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SQUAD Registration of Interest

=VG= Kavelenko

SQUAD - Registration of interest  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you already own SQUAD or planning to get it?

  2. 2. Do you play SQUAD regularly?

  3. 3. Would you like to see a dedicated SQUAD server for =VG= eventually?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played SQUAD yesterday. I made it to the squad selection screen before quitting. There were 8/9 locked squads. 2 one man heli squads (two helis available), one IFV/BRDM squad driving a T90, one one man BRDM squad locked conducting deep operations far away from any cap and some inf squads.

I feel the playerbase needs more servers with a proven ruleset. I'd be down to read into the admin stuff.

One thing that might bring us more popularity in the squad community right away would be to host workshop mods like the aussie mod. There are always people looking for servers but none stay up for long. If we would to fill that niche we could implement the PR legacy ruleset with a kind of good minded monopoly like we enjoy in PR COOP. If there will be more servers popping up we would still have a dedicated and fair server culture that has been popular in COOP for quite some time.


	Once @=VG= Melon Muncher learns UnrealEngine and creates a highly sophisticated machine learning AI for SQUAD, PR will die. Once that happens we are prepared for the first official SQUAD COOP VG Server. :)


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The squad servers I've played on so far have been pretty disorganized, they mostly play like they do in Counter Strike, all individuals shooting anything that moves and little to no team work. The =VG= mentality could easily attract players to the game even if you based it on the current PR standards.

I need to play a few more games to bring myself up to speed with the comms, and weapons in a combat situation, but its pretty difficult to do with guys who cant or won't communicate like we do in PR.

If you're up for a few games together Keed name the server and time and I'll be there!


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  On 2/27/2020 at 10:23 AM, =VG= keed said:

I played SQUAD yesterday. I made it to the squad selection screen before quitting. There were 8/9 locked squads. 2 one man heli squads (two helis available), one IFV/BRDM squad driving a T90, one one man BRDM squad locked conducting deep operations far away from any cap and some inf squads.

I feel the playerbase needs more servers with a proven ruleset. I'd be down to read into the admin stuff.

One thing that might bring us more popularity in the squad community right away would be to host workshop mods like the aussie mod. There are always people looking for servers but none stay up for long. If we would to fill that niche we could implement the PR legacy ruleset with a kind of good minded monopoly like we enjoy in PR COOP. If there will be more servers popping up we would still have a dedicated and fair server culture that has been popular in COOP for quite some time.


	Once @=VG= Melon Muncher learns UnrealEngine and creates a highly sophisticated machine learning AI for SQUAD, PR will die. Once that happens we are prepared for the first official SQUAD COOP VG Server. :)



Yes that's it if i gonna have and play squad then it will be in VG server why not ?

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  On 2/27/2020 at 10:23 AM, =VG= keed said:

I played SQUAD yesterday. I made it to the squad selection screen before quitting. There were 8/9 locked squads. 2 one man heli squads (two helis available), one IFV/BRDM squad driving a T90, one one man BRDM squad locked conducting deep operations far away from any cap and some inf squads.

I feel the playerbase needs more servers with a proven ruleset. I'd be down to read into the admin stuff.

One thing that might bring us more popularity in the squad community right away would be to host workshop mods like the aussie mod. There are always people looking for servers but none stay up for long. If we would to fill that niche we could implement the PR legacy ruleset with a kind of good minded monopoly like we enjoy in PR COOP. If there will be more servers popping up we would still have a dedicated and fair server culture that has been popular in COOP for quite some time.


	Once @=VG= Melon Muncher learns UnrealEngine and creates a highly sophisticated machine learning AI for SQUAD, PR will die. Once that happens we are prepared for the first official SQUAD COOP VG Server. :)



Where is the Problem? Here you go : https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/ArtificialIntelligence/index.html


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I have been playing squad quite a lot recently, just come back to it after a long break and have been having quite a lot of fun on it.

Yes it is quite disorganised to what you would usually think a game like this should be like. But not in every game, the new commander feature added allows a Sql to be voted for the role by other Sqls. This feature allows alot of coordination in games and can actually lead to a victory or a loss depending on the commander and his/her tactics. The commander does get access to off map supports and a UAV but really this isn't normally thier strongest characteristic. Rarely do i play on PR where the commander takes command of the whole team and coordinate each squad but this is what occurs in most games in squad, especially in popular servers like PA 1 and 2. If you are in a squad where the Sql lead isnt always talking to your Squad and the communication seems a bit limited more than likely your Sql is gonna be communicating in the Sql only chat with the commander. 


  On 2/27/2020 at 10:23 AM, =VG= keed said:

I made it to the squad selection screen before quitting. There were 8/9 locked squads. 2 one man heli squads (two helis available), one IFV/BRDM squad driving a T90, one one man BRDM squad locked conducting deep operations far away from any cap and some inf squads.


The servers on squad have quite a different rules set when it comes to vehicles and squads but it all depends on the server you join. On PA(project awesome) servers rules regarding vehicles is that it must have at least 2 crew if a crewman kit is required and for squads, they can only be locked under 4 if they are 1 man squads e.g. logistics. Squad naming is more of a decency than a rule and pretty much any squad can take a vehicle if no other squad has claimed it already, IFV/BRDM squad taking a tank. The main reason for there being 2 heli squads instead of one or a one man BRDM(which doesn't require a crewman kit) is the ability to communicate with commander and other Sqls. 

Joining the game and seeing things like those above may seem like it is discouraging team work but really it is just a way to increase communication. That BRDM on its own could be scouting for HABs (respawn locations) or vehicles so the team can act together to remove those assets from the battle field.


But the rules depend on the server. Also just for ease any rule that may be unusual can be displayed in red text at the top pf every players screen automatically every 10 mins or so (I assume this can be set to different timings). I think a server with the current VG PR ruleset could be used but adapted more to the sqaud player base because we wouldn't want them to come on the server and do something that they would normally consider ok, get kicked or warned and not want to play.


The aussie mod would be nice but i pretty sure at the moment that on the mod description in the workshop the author has written that he wouldn't like anyone to host the mod on their own server but for it to be only hosted on an official server created by the mod author. I saw this a few months ago so i am unsure if it is still true.


I would be down to play on a VG server or if anyone wants to play with me i am usually on PA 1 or 2 and if u would like any help getting into the game i am sure i can put my couple of hundred hours to use :)


Cheers, Hoops

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Ive got about 60 hours into it, but the dynamic of the community seems diff than the true COOP community that I'm used to in PR.  No one has ever offered to help the new guy, but I kinda expected that.  Dont even talk about combat tactics...its friking PUBG with uniforms.  I would love to see a VG server up and running guys...

heres my steam ID:  https://steamcommunity.com/id/grnandgld

Lets do this !!!!

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If our server goes up and running I'd be happy to be apart of the organization and enforcing some sort of team play, if every squad leader was a VG member for a bit until people get how the server runs that would be awesome.

We will probably also be the people who transform squad into a game where it is supposed to be. 

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  On 2/28/2020 at 7:50 PM, =VG= Vanillapop said:

We will probably also be the people who transform squad into a game where it is supposed to be. 


:bb:but before that I should maybe play again for 10 hours...^^

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If you have TrackIR5 its even better, just roll my head to the side and peek around corners, I still get my head shot off though rofl!

I was on an Aussie Squad server last night because the ping was good for me, server was full but compared to PR the communication is not as good, may have been the squad I was in.

I think we could easily find a niche in the Squad community just by doing what we do here at =VG= ; communicate well. It would not take long to bring this game up to speed.

I don't like the map, its too cluttered because the icons are huge, We need to get together and do some basic training perhaps on a quiet server so we don't annoy anyone?

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  On 2/29/2020 at 12:45 AM, =VG= Kavelenko said:

I don't like the map, its too cluttered because the icons are huge


in the top left when you press caps lock you can toggle certain icons on the map e.g FOB radius and number of supplies at each radio.

  On 2/29/2020 at 12:45 AM, =VG= Kavelenko said:

We need to get together and do some basic training perhaps on a quiet server so we don't annoy anyone?


If you go on custom browser there are servers with maps for this kind of thing (jenson’s range) where you can pick your faction from 2 that are currently in play and take any kit you would like and practice with it. There is a firing range for both vehicles, normal small arms and any emplacements you would like to try. You can even practice flying or go on a FIBUA(fighting in built up areas) or CQB course if you would like. 

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  On 3/5/2020 at 4:33 PM, =VG= ciro said:

If not i'll apply.


For testing purposes we don't need a licence. 

"Remember that if you do not receive a license, you can still host a server!" Source: https://squad.gamepedia.com/Server_licensing

The guidelines state that we need a min of 10 admins/instance. I don't think we are quite there yet. Could we host a non-licenced server to check the hardware specs and then, when the tech groundwork has been laid out we could apply for a licence. Source: http://forums.joinsquad.com/topic/7849-game-server-administration-guidelines/


@=VG= 0100011000101 This weekend, me and you, some candles, some wine? I'll allocate some time. :lol:

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  On 3/9/2020 at 2:16 PM, =VG= keed said:

@=VG= 0100011000101 This weekend, me and you, some candles, some wine? I'll allocate some time. 


on friday i have a date but saturday, sunday i am at your service. you can take the candles i will have some wine beer.

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  On 3/9/2020 at 2:16 PM, =VG= keed said:

The guidelines state that we need a min of 10 admins/instance.


We've got more than 20+ admins out of 33 players who potentially own Squad or did I miss something? The following suggests you need a licence to show up on the primary server list, otherwise it will be on the custom server list. How much will this cost to get a server up and running?

What will the server licensing system do?

The system will allow the development team to issue server licenses to reliable teamwork oriented communities & clans, which will cause their servers to be shown in the primary server list in game. This license will come in the form of a key which needs to be listed in the server’s config files.

All other servers which don’t have a license key will be shown on a second custom servers menu tab. The second tab is meant to show the full list of servers, and will be the place where servers with custom rules and mods are listed.


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