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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. Try this: Right click the PR shortcut, go to Properties (eh.. Egenskaper) and make sure the "Start in:" field is the BF2 install directory. (i.e. C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2)
  2. I'm not sure what causes this problem, but i've had it myself once or twice before. If you are using Vista or Win7 try to run it as admin and also try to run it in XP mode. IF this does not work try to uninstall BF2, delete the BF2 folder in both My Documents and Program Files\EA Games, restart your PC, install BF2 (If you have the Complete Collection, when you are asked if you'd like to restart your PC click NO, otherwise click YES), install the 1.5 patch, install PR, try to run the game. Also.. lykke til :P
  3. Yes, the 2nd one got no shadow on the back one, thats a fail.. Anyway, dogtags don't make themselves so i thought i'd make one. Eclipse's idea though.
  4. One of my ideas: Attached a zip with black/white, white/black, black/transparent and white/transparent versions of it. logo.zip
  5. "Sections of CSBs required: 7 Cost of the project: 7 Lives" ... You fell of the CSBs every time you tried to get off them? lol
  6. I don't get the pop up thingy when i get a new notification on xfire, so i cant accept friend requests and such stuff.. I'm using the default "Shadow" skin. Anyone know how to fix this?
  7. Lets not occupy the chatbox lol.. I think i know a reason for Asad Kahl's crashes aswell.. Before the .95 patch there were no vehicles and it ran stabily..
  8. Hell, if you can come up with a shader for BF2 that adds motion blur... it can be done.
  9. Found a way around it, but something's just messed up.. i rename the map, copy the modified files from the renamed map's client.zip (terraindata.raw and LightmapAtlas.tai) over to an original map client.zip and it wont work.. i mean.. if i do this the new client.zip and the old one will be the same.. but they're not..
  10. terrain.lightmapBaseName "Levels/karbalb/Lightmaps/tx Tells where the terrain lightmaps are, i just need the the LightmapAtlas.tai which tells what is where and whatever about the object lightmaps. I can try find another solution for what i'm trying to do.
  11. I don't got any error.. i just need to find out what file specifies the path of LightmapAtlas.tai...
  12. He did actually understand my question. So sadly, we can't request kist from anything that is not already added by the PR team. This, however, dosen't mean much to us, just to my old minimod i made myself a long time ago. And Fastjack, is the Lightmaps\Objects\LightmapAtlas.tai file's path specified in terraindata.raw? I can't find it anywere, and i haven't looked in there yet.
  13. I'm going for Fastjack's method. I had chat with Bdaploy, and he's right adding maps to PR is better than making a mini mod with only the maps that we've fixed. I'm sorry for any confusion, I'll fix up Ramiel so we have blackhawks and rearming airstrip soon btw. :P
  14. You with the submod you dont get the map in normal PR, you need to use the launcher, or create your own (which is not hard). The launcher i put in mods\pr_vg launches pr_vg instead of PR.
  15. Daqing is ready, im waiting for Fastjack to get Karbala ready. I'll leave him some ideas and info in a PM since im not going to be around tomorrow.
  16. Fastjack, lets test the mod and maps with several people and add in the Osprey later. If we need to we just got to do this step by step. Anyway, i need Daqing tested soon so i can continue. (Need feedback, also i can't cap flags on my own, and the US bots are just stupid, the PLA team is bot friendly and the US is not and the other way around with players)
  17. Well, if they don't need the pilot kit we'll see a lot more of those who crash the chopper and then just go fighting.
  18. Fastjack i belive you need python to add the pilot thing to the choppers etc. So it cant be done since the PR devs have compiled their work. Don't bother askeing them they wont give you anything. EDIT: I suggest you forget about the Osprey since you need to ask for it which takes time, and do the US Army use it? i though it was only the marines..?
  19. Fastjack got the mod atm, i guess he will upload it soon.
  20. Daqing Oilfield is ready for testing! Just need to add ESAI and upload it so brb... And, just a little tease:
  21. Daqing is converted, i need you to make the bots "smart" cos atm they go to the wrong flags at the wrong time.
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