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Everything posted by Allie2

  1. No wonder the bots were throwing nades at APC so this is why
  2. I'll also go commander on 3rd blufor along with 1st one unless someone wants to be 3rd
  3. opfor 1 or 2 please if possible, and either blufor 1 or 2 (can't play for too long since it's at 2 AM so kinda limited on choice for me it's fine if you pick someone else)
  4. Are we allowed to go BLUFOR commander first game then join opfor in second game?
  5. Nooo you are the worst person ever , why would you let them know the secret
  6. This here is a typical response of a tsundere.
  7. If you open up the launcher of the game and click on manual right below the Play button you can read most of the basics Additionally you can watch this playlist and familiarize yourself with some of the emplacements and such stuff (May be outdated but still does the job) Oh and here's a youtube video on kits too
  8. No no they are already at bargaining stage
  9. I was at my uncle's countryside place and had woke up too early and decided to take a look at a sunrise so I took a stroll up to the top of the mountain (it is very close because we practically live on the damn mountain :P) and so I was just waiting for it to rise and decided to take a picture of it
  10. I was walking down from the mountain to the bus station for college and I looked to my right on the bridge and was shocked how beautiful the river looked with all the fog and sun so I brought out my phone and took some pictures :D
  11. He is trying to hide from you on the tree (cat and dog )
  12. Bro jabal was literally repetitive, just make fob on the bridge flag before Dam and camp all the vehicles and shits with a TOW emplacement literal garbage ngl (Large layer was fire tho ngl) "They are removing the fun and variety from the game and making it more dull and repetitive." But my man you really need to cope with the changes.
  13. Finally got on dem browser, have you lul
  14. Broooo where'd you go, why'd you leave the discord

    1. Pew_Pew


      WTF.....Idfk how I left the discord

  15. That would be nice *cough* Zeee *cough*
  16. Amph drooling over the chinese farmer girls
  17. I'd like to play ALL of those maps but since I am out here in countryside most likely only one map kekw Operation Archer seems legit
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