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=VG= CCCode

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= CCCode

  1. A 5 year old engine that is an engine.. Game engines ain't like a car motor.. it still runs after 100 years without maintenance.. And again.. Why make an AmrA 2 mod? For who are we making it? The few of us VGs that got ArmA 2?
  2. Guys.. First off, you don't need python to do huge modifications to the gameplay.. It helps, but its not needed. Also, the PR team started like we do now.. Some dudes putting ideas together.. The PR team was like 4 or 5 to begin with too and they didnt even know how BF2 was set up before they started planning PR.. They did it.. WHY CAN'T WE? And PR can be imrpoved.. Especially coop after what's been done to it in the last patch. Oh and @Iffn, VG consists of mostly PR players.. Why and how would we make a ArmA 2 mod?
  3. We should use something like Filezilla Oh and we should start the actual modding after the next client release of PR since it will fix a lot of the current bugs and give us a more stable ground.
  4. One of the sickest engines i've seen !amazed
  5. IHarryXx LAN_WROTE ... HAHAHA.... That's just like how I shoot my RPG's in PR remind me to never let u have the LAT while playing in an insurgent infantry squad...
  6. Muttrah + teamwork + infantry must be the most epic thing i've tried in PR. big thanks to badploy :P
  7. @Iffn, looks like the dudes in Combined Arms just applied greyscale and inverted the light...
  8. They added a new system to the missiles so you gotta click for it to redirect
  9. Category? like off-topic, general discussion etc?
  10. @Hell, sniping with JDAMs? epic.
  11. Maybe "ouch" is the word for this..?
  12. Im fine with the germans.. too bad we cant have allies for some maps and axis for others..
  13. Turn down the geometry to low or medium and it should load a lot faster
  14. Well you get tired of all the baserape, spawnkilling, noobs with C4, gliching inside buildings, divers etc.. lol
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