawn points. Added DODs for both teams.
    COOP128: Fixed Combat Area not being shown on minimap

    Kafr Halab
    Updated walls with changes made by Rabbit.
    AAS16: Updated flag route with two pre-caped flags for each team, increased number of tickets, added two logi-technicals to Syrian Rebels and one additional transport truck to Russian Forces.
    AAS32: Fixed Russia having no team bleed.
    Added COOP support.

    COOP64: Added DOD for BLUFOR.

    Kashan Desert
    Added lightmaps to a number of objects which haven't had them.
    Regenerated terrain lightmaps.
    COOP32: Fixed US having some Canadian assets. Fixed Combat Area not being shown on minimap. Removed a TOW being hidden in one of the tents in US main base.
    COOP128: Fixed crash.

    COOP128: Removed REDFOR DOD, added BLUFOR DOD.

    Fixed being unable to spawn a cache.
    COOP64: Added DODs for both sides.
    COOP32: Fixed Combat Area not being visible on minimap.

    Lashkar Valley
    COOP64: Fixed a number of issues with spawn points.

    Muttrah City
    COOP: Added DODs for teams where it was necessary.

    COOP64: Added DODs for both teams

    Omaha Beach
    COOP: Fixed US ships being doubled.
    COOP64: Added DODs for both teams.

    Operation Archer
    COOP64: Added BLUFOR DOD. Fixed Combat Area not being shown on minimap.

    Operation Barracuda
    COOP128: Fixed layer description not working. Added BLUFOR DOD. Fixed Combat Area not being shown on minimap.
    COOP16: Added BLUFOR DOD; Fixed Combat Area not being shown on minimap.
    COOP128: Added missing Vehicle Depot.

    Operation Falcon
    COOP: Added DODs for both team.s
    COOP32: Fixed layer not working correctly. added rally points for use by humans in REDFOR.

    Operation Ghost Train
    COOP16: Added DOD for BLUFOR.

    Operation Marlin
    COOP32: Added DOD for BLUFOR.
    Added COOP64 layer.

    Operation Soul Rebel
    COOP64: Added DODs for both teams.

    Operation Thunder
    COOP64: Added DOD for BLUFOR. Fixed Combat Area not being shown on minimap.

    COOP64: Updated REDFOR DOD to be visible on minimap.

    Pavlovsk Bay
    COOP32: Hopefully fixed bots doing nothing after spawning on a certain spawnpoint.
    COOP16/64: Added DODs for both teams.

    Qwai River
    COOP: New navmesh with new layers.

    Route E-106
    COOP64: Fixed helipad being outside of the playable area. added teams DODs for both sides.

    COOP32/64: Fixed bots not doing anything after spawning in a certain location.

    COOP32: Added BLUFOR DOD.
    COOP64/128: Fixed Combat Area not being shown on minimap.
    COOP128: Reworked layer.

    Added COOP support.


    • Upvote 3
  4. This topic is as old as the game lol.

    The first memberable moment I had in PR was when I played on a Vietnam map as a newb while Hueys flew along blasting CCR over local chat. I was instantly immersed into the moment. If done correctly it is possible to understand both the pilot and the surrounding. @FoeHammer had a viable method of feeding his mumble PPT into the music stream (via Virtual Audio Cable). The volume of the music wasn't louder than the engine sound for effect volume at 10% so every word was understood.

    But since he was really the only one I ever met to bother making it as least as annoying we discourage playing music over mumble.

    In the end I can understand both sides - but the side that is potentionally being disruptive or annoying always loses.

    TLDR: Melon please add CCR to the huyes via left mouse button:) /S

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  5. I own and play it. Excellent game with hardcoded squads. There are INF, Logi and Armour squads. Players can only use the asset from the squad their assigned to which is a very good system and works beautifully (something SQUAD is missing!!!!).

    Playerbase is growing because of the recent updates. I reccomend UK servers. They have the most communicative playerbase imho. (Ze Germans are too shy ^^)

    The game originated as a WW2 total conversion mod for SQUAD. The devs founded a studio called Periscope Games and commercialized it. Because of this the engine is the same used in SQUAD: Unreal Engine with a little hunger for VRAM.

    I if you liked PR:WW2 PVP you will like this game. The tanks handle realistically and you get to shoot the infamous Chauchat squad automatic weapon as the french. Quite cool.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Put me down for CAS flight leader, please.

    • What's the max view distance set up server side?
    • The Super Hornet Mod provides the single seat F/A-18 E and the tandem seat F/A-18 F, which one did you implement? (Tandem seat is more interesting and limits our ability to kill everything and make it boring for INF)
    • Akin to unresricted arsenal, do we have control over our pylons/munitions via script? (Like the vanilla "hold space" thing.)
    • I assume we conduct ops from the carrier, correct?
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