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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Status Updates posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. This is an example of what I've been working on for several months, only now finally almost ready to be released publicly - I can speak with ChatGPT and it responds with text-to-speech, like having a proper back-and-forth conversation with a real AI.  I can even ask for code and my VoiceAttack profile will pull that out of the text-to-speech response so it is not spoken, and open it in a notepad!  Coming this week!!


    1. =VG= =AMPH=

      =VG= =AMPH=

      This is truly amazing!

  2. :tatice_06:
    About to begin alpha testing phase for my latest project, bringing the power of artificial intelligence to the VoiceAttack program through a public plugin that any profile developer can use to create VoiceAttack profiles that make use of the OpenAI API and systems such as ChatGPT, Dall-E image generation/editing, and more:

  3. I made a command line tool... I had fun.....

    allows us to remotely recover the VG BMS server when it does something dumbz like commit 40GB of memory for the BMS server process. Now we can plod along until the next patch update fixes this known memory leak issue. Fun fun

    now I'm gonna go pass out zzzzzzz....


  4. Love you all!  Work around the house is winding down just in time, the rainy season has hit - we didn't quite get all the moss scraped off the roof, but at least we got all the gutters and downspouts cleared.  My legs and back are killing me, and usually it's just my arms - so with them on top of it all, I've been having some very rough mornings for a few weeks.  At least I've not had any headaches to deal with, I get those from my neck muscles, not your typical headache or migraine but like a big general thing that kinda reduces when I lay my head down (whether sleeping or not).

    I got all my old gear dusted off, including my X52 HOTAS, looking forward to setting up HELIOS (instead of YAME64) to get some BMS gauges onto my little touchscreen and just generally get myself set back up for Falcon BMS.  When I get back into it, gonna take it easy - just one or two flights in a session, then get up and take a break.  So worried I'll fuck my neck or arms, but I'm very antsy to get back into it regardless.

    At nights, I've been spending some time here and there learning Stationeers in an "easy" mode singleplayer world on Mars.  Had to start over twice, but third time I figured it out (pausing ANYTIME I was just thinking, checking the wiki, as well as when AFK).  My goal is to learn the basics enough so that I'm not as helpless and useless as the last time I hopped onto our last multiplayer Stationeers world on Europa.

    This has truly been the Year of Hell, and I'm glad it's nearly over.  Hoping to get back into a routine of casual multiplayer gaming with you all once again, and to stop hiding from the world to deal with my shit.


    1. Legionnaire-50


      Force for you Sempler, take ur time.

  5. Between physical therapy and dealing with these crazy pills I gotta take to ease the edge, I've been not even wearing my headset and so not getting into TS3 or anything beyond chatting in Discord or here on the website for so long.  If there's anything I said I would do and ghosted on, just know it's not personal and honestly just fallen under the radar.  I get periods where I can do important stuff, and other times it is the last thing I want to put myself through.

    Regardless, I have been working off and on for the past few weeks on my AVCS voice control profiles for VoiceAttack again, it's been my greatest passion for nearly five years and I enjoy making things as much as enjoy using them in games - especially now when it's so hard to type for any extended period or use the mouse for longer than a move and click or two, and left-handing it the rest of the time, or using voice dictation to type out most of a chat/text msg and then just edit what is wrong by hand.

    This will be the first AVCS profile project to include hardware as part of the system, an external temperature/humidity sensor on a standard USB connection.  Got the parts for the prototypes from Amazon yesterday, and still working out the code, but will soon be posting up a cool DIY Arduino project and AVCS Profile for computer sensors through AIDA64 Extreme with ambient room sensor via the Arduino, and local weather from Open Weather Maps.

    It's frustrating to be moving so slow but I keep plugging away, and now I've nearly finished the main menu GUI (something I've never needed for my VoiceAttack profiles yet), and I'm really happy with how it's turning out so far.  All this without needing to run another program, VoiceAttack just hosts the applet for me and saves the values to file as part of the voice profile config:

  6. Life has been extremely busy, and I've not been feeling well.  This has caused some of the projects I've been working on to get pushed to the back burner, but I expect to be active again real soon - this stuff is on my mind even when I'm not at my PC.  Plans for the VG Store, releasing an update for my voice control project, the VG Clubs Leadership (Wings) program, and getting requested servers installed and working are at the top of my list as soon as I can break away and get some time to tinker.  Apologies to anyone who is waiting on me to act and get things done, I had not anticipated these distractions, and when I do get time at my desk, it's barely enough time to make rounds and make sure things are solid before I'm busy again.


    1. ASAP Xelah

      ASAP Xelah

      take your time! you always did great for VG :)

  7. A link to the VG Club graphics, from early final drafts to the official final designs at bottom (with 'less' white lettering):


    lSzJa9j.png   RcNn7gS.png

  8. this is the sort of crap I make when I'm bored... not that I don't have better things to do, just farting around drinking my morning coffee :coffee:

  9. Welcome to the VG Army! :drinks: 

  10. Wot I been up to:

    Crafting the new VG Wiki using our database forms system, to allow any old joe with little to no editing experience to create or edit great looking Wiki pages in a very VG themed style.  All entries feature an automated Contents menu linking to any section with content, little 'edit' buttons next to any section that open the editor and jump to the part of the form containing that content, a Summary Box panel that sizes automatically with content (up to a certain min/max width), and up to 64 sections with optional inset image panel (with subtitle) which uses simple logic to stagger left/right on odd/even numbered sections.

    Once the form/system is set, I'll be able to create additional categories, and even category-specific fields such as a standardized format for the Summary Box on a per subject/topic basis.  Permissions can be set separately for who can create new pages/entries, or who can edit, so we can create a roadmap of 'stub' entries that can be filled in by users of specific group(s) that we dictate (such as Jr. Officers and higher only, etc.).

    This is also being used to learn about custom CSS and HTML, and IPS logic, as it pertains to in-page links that jump around the same page (such as the proposed 'Back to Top' button for this website, globally).  Like, I thought I knew a little about HTML and certain tags/properties like <a> and <div>, but this project has had me diving in much deeper requiring me to create my own custom <div> classes.  The little white square brackets around the in-page links like [edit] are custom CSS added before and after the parent class, and ended up looking a lot more concise than three <span>'s in a row all with their own style dictated any time they were used.

    the difference being:

    <div class="vg-wiki-edit-link"><a href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span>edit</span></a></div>

    instead of this ugly mess:

    <a target="_self" href="./?do=edit&#subsection-{$vg_wiki_section}"><span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;">[</span> <span style="color:#dba901;margin:2px;font-size:10px;font-weight:bold;">edit</span> <span style="color:#bababa;font-size:12px;margin-right:15px;">]</span></a>


    Got some pics - first is day 1 proof of concept, then day 2, then day 3... coming right along, a lot of the work now is in the system/editor as opposed to the front end "look" of the Wiki pages:
    (*images and text, and subsection titles etc. are placeholders for visualization purposes, of course)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      @=VG= Fastjack The text content size and exact picture placement is skewed for the example images, since it's very hard to take a screenshot of a tall webpage without zooming out a bit.  The inset images stagger left and right for odd/even numbered sections, so if something had 5 sections, and each one used the image inset option, the first would be on left, next on the right, and so on... A user could skip a section and that would appear to have it's image also on the left or right (same as the section above) if they wanted, too.  The number of the content item and the section is actually irrelevant. If you added content to sub-section 1 and also sub-section 42, they would appear in the end as #1 and #2 in the Table of Contents (just not in the editor view).

      Blogs are a different system, so, no there is no way to directly apply these customized HTML/CSS form elements that I made for the VG Wiki to the current Blogs system.  Those are essentially blank pages, and you can use your own creativity to achieve nearly the same results using bbcode and editor tools.  There will be a few more buttons for the Editor (seen in all posting, the bar of tools when you write posts or replies like this) as well, so that may help to make things look more personalized when desired.

      You already can put pictures or banners in the same style (probably not with a box and subtitle, unless bbcode supports that), with text flowing around an inline image instead of being bumped down to the next paragraph line.

      Also, the pictures #1, #2, and #3 are not different options, they are the evolution of my progress crafting this system (from my first day, through the third day, and look better in that order as I added/fixed elements). ;)


    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      FTR, this is what that #3 style sample looks like on my 24" 1080p monitor:


    4. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      blurbs all day ... now it's bedtime... these are pretty cool - I built in lots of options... shape, size, position, slant, color, border color...

      And that body of text is a div below the top three blurbs, very cool custom container magic :wizard:




  11. Love the garden pic on your profile!  I've been growing for around 15 years, indoors and 'drain-to-waste' hydroponics.  Last spring my crop went to hell when aphids invaded and evaded entire battalions of ladybugs I released to eat them.  One plant was completely ignored by the ladybugs, it was very frustrating.  Haven't fired up the grow room for a crop since, but I better get started soon cuz it's $150 an oz. at the shops, and lower quality that my grows.

    Last best grow was Spring 2019 - pics if you're interested:  https://imgur.com/gallery/K6UIMSP


  12. Happy Birthday!! :happy-birthday:

    (chat box seems screwed up)

  13. fucking steam... seriously...

    1. =VG= I3RY4N

      =VG= I3RY4N

      Just a little FYI. If you didnt know it already, some games have to "unzip" their files to patch and then "re-zip" it just to keep a low footprint on your hard drive. And that process can take a while. Steam doesnt really have a way to accurately predict how long that will take.

      If you have a look at your drives while it patches like that you'll notice that the drive with the game on it will have bloated quite a bit.

    2. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      The fact that it says 'more than 1 year', really amuses me.


      - Says the guy who had potato PC :P

  14. Welcome back! Hope life is treating you a little better!  I know it's a shit time for everyone, but you know what I mean. :hi: 

    1. Jersans


      Aye I do. Thanks for being a friend. 

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      FYI -- as I stated in your post, once  you've been around for awhile again, and management here is sure you are ready for a PR Admin role again, you will be restored to that group here on the website and in game, so again, don't feel bad about this little detail.  Thank you for understanding!!


  15. **NOT Banned -- Simply restricted from actions on this website until we can talk in TeamSpeak about what happened to the website.  Thanks for understanding, brother!  We're all pretty concerned!  Hope everything is okay!

  16. Almost done with my voice control profile framework for VoiceAttack, and the next version of AVCS4 BMS Immersive Voice Control Radios -- finishing up work on the semi-automated debugging and bug reporting system - a bit behind schedule, but pushing hard to get this into a public beta test soon:
    imgur linky

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    2. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Freakin awesome news Sem.

    3. Ereen


      Congrats sem.
      You must feel awesome, you've been working on this for a long time, hope there is no bugs or dumb things happen. anyway Good luck with the launch! :)

  17. History of Falcon Modifications - link for a friend:

    Falcon 4 history.svg

  18. Been doing some extreme overclocking today with my new nVidia ASUS ROG STRIX RTX 2070 Super - for the last 14 hours or so.... :Alvarin_33: 

    I set a number of 1st place Overclocking records in 3DMark in my class:  i5-4690K / RTX 2070 Super -- including a 3rd place ranking in FireStrike against i5-4690K's OC's to the super extreme of 4.4-4.7GHZ!!  I can only get mine at 4.3GHz even without overclocking my RAM, so I run 4.3GHz on my CPU and OC RAM @ 2133MHz (4x4GB)

    I was able to get stable at a GPU OC @ 2130MHz and VRAM OC @ 2000MHz (16GHz total across all 8x1GB GDDR6!)

    It seems I won't hold all those first places for long, though, guys like Raymanauto77 could knock me out with CPU alone... lol. Cheers, Ray! Love your CPU!

    I was super proud to place 43rd IN THE WORLD and 12th place in USA for Time Spy Extreme in the same class (i5-4690K) against ALL GRAPHICS CARDS and was also cool to place just inside the top 100 in the USA for a Port Royal and Time Spy (v1.1) each at 94th place.  Super fun to be able to swing around this card in it's extreme levels, took a ton of testing and work, will have to post up some pics in a blog post or something later.  The Turing GPU has some quirks and an overclocking guide with my experiences using this Super version card might be cool to have around.

    For now, after a full day of this, it's time to call it a day.  Pics to come.  Fun fun!

    WOO HOO! :wizard:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    3. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      @STRONTIUM_DOG Yea, my computer boots through two SSD's in RAID-0, and I have another 500GB SSD for programs and games.  Can't fit everything, though - the new Red Dead Redemption 2 is about 115GB installed.  Yea.  Fuck that.  It went on my 4TB HDD.  Load times suffer, but that is all.



      Booting up with 2 SSD's in RAID-0 no parity needed : ) nice,,, so i guess the SSDs are now stable after 100000s of complaints and toothache ahaha 

      I took a brake form the SSD world after blanking out  once a week, you have inspired me for my next build.

      i'm staying with the good old 500gb HDDs for the closet  storage, as there 10$ and spin up is faster TBs are like playing  Frisbee with a kid lol  

      As soon as i get back to civilization i will be onto you for a list of shit that don't burn  : )



  19. YAAARRRRRRRR!!!!! :biggrin:


    ...yar. :Alvarin_07:

  20. In Portland, Oregon, where Darth Vader rides a unicycle while wearing a kilt and playing bag pipes that shoot fire around the Skidmore district, we have a saying, "Keep Portland Weird"

    .... So this just happened, an official local brew from Portland Brewing:

    1. =VG= Fastjack

      =VG= Fastjack

      About 2nd pic …… few seconds later forklift came around the corner and SMMAAATTCCHHHEEEDDDD mr. unipiper!!!!

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

       :tatice_03:  ....and then a few seconds later, "Portland Brewing announces it's newest beer:  Smashed Unipiper with Bits of Forklift IPA"

    3. =VG= Fastjack

      =VG= Fastjack

       You know i came from the logistic buisness  warehouses etc.

      When i see your fucking american type pallets … pure hate.

      With the standard warehouse equipment like forklift, reachtruck or slipsheet it's to shitty to handle.


  21. My jaw dropped at this amazing amateur cosmic photography by Thunderf00t - @11:35 Alien Mothership confirmed! (j/k) ;)


    1. =VG= 22..12

      =VG= 22..12

      man rlly I can't watch stuff like this my brain will shutdown because now I dont have space need a new hard drive for my brain :)

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX
    3. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      P R A I S E    T H E     S U N     ! ! ! ! ! ! :D


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