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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. The server dies when one of the map pack maps starts. So i have to say yes, remove the pack.
  2. The server is 1.9pre4 Dman. Are you sure you got the 4th prerelease? Are you using any mods? Have you updated Java reacently? Check your main menu (Where you see the Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Mods & Texture packs and Options buttons). The version number should be bottom left. And some mods might be bugged so you can't play online with them on a vanila server.
  3. I've found a way to fix the corrupted chunks! It was caused by WAY too many entities in a very small space. I loaded the map in my singleplayer and it lagged as it has been doing in the server, after i deleted and regenerated the chunk it acted normally again. The chunk was on the main land just east of the farming island. Now, whoever decided to go explore 41,000 chunks (a chunk, if you don't know, is 16x16 blocks) have to do it all over again =D But seriously, i deleted the 41,000 chunks going west outside map_0 because you've all been told NOT to explore further than map_0 before we get the new terrain features. (Strongholds are becoming more common and that's a big deal in the next update) I checked ofc. no manmade structure was lost. It might have been the griefer who wanted some adventure idk, it's not a big deal, the chunks are gone
  4. Semler, Twitter is a great way to get news about stuff fast. You can for example follow a game dev (e.g. @notch or @jeb_) and you get to know about changes to a game when it happends
  5. I'd have it way more random and natural looking, but yea it would be cool if we made a giant tree sometime. It's on my to-do list!
  6. Robot and i was making an egg farm and a chicken killing device:
  7. 7thMarine LAN_WROTE ... Then why send a PM mentioning it? Idk, the site sends you PMs about everything.. 7thMarine LAN_WROTE ... I also noticed, before you posted ccc I had stars across the board, now just one. I see how it is. I did not do that
  8. The rank system on this site doesn't give you any bonuses or anything. Does it really matter?
  9. That's cool, maybe i can put it in the worlds thread
  10. Updated OP with a render of the 1.7 world. It only shows some of it, but it got most stuff we made in it.
  11. A lot of work was put into our previous world, but we decided to start over on a new world and make the old world available for everyone. The worlds available for download is listed below: The 1.7 world is full of settlements, advanced redstone circuits, amazing structures and a minecart rail system and mine like no other! You will spawn at the main entrance of the castle. The minecart system is bugged (some testing for the new 1.8 world was done and we didn't clean up), but it will still bring you from the castle to the fortress. The fortress is a large walled in, flattened out area with a very large structure inside (design by poffadder). Next to the fortress is the hunting outpost (it has a tower with lava and water flowing from it) and the pit mine (you won't miss it, trust me...). To the north-west in map_0 (the castle is in the middle of map_0) is robotfungus' test area. There should be a few hidden vaults scattered around close to storage areas, see if you can find them! ;) If you want to see screenshots from this world head over to the screenshot thread, here: http://veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?16049.0 [Download Survival Version] - Dropbox - Mediafire [Download Creative Version] - Dropbox - Mediafire This is the seed we are using at the moment if you like the current (1.8) world: -5157264825368269130 How to play the downloaded worlds in singleplayer: - Unzip/decompress the folder inside the .zip to %appdata%\.minecraft\saves Have fun ;)
  12. We really need a place where slimes spawn... Sticky pistons is a must
  13. Some shots from the server: EDIT: The 1.7 map is now available for everyone! Here's the thread: http://veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?17736
  14. TED's creeper and me and robot while exploring map_0
  15. Concerning Minecraft Server Over the last few months we have learned allot about running a minecraft server. As simple as it sounds it?s not simply about playing a game. There is a lot of aspect that comes with that. First of this is a COOP server. This means it will be allot different from a normal public server that many people are use to. Trust means a lot on this server and gaining trust is a lot harder. We ran the server like a communist community. Everything belonged to everyone and no one could say ?- This is my house!? or ?-This chest of gold belongs to me!? The idea was very romantic and it started out all fine and we achieved a lot and we had a lot of issues but we have learned a lot out it. When the server will relaunch with the new update we are going to have a lot of new changes in terms of rules. 1. GOAL ? The goal is to have a good time and to work together to create things that we would not be able to do if we played separate (lone wolf). If you are not a part of the community or enjoy playing as a group you are not going to enjoy playing on this server. 2. SPAWNAREA - In the spawn area we will have a small village where new players can set up a small house and get into the game. If you are a new player and are instantly put into a giant castle and swarmed with items you don?t really have anything to accomplish and also you don?t really understand the time and effort behind crafting items. If you want to build find an empty lot, a lot will be a fenced out area with a sign saying it available for construction. You are not allowed to leave the general spawn area until we know you are a verified player, some people tend to join the server just to grief and spread chaos. It only takes one rotten apple to ruin the whole basket. 3. TOOLS - Acquiring tools. In the village there is a community hall that will have a chest with some basic tools that you will need to progress, once you have learned the game basics and proven yourself trustworthy you can help out with community progress, Like building a wall or a road. 4. PLAYERS - Interacting with other players. Treat other players at you would treat any normal person. Be polite, be respectful. If you stumble on someone?s creation don?t steal or grief there creations. READ signs and RESPECT other peoples stuff. You do not know how much time and effort has been put in to people?s creations, Remember this is a COOP server not a PVP server. 5. COMMUNICATION - Communication is very important, if you never say anything is really hard to get a grip on who you are and what you are trying to accomplish. Most problems are sorted out before they even begin simply by using communication. 6. TNT - TNT should only be used for mining or ground works. Not to be used in anyway to harm another player or their creations. 7. CONSTRUCTION - Once you have proven that you are a legit player there is noting stopping you from building where you want to build. But before you go on with your plans take a minute and think about this: How will the construction have an impact on the game world and the environment? Ask other players for feedback if you are unsure on how to proceed. Community constructions to be carried out will be marked out by a fenced area with a sign, any building inside will be demolished also if any building in the vicinity that with the overall beauty of the building that will also be demolished. 8. ADMINS ? If you need to get in contact with an admin the following players are an admin on the server: CCCode, Poffadder, Dman248 and B0zZz3.
  16. Yea, it's officially out. Now we wait for bugfix patches... I guess we can have a "New start" even this friday on the server :D Last time i checked the whitelist, it was full of people that haven't played in a long time - those will be removed so they can't randomly join before re-reading the rules. Hope we can get atleast 5-8 guys when we restart :-)
  17. The 2nd pre-release's changelog can be found here: http://pastebin.com/gtAczURg Most noticable changes (for me atleast): - F6/F7 does not have a function again - Fog toggle key is back (might be temporary) - The horrible lag is gone - Less mineshafts - Pre-release 1 seeds still work, but will have up to 2 more strongholds and way less mineshafts, everything else will be the same
  18. Nope, hopefully the Endermen will be fixed for the full release
  19. I got some screenshots of some of the new features: (Pigs seem to spawn in natural caves underground.. Cool.)
  20. There is a ton of bugs in the pre-release and it runs very slowly, just a warning to everyone. :P
  21. The thing with Crytek's CryEngine is that it's so easy to work with. Crytek has worked their asses off to give FarCry (1), Crysis, Crysis Wars and Crysis 2 full modding support. Also, CryEngine 3 is 100% realtime, you don't have to bake shadows, indirect lighting, ambient occlusion and all that.. Also, DICE made the Frostbite 2 engine in a way THEY can work easily with it. Modding support for BF3:
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