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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. Harry go C4 some CPs and loggon Xfire ffs xD
  2. PM it then, we dont want it O_O :D
  3. There is a mod project for Crysis 1 that involves a map witch is 63x63km - Who knows how big maps can get in CE3 witch actually runs faster than CE2 Though, one of the reasons CE3 runs better (atleast in Crysis 2) is because of all the buildning blocking your view. Im sure it runs very good with huge open deserts and savannas too :D
  4. Erm.. sorry but, CE3: (C2 game engine) - Global Illumination - Ambient Occolusion - Tesselation - Refraction - Dynamic Time of Day - Deferred Lighting - Colour Grading - Blend Shading - Procedural Destruction - Some of the best physics a game engine can have - Procedural Deformation - All this 100% Real Time The list goes on...
  5. If he isn't telling us, he isn't telling us so go get the restrainer from PR xD
  6. BLuDKLoT LAN_WROTE ... Cool pics dood, lol. Where are all the chics? Yea, all we actually want to know ^^
  7. Good to see more people who are interested in codes :D And no this mod does not use any python. Its achived by only editing the .tweak and .con of FH2. I don't know much about python to be honest. I'd love to learn some so i can join a real mod team for BF2. I know a whole lot about VB.NET though and im moving on to C++ soon. EDIT: @Harry - Ofc. you got mentioned, it was in the evil flares' plan to catch you again they said xD
  8. About a month ago i started working on a minimod for FH2. I tried making the kits a bit better as in more enjoyable than realistic. I also hated the old flamethrower so i put a lot of effort into it and fixed it up quite well :P Here are some vids of the mod. (Still WIP) MUTE THE SOUND - My xfire is bugged. The vids also lag some cos of my bugged xfire :( Fixes made so far: - Improved all allied kits (The axis kits are next to come) - Fixed the flamethrower (It's no longer a "flame-ball-thrower") - Added a "mag" extra for the bombs in the Beufighter Mk1 - Improved AI (Smarter bots) - Fixes how all the bots using a K98 headshot you from across the map. - Optimized some particle effects - Fixed the sound of the silenced STEN and the Thompson M1A1 - Removed the unfairness in bots throwing smoke nades. (Removed the smoke particle effect) Hope you all like this :D Thanks to IHarryXx for helping with the testing and giving critics.
  9. [WCC LAN_WROTE ... B0zZz3] Graphics looks amazing! Well not the best i've seen :P http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-crysis-2/101432 Will be modding C2 when its out
  10. Voted yes, the smoke ingame has to stop...
  11. Quote from me on RealityMod.com: "Thought i should tell you guys this. For PRBOT to work i've done this: 1. Added my name (in lower case and in array) in the python file. 2. Started a server using the BF2 server launcher and joining it. OR joining someones else via Hamachi on their local server started from ingame. NOTE: The server does not need to be passworded.. Tested and confirmed :P 3. Opened my console and typed rcon prbot (the PRBOT should spawn like 10m infront of you so make sure you have a open space infront of you) Some of the things we are told to do is not needed like the passworded servers. Also remember that the name has to be in lower case (so mine would not be 'CCCode' it would be 'cccode') in the python file (mods\pr\python\game\realityconfig_common.py) Hope this clears up things for everyone having trouble with this."
  12. Harry: Its the living Jesus! Ouch... Really, how do you turn the laser on? xD
  13. All AT launchers that can be fired prone fails very easily like that :P
  14. I thought the AT4 failed (as it usualy does when fireing prone) and hit the humvee so you guys blew up. That would have been awesome :D
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