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=VG= keed

VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv3
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Posts posted by =VG= keed

  1. Hey X0R! As a TRANS main I'll give my thoughts on your ideas. 

    1. Gameplay functions preferably should be accessable via GUI (weapon slots, mapped keys or sub menue). Is this something that is possible? Otherwise the function might not be used much, outside of us forum dwellers.
    2. Airlift: Loading objects by action might be a great way to flesh Logisitcs out. I like the necessity to physically load cargo - and not waiting in special zone for it to magically appear in your asset like we are now.
    3. AirToAir: This seems like a programatically challenging fun idea but it would seem out of place because in flight rearm/repair is not something being done irl. I know this is a game but I believe that functions are only so much game-y because of engine limitations. At some point it has to be abstracted otherwise there is no end. While fuel is not something we have in game I feel that there would be no appreciation or place for a fictional method.
    4. Ticket Cost: 100 is a bit too high. The situation on VG COOP is that tickets, right now, don't matter so assuming we would be on the default 1000 tickets (uhh is that vanilla?) a tenth seems high. If anyting tickets were never taxed when doing anything logistical so I'd say make it free, but rearm times back at the real resupply point way longer.

    Additional notes:

    • Ok, I fully agree that the Ospey should be given unique capabilites. What I would love to see is the vehilce drop feature for the big bird. Combined with your un/-loading script it would seem possible from a laymans POV. For gameplay purposes it would be cool to be able to request, say a TOW hummer from TRANS . The Opsprey would go pick it up from the deck or mainbase and deliver it to the squad. This would feel authentic and remove the inevitable respawn at main when your motorized squad wrecks one of the vehicles.
       330px-MV-22_conducts_external_lift_from_ (Maybe no visible vehicle but hey...)
    • Maybe expand this to the chinook, so CAD and Army get something to lift too.



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  2. 12 hours ago, Sciddles said:

    Infantry is struggling to cap DAM while CAS is over East and West killing everything they can when they should be helping support infantry trying to cap the flag.

    @Sciddles Since East and West are not cappable at this point (no orange  shield) it can be considered flag skipping as is to be reported. HOWEVER since Jabal has known active mortar locations it is not always clear whether the intend of flying there was to generally kill stuff, or strike an active mortar location and then return to the allowed zones. Since destroying mortars is a higher priority than helping the cap (APC squad will otherwise be not able to help the cap) I personally would not consider it a offense. But if they linger, then it would be a different manner... It's very nuanced.


    In wake of this I also suggest a new rule:

    No more hovering Harrier to get kills!

    For all intents an purposes it can be considered an exploit because bots have no logic implemented to fire upon a hovering Harrier.

    Edit: *Except AA of course...

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  3. Yeah man now is the time to jump into website stuff. It's not hard, no math required and there are many free and easy platforms out there to learn and just try it out. I work in the field professionally (CMS, PIM, MDB) but never touch any code. But those acronyms are just interesting for enterprise folk.

    What I am talking about is the small car shop around the corner, the hairdresser from down the block or the Italian place next town. They have no clue how to design websites and even less time for them but need one. Nowadays there are tools out there that do most things for you. It's easy as creating a Powerpoint presentation.

    What helps are connections. Maybe you know a photographer, a copywriter or some marketing guru for questions. The rest is always a google query away. These are some platforms that do everything except the content for you.



    On the pro side you get to learn a lot of people with businesses and all you need is a computer to start. Zero monetary investment.

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  4. @Sphee Thanks for the suggestion! The second server idea was discussed a while back, but didn't go anywhere. I would also like to point out that maps in OPFOR mode are less stable, sometimes horribly unbalanced and do not uphold the standard players would expect from normal gameplay.

    I want OPFOR mode because I get to play with different toys and fight on maps from a different direction.

    What I think is a better implementation if we would be able to run opfor layers of maps, without having to set anything up server-side. For example Sbeneh STD and ALT. On STD you are MEC against Rebels, on ALT it is the other way around. The flags are different but it seems that both maps are equally popular and it can be very refreshing to switch to ALT after the usual plethora of US maps.

    However I am no DEV and my free time is not being discussed here. :)

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