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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. Be sure to have the TS3 in-game overlay disabled
  2. xI_Yoda_Ix LAN_WROTE ... The presence of admins in game solve the issue! But that's not a permanent fix. If those players were aware of the rules they should never have done that, even if no admin was present or will ever be. At least one admin should always be present, but sometimes that can't happen, and when that happens should the whole server start team killing? These people should be caught and dealt with.
  3. So much stuff has been done, and no one has posted anything so here's some screenshots of the biggest projects since we changed to Bukkit: The first really big build to appear in the flatlands, my calculator :) My biospheres: Ingo's pyramid(?): Aylied ruins and well from Oblivion (by Iffn, Gaz and me): Our most recent project, the 6-block-tall door/gate opener by Iffn and me: Those were the normal sized projects... Here's what's going to be the biggest build yet, the adventure build mainly by me and Iffn, but we have gotten some help from Robot and some ideas from Gaz and Bozzz and Poff. So far we've made a village, a small castle-ish thing, a bridge and ofc. a bridge gate, an entire mountain with an ice cave, so many hidden things i've started to forget some of them and we have still much to do. Some of the stuff we might/will put in is a city, an evil underground fortress, more hidden secret stuff, a palace, and a few other things... Hopefully this will be available for download when it's done :) The village and the mountain, which is planned to be the start of the adventure map: The bridge and the castle/guard post thing: And the island where the city and the palace will be: Also, Ted has been building some Egyptian-themed stuff. I don't know much about his build, but it looks like another adventure map: Now to finish this post...
  4. Speirs =VG= LAN_WROTE ... tell me where can I find this radio chat "this is raptor blabla ..." that one inside of a humwvee. i want to replace it with this song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRZP1y0_hxU Should be somewhere in common_client.zip i think.
  5. [WCC LAN_WROTE ... B0zZz3] SchmexXxy! This.
  6. Same as Outlanders, i use Chrome and i haven't had any problems with it
  7. There is also a way to auto login, i even made a batch file that runs both mumble and PR and logs me in to both. I'll post it here when i get home EDIT: Ok, here's the batch file: @echo off<br />set MUMBLE_NAME=<br />set BF2_NAME=<br />set BF2_PASS=<br />start /d "%programfiles%\PR Mumble\" pr_mumble.exe mumble://%MUMBLE_NAME%@mumble.realitymod.com:64739/?version=1.2.0 -m<br />start /d "%programfiles%\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\pr\" pr.exe +playerName %BF2_NAME% +playerPassword %BF2_PASS% Just change the variables to your mumble name, bf2 name and password and save it as a .bat file using any text editor such as notepad or wordpad. (NOTE: The BF2 name must be without the prefix and the mumble name must be without spaces.) Here's an example of how the .bat file will look when you have edited it: @echo off<br />set MUMBLE_NAME=CCCode<br />set BF2_NAME=CCCode<br />set BF2_PASS=thisisafakepasswordlolz<br />start /d "%programfiles%\PR Mumble\" pr_mumble.exe mumble://%MUMBLE_NAME%@mumble.realitymod.com:64739/?version=1.2.0 -m<br />start /d "%programfiles%\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\pr\" pr.exe +playerName %BF2_NAME% +playerPassword %BF2_PASS% If you want to chnage your ingame tag (or prefix) you can do that in the file "My Documents\Battlefield2\Profiles\Global.con" Also, if you don't use mumble you can remove the first "start" line and the "set MUMBLE_NAME=" line. Oh and since this logs you in before anything appears on the screen, you'll be staring at a black screen until you're logged in. So don't worry it's normal lol Hope it helps ;)
  8. Muttrah, Desert Rats, Assault on Mestia, Op. Smoke Screen, Muttrah, Op. Balck Hawk Down?
  9. The problem is that not everyone has the SP map pack since it was meant for the previous version of PR, so when one of the map pack maps loads half of the players get kicked for not having the map. Also, isn't the map pack maps already in the coop server? I thought they were :S
  10. =VG= Eclipse002 LAN_WROTE ... Why would i wanna remove it?? Free up space? A fresh reinstall?
  11. A shortcut for step 4, if someone doesn't want to mess with folder properties, is to type %appdata% in the explorer's adressbar and press enter. That will take you to your AppData folder or AppData\Roaming, depends on your OS. :)
  12. What message do you get when you get kicked from servers? Have you installed any custom maps for PR? Like the ones Fastjack and melon_muncher has been working on? If you have, you might have to remove them from the levels folder in mods/pr. Fastjack has had some issues with PB because of Operation Ghost Train since it was released in the PR christmas map pack last friday. Also, PBsetup can fail since it doesn't remove the old PB version for BF2/PR. Try deleting the pb folder in C:/Program Files(x86)/EA Games/Battlefield2 (Note that this is the default path, if you have installed BF2 in a different place you have to find that yourself.) If none of the above works, you should try to install the christmas map pack. It will ask you if you want to update PB. I can't really think of any other ways to fix it without knowing the message you get. Hope this helps :)
  13. Basically what Terremer and Soumi said. It is a VOIP program much like TS3, but it has positional audio meaning it's like talking IRL. The latest version of PRMumble also allows players to speak to certain SLs or the commander without positional audio so it's like talking to the SL/Cmdr over TS3. It's good in Deployment, but in Coop i don't think we'll need it when we have TS3. If you want to know even more about mumble you can ask on the PR forum.
  14. Don't worry, the player data is always safe :P
  15. He managed to flip it over on the wheels again, too. That must be the most epic part of that
  16. I get an error saying it was unable to upload the file or it was too big. The file i tested was a 9.03MB .mp3 (This was in Chrome) You can try to upload the file somewhere (Dropbox, Mediafire, etc.) and get the direct link and use that.
  17. I use Chrome too. I haven't tried the uploader yet, but it worked with the link for me atleast. I'll try to upload when i get home to see if it works Also, have you tried uploading with IE or Firefox or any other webbrowser?
  18. It needs to be a direct link to a mp3 file so make sure it is.
  19. I went back to 1.8.1 and generated the world we're on in the server using the seed and took some screenshots. This is before we did anything to the island: And this is how it looks now: These shots were taken from the same coordinates and facing the same direction
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