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=VG= keed

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv3
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Posts posted by =VG= keed

  1. 1 hour ago, =VG= Kavelenko said:

    Can we have a little bird for CAS, happy to fly that otherwise slap me in an INF squad.

    CQC is good fun on this map are we able to use our own load outs? Also can I suggest we add this event to the ARMA 3 Calendar in the club?

    • A Littlebird can be arranged, however there is enemy armor in the AO and the way home is very long since we are being dropped in the north. My thought process was LB=4 Hellfires max <-> Cobra = 8 Hellfires. Up to you as the pilots.
    • You can use your own loadouts, however I encourage players to use the pre selections kits available at the arsenal. As long as you can perform your assigned role it's ok. The only items that are banned are the ENVGs (Thermal NVGs) and the CSAT Viper Helmet, but I think I don't have to say that...
    • Event was added by Blizzard earlier, it is also in the global calendar.  👍
    • Upvote 2
  2. https://veterans-gaming.com/calendar/event/96-feet-first-into-takistan-arma-3-mini-event/

    Event Time: Saturday, 27th of March 2000 GMT (PRT)


    Sign-Up: Available, but not necessary! If you did not sign-up you can still join the server but you will be assigned to a role by the commander.


    Hello everyone,

    Following up on last weeks mission I am hosting a mini event this Saturday. The plan is to use the available DEV Server with the current known Insurgency mission and augment the experience with sign-up slots, a mission plan coordinated objectives. That means that if you did not sign-up you can still join the server but you will be assigned to a role by the commander. Reserve your slot while their hot!


    Sign-Up Slots (Post a comment below with the role you want):

    Role "Callsign": <Arma 3 Username>

    Commander "Command": Keed
    2nd In Command "2ic":

    Airborne Infantry "Alpha":

    •     Squad Leader: Blizzard
    •     Medic: Batmeme
    •     Automatic Rifleman (M249): Fastjack
    •     Light Anti-Tank (AT-4): Ingo
    •     Designated Marksman: Stixon (Roger-T)
    •     Rifleman: KVSH420

    Australian Airborne Attachment "Bravo":

    •     Squad Leader: Kavlenko
    •     Medic:
    •     Automatic Rifleman (M249):
    •     Light Anti-Tank (AT-4):
    •     Designated Marksman:
    •     Rifleman: Skiddles

    Airborne Infantry "Charlie":

    activated if needed

    Close Air Support "CAS":

    •     AH-1Z Pilot: Bludklot
    •     AH-1Z Gunner: Deathdealer

    Transport (Troop Transport or Vehicle Transport Variant) "Trans":

    •     C-130 Pilot: TEDF (ZEUS)

    If you did not sign-up you can still join the server but you will be assigned to a role by the commander.

    Radio Communication (Short Range Frequency | Long Range Frequency):

    • Commander: (not specified | 30)
    • Alpha: (110 | 30)
    • Bravo: (120 | 30)
    • [Charlie: (130 | 30)]
    • CAS: (100 | 30)
    • TRANS: (100 | 30)



    Image used and edited with permission by the creator /u/JediNick9.
    Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/5o16gx/7th_special_forces_group_conducting_a_halo_jump/

    • Like 1
    • VG Spirit 2
    • VG Seal of Approval 1
    • Upvote 1
  3. I understand your point, however especially with ARMA 3, bad performance might originate from the Server with the amount of server-side scripts and mods that are loaded. As a comparison, you might get ~70 FPS at the start of the mission, however that might drop to ~20 in extreme cases when a lot is going on later down the line - regardless of your system.

    *FPS is not a single metric, and should always be reported with context or included with min./max. values.

    Nevertheless - it's still hella' fun! :kuzya_02:

    I am looking for more boots on ground!

    • Thanks 1
  4. Hello everyone,

    (This is mostly targeted @=VG= .Blizzard. but I am sure we all can contribute if it's possible.)

    I am wondering if we could change the pre-made kits in the arsenal at main base (Medic, AT, AR and so on). Currently they are all over the place and are missing TFAR Radios and such.

    We could start by copying the PR kits and adjusting it a bit for flavor. It would give newcomers the ability to quickly jump into action with everything they need while still having the freedom of the arsenal.

    Can we help selecting the items and such or can this only be done server-side? Is there a config file we could collaboratively prepare and upload?


    • Upvote 3
  5. Take Option A


    • Ryzen is considered better than 10th Gen i9 for gaming (price/performance ratio, not just raw cinebench scores...)
    • The RTX3080 is overpriced by a large margin and currently very hard to acquire because of shortages and the crypto-mining hype
    • What do you need 128GB of RAM for? :D Is this a pre build OEM Gaming Rig? If yes then it's dis proportionally oversized.

    If you are still unsure we need to know what you are planning to do with the new rig.

    To clarify: More RAM =//= More Speed.

    • Upvote 4


    Event Time: Tomorrow, 20th of March 2000 GMT (PRT)


    Sign-Up: Not necessary



    Hello everyone,

    I am hosting a ARMA 3 Event tomorrow where I want to give anyone interested the opportunity to get on board. ARMA 3 can be off-putting to many players who just don't have the time to figure everything out on their own. On top of that the amount of mods and stuff to set-up can daunting and complicated.

    That's why, starting 2000 GMT tomorrow I will be available for the following services:

    • 1 on 1 Set Up Support via Discord Share Screen
    • In game Communication Tutorial with Radios (mucho importante!)
    • Optimization Advice for Performance
    • Game Mechanics Tutorial on request (Lazing, Artillery, Tanks, CAS, ...)

    Seasoned players are of course welcome as well and can help out, or do their own thing! The more the merrier!



    • Like 2
    • VG Spirit 2
    • Upvote 3
  7. The mods are ok in my opinion + maybe this is also a good base set for future custom missions. What the current "RHS+TFAR" set offers for players, is basically what we have in PR on US vs. INS/RUS/MILITA maps. Also, the mods offer far more than is just visible in the arsenal. I recommend to read the RHS manual online. There is some cool stuff hidden in weapon systems.


    @=VG= .Blizzard. In the event that you'll ever want to change things up a little bit, " just don't tell my mother I am in Afghan":

    • Upvote 3
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