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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. Fastjack i made the mod folder so we can modify other things aswell.. not only maps, we might need it in the future. EDIT: Also, with my installer and stuff we can forget about the client.zips which are big ass files with lost of mbs behind them... notice how my modfolder + map is smaller then the karbala map you uploaded.
  2. I've set up a mod folder so we dont need more moving around with files and shit. I've also made a simple installer for the mod. What the installer does is copying the client.zip from the original maps to all the modified maps we got in there. To make my installer install a new map just open install.txt located in the mod folder and add a new line with 3 words; original mapname, new mapname and mod. the original mapname is the map name found in the levels folder of the mod the map comes from, the new mapname is what the map is called in pr_vg\levels and the mod is the mod folder name the original map is from. Example: daqing_oilfields daqing_oilfields bf2 Fastjack needs to make the bots work properly since i dont know how. Download: Click here to download. Instructions: - Unzip this file in the Battlefield 2\mods folder - Go to pr_vg and start the Install.exe - Use the Launch.exe to run the mod Oh and just add Karbala in the install.txt and in the levels folder without it's client.zip file, Fastjack. If anyone got questions about my launcher and installer just ask. EDIT: ATM only the 64/Std layer is working!
  3. Fastjack, you should check out Bergekiller's tools http://www.bfeditor.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13782&st=0 Especially the map renamer :P
  4. Fastjack, you know how to make the bots go to the right flag, right? I've made the map (Daqing) work properly with PR, just need to sort out some bugs here and there.. And atm the bots go to the wrong flag after they've capped the 1st one..
  5. Use this: http://bf2sig.l0ser.net/
  6. What info are you talking about? Hours played etc.? EDIT: Found one lol..
  7. Can't find a working DL link for BF2SP64... EDIT: Found one, so nvm..
  8. Hombre the password is public, VGTesters EDIT: Question, is the client.zip edited in karbala? If it isn't, delete/move that one because the server.zip files can get everything they need from the normal PR folder.
  9. If you can navmesh these maps Fastjack, go ahead. I can convert a vBF2 map in minutes. @Blud, If you mean it will be hard getting through i can lower the amount of assets the chinese are getting. Also, we get through both Kozlesk and Op. Barracuda in normal PR so we have a chance. But ok i'll do daqing instead.
  10. Tested, what needs to be done: - Make US Main uncap - Add Blachhawk(?) - Replace a LB with a Kiowa (People loves them) - Make area around US Main deadly for the Opfor (if it already is, it needs to be increased) Also, about the whole mod. How about making a new mod folder, with the serverarchives/clientarchives set to use the PR archives. This might get more people to join in since they dont need to replace something every time they change server from/to this one to/from another. Also, for the developers (us) , how about a FTP server or whatever? We make changes, post them in the forum (changelog) and upload to the FTP. EDIT: I like Dragon Valley, I'll start working on it tomorrow or later today.
  11. DLing EDIT: I could probably setup a vBf2 map to run in PR. Should i? If so, which one? EDIT 2: You need a level renamer to rename levels (yea, lol) i could also do this if it is needed.
  12. Flight sims eh? Try Free Falcon 5, lots of FF5 players on this site. Also if you are interested in BF2 you should get Project Reality for it, which is a modification and is just a whole lot better than normal BF2. You should be able to run both those games with those specs, though BF2/PR has some issues with Win7, but if you're lucky you wont have these.
  13. Noticed this aswell, when i saw a tag behind Ingo saying "Bot" lol (Or do the Iceman have some hidden secrets? :O)
  14. PR moments! We all know what these are and we all got some! Post 'em up! Incoming RPG Map: Ramiel - Std Squad: "Recon" - Badploy's Mission: Training exercise: Killinghouse Everything went smooth except the for new guy (new guy: have not been in the "killinghouse" before). This happends every time we go there, though, so that was not a big problem. We got into our positions while Badploy instructed the new guy which was running all over the place (eve on top of the feared roof top.. omg..). Later on the enemies were coming in faster and faster, a shotgun bot even came up the stairs while i was reloading and took out half the squad. We respawned, got back into position and everything were sorted out. Suddenly, bullets are going off everywhere outside while our AR gunner is AFK. Then a RPG comes flying through the window (bots are very accurate sometimes) and hits the wall behind Badploy and our AR gunner. I revived Badploy, our AR gunner and Hombre were just slightly injured so i got them healed up after this. ------------------- Roadkill Map: Karbala Squad: "Operatives" - Badploy's Mission: Go through the city killing stuff with our humvees and placing mines to block off the enemy's vehicles We have just gone through the city looking for any enemies, and there were none. We all started to think what was going on and where they were. We went up to the "Carpark" flag and heared there were lots of shooting going on. I saw Badploy (He was driving the 1st humvee, i drove the 2nd one) going around the corner while screaming something like "oh my god! look at all those bots!". There were like 20 bots all over the flag, in the street, some trying to run for it and knife a friendly that was laying in a foxhole, on the grass next to the street.. Everywhere. There was this bot with an RPG aiming at Badploy's humvee, he walked between the humvees (we were still in high speed) and i was just following Badploy's path. Both .50 gunners were shooting like crazy to get him. At last he was hit by my humvee and a .50 bullet at the same time and he went like woosh under my humvee. Later the same round we met a lot of bots around the downtown area, Badploy hit the boost and went right into a pole which became his gravestone as a RPG hit the humvee while he was stuck there. My humvee was also blown up as we tried to get out of there.
  15. Very nice! Hope to game with you guys for years to come! (PS: fix'd it !grin )
  16. No. I know what you mean Ingo, but not having this rule will ruin teamwork for most new guys and some of the regular players aswell.
  17. I agree, Vista is a mess and Win7 cant play PR as stable as XP does... XP ftw
  18. Yea noticed that too, now where is the bug fix patch for PR:BF2?! lol
  19. Got the same thing, will try again EDIT: Got it working once, but not again after that :? EDIT 2 (lol): Finally got it working, had to paste my sig in and click save settings before the site loaded completely
  20. As i said in the chatbox, it's awesome :)
  21. And the winner is... Laddergoat!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggB33d0BLcY
  22. We could make a map, if anyone knows (well) how to use the BF2 editor. Though we couldnt make it coop without someone who knows navmeshing
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