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Microsoft is ended Windows 7 support, should i go for Windows 10?

=VG= Inch

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As we know, Microsoft is ending its support for Windows 7 few days ago, January 14th this year.

Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs with Windows 7. 


So, in my case, in laptop, i really wanna try to upgrade it, to see whats good with Win 10, because i had no clue whatsoever, on pros and cons. I heard back in the day, theres a lot of updates keep coming for some errors, which kinda annoying sometimes to see if those updates still frequent until now.

I mean, Win 10 is kinda promising, but unsure about its downsides. For any Win 10 users out there, do you guys have any ideas on whats good and bad of Win 10? Tbh, kinda new to this, and kinda curious about it-


If not recommended, any other solutions for this?


Here's my laptop specs.. (for installing Win 10, hopefully..)



Have a nice day,

- Inch


PS: This is for the laptop only, since my PC is currently broken at this point, its likely not possible for me to upgrade the OS on PC to Win 10, because of the OS is likely cracked AFAIK, means not official from the Windows (I feel confident on getting the Win 10 for my laptop, just because its official from Windows)

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you will get 1000 contradicting answers to this question.

let's start at the back:
if you don't have an answer to this question by yourself, use win10.

win7 and xp are not insecure if you know what you are doing. In some places I even stopped using antivirus software because it now has more security gaps than it provides security (especially MID attacks). BUT: in my case, I know what's going on in my system and can estimate what is dangerous. if you cannot do this you need security updates and should therefore use win10.
for me the main problem with win10 is that you have to make more clicks for many settings because there is often a "user-friendly" template over it. User-friendly is the opposite of admin-friendly in this case.
In addition, the win10 sends a lot of data to ms (and nobody knows which data ms collects from your system) and that you are forced to use this system because you no longer get drivers for win7 or a TPM chip is installed on the mb and you don't even have the option to install another os.
The ms update policy also sucks. So it makes sense to offer updates as uncomplicated as possible, but it is never good to force someone to take them. You can delay the updates or even switch them off, but you have to be careful because win10 still tries to pull updates.
in the normal case this is only annoying if you just want to do something important and your computer prefers to do updates first ... but eg on cash register systems it is a nogo if the pc shuts down and does updates during peak hours.

it is too extensive to really explain the problem in detail ...
finally ms deprives you of more and more rights and puts stones in your way when you try to get these rights again.

But if you are free from political backgrounds and know the disadvantages, you can also work with it.

in simple:
Pro users: WinXP / 7 / 10
Home users: Win10 

but in your case you CANT update win7 to win10 because you run a 32bit system. you have to reinstall win.

and it looks like your pc is already quite old ... normally win10 runs on all systems which run win7 but it can be that you already get considerable performance problems. you would have to try that to say it with certainty.

didn't really help now, did it? ^^

You don't have to change immediately, but you should probably make regular backups and change in the near future.
if you have backups or an image of your system, it doesn't matter if you catch a virus because win7 was not updated ... just format it, copy the image back and continue ...
this way you can at least bridge some time and do not have to act immediately.


there are also cracks for win10 or maybe you can even update a cracked win7. if there are questions in this direction pm me ...;)

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I recently  installed  W10 pro on my PC  . Very smooth transition , i also applied Semlers W10 set up guide regarding privacy options.

Then i installed "Open Shell" for that W7 look, with good  results , very smooth and stable. Unfortunately my laptop cant handle W10 so i went for Linux Mint . 

I didn`t want to upgrade , i loved 7 but happy i made the move, very pleased. So i say go for it, but take time to go through all settings . Semlers guide is really good. Hope this helps you decide.

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On 16.1.2020 at 8:08 PM, Xenalite said:

From a software professional: always take latest stable and always update your system.

I don't want to attack you ... but the answer is too short to be correct. against your statement speak millions of devices that were stuck in boot loops or worse because you were too quick with the updates and did not wait. (and I don't care if its a virus that shut down my system or ms itself. the effect for the user is the same)

and especially with osx you can see that it often does not make sense to immediately take the last stable version.
or if you still use older hardware ... try to get a win10 driver for a stupid old SBLive sound card.
of course you can get third-party drivers from unknown sources and still get them up and running, but this completely compromises the "latest and stable" security concept.

theoretically that is true. but not always practical ... and what about the phrase: never change an running system? ;)

So you are right in principle but in practice it is not feasible. this is proven by the number of users that xp, win7 and co still have today. (and many of them even without being compromised, but that's another topic)

the industry or all who "make" IT have to start changing the current concepts. this cracked concept of "security" is the problem. the virus scanner I mentioned is the best example. "suites" give you a feeling of security. However, they are responsible for ensuring that no one notices if something is wrong or the user simply clicks away the messages and no longer notices them. and by giving a program real-time access to every file and every process, you can in principle always have your front door open ... as a pro you know what this means. Since your scanner is connected to the internet at the same time, the sources of danger have increased and there are still questions in the room what information from my data is sent back to the scanner company. and what if this company is suspected of being in contact with the russians?
paranoid or happened last year? ^^

but that's offtopic.

@=VG= Inch:

but you could have the same problem as Stark and maybe consider linux.
therefore do not act hastily. the risk increases for your system with every day that you have not updated but in the next days / weeks or maybe even longer it is not much higher than before. no one knows how high it is and nobody can make binding statements. you can also catch a virus the first time you use a freshly updated win10 or become a zombie in a botnet ... and as long as you haven't updated, but even then, ALWAYS: make backups!

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I run Win10 on my main gaming computer, and am KICKING myself for settling for "Home" or basic version; all the things I might want for some serious personalization and more direct control over certain services, etc., are part of the rather more expensive power user versions of Win10.  That being said, I've gotten by for several years now, like STARK said, there are things you can do for look, feel, operation, etc. but in the end, like the actual pro here said, use the latest - it exists for a reason.

Win7 fully patched uses on average 10GB more space than Win10 (obviously, 32bit v 64bit matters, of course), and Win7 on average used around 20% of total RAM, where Win10 has gotten that down to an avg. around 17%.

After the culture shock, and having to learn a few tricks if extra user control is needed (at least in the basic home version), Win10 is the leading edge OS and has all the best bug fixes, security patches, and new/improved tools for users and developers (and prodding amateurs like myself), and if a tool changed (I hate Win10 Calc App) you can usually find a free and safe tool to install (see my cool awesome lucky #1 best Win10 article ;) )

Best wishes - backup! and backup your backups! :coffee: 

*EDIT: I should note I still have Win7 on my laptop, just gotta slide that arm over and update it one of these days, laziness mostly... it works, I use it 1% of the time unless I'm flying BMS, and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" - used for google searches or info while overclocking and restarting gaming PC more than 8 times an hour, or for BMS, and that's all. And OS tests for my voice control stuff, to make sure it works cross-platform in case I missed something (I always miss something)

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I guess i'll go backup the files first, i think i still have the time for it (a lot and that includes PR files :()

Win 10 upgrade will have to delay for now-



Personally, Win 7 is my fav OS since its really simple imo, but with the risk of getting viruses, errors since there will be no support, security updates in future, i have to go for Win 10, because i dont want to risk my laptop to be broken by them, at least.. this one is likely the last effort to prevent bad things happen to my laptop. If this one broke, got no budget for fixing it or buying a new one (or maybe just fix my PC anyways instead of this)


- Inch

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In your case I don't know what feedback you could have with your hardware. Yes, Win10 is not a bad OS and it's constantly updated (keep the stable untill there is newer one), but there is a lot of stuff that makes Win7 much  better.

You've got less privacy and a lot of "apps" that you cannot uninstall, no matter if you don't need or want them.

But anyway, I'm forced to use it because of UEFI and i got used to all this stuff... It takes a while to configure the OS ( i also used - maybe SemlerPDX? - guide) but you will make it similar to what was windows7. After that, it is quite enjoyable and rarely crashes or anything else... A good thing is windows defender, i never had trouble with it and it is quite cool but keep an eye on the update timing. If you don't pay attention to it, it will start updating with the worst timing possible. Like traffic when you're in a hurry.


Looking at your laptop specs... You should think about a little upgrade on it before win10. It still can do many things, but with only 2gb of ram and presumably a 5400rpm hdd it won't be a happy time using it. Most of the browser now use lot of ram, and windows10 is a bit hungry too.

So maybe 2 extra gbs of ram and an ssd + dvd/hdd bay will do a lot for you with win10. It is cheap, i think it mounts DDR3 ram and in that case, internet is plenty of those sticks!

You could find in pcs similar to yours, maybe with dead motherboards or broken screen... Consider checking for them, somebody could give you the full laptop and you can take the ram or even the screen and sell it.


I hope my statements won't be a total failure, but in case... Sorry IT guys!

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21 hours ago, =VG= Inch said:
On 17.1.2020 at 12:14 PM, Cruizer said:

One question Inch. Which Win 10 version ur opting? WIndows 10 Home, Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Enterprise(if u manage to get a hand of that key)

Win 10 Pro as far as i know, because its says it is (forgot to take a ss)

don't answer his questions ... if he's not gay he's a hacker! he calls his squads "backdoor" ;p

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FYSA:  trustedtechteam.com/pages/windows-10-pro-vs-enterprise-guide

5 hours ago, =VG= 0100011000101 said:

don't answer his questions ... if he's not gay he's a hacker! he calls his squads "backdoor" ;p

For the record, we are all equals here, I mean I lika da ladies, but some of my best friends pack fudge or chow box, and all are welcome here at VG... except hackers.  Fuck those guys right up the ass. (er... I mean 'backdoor')

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I just updated to win 10 as it was free  : ) now my PC and lap top act like a cell phone hahahahahah programs are now APPS and the GUI looks like a cheap phone ? but if you don't update you will end up in whats technicality called windows  jail, where you are locked away from all the stuff you need, as all cash registers and most infrastructure in the world still use win XP there are hidden updates to unlock the apps you now need to use.  But i gave up LOL 

The only problem i have now is my Bluetooth device will not show up and cant be updated  : ( 

Running updates with MS wont work and i am still looking at VIDs on you tube trying to work out WTF to do BOLL£$%*X 

has anyone got a fix ??? 

Ho by the way Inch you can opt in to keep all your files and stuff the OS will just change and its still free to update  : ) 






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On 16/01/2020 at 11:08 AM, Xenalite said:

From a software professional: always take latest stable and always update your system.

From a software professional: always take latest stable and always update your system.



If my PC wont boot,,,, do i need to turn it on ? 

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8 hours ago, STRONTIUM_DOG said:

...problem i have now is my Bluetooth device will not show up and cant be updated  : ( 

Running updates with MS wont work and i am still looking at VIDs on you tube trying to work out WTF to do BOLL£$%*X 

has anyone got a fix ??? 

if win-update does not find a driver, you would have to check what kind of manufacturer and chip your adapter has and then search for a driver on the manufacturer's website ...


but more important than bluetooth is that you finally get internet... PR needs you! ;p

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Yer thanks Binary  : ) i tried that, the install of the diver looked good but then ....zippo nada zilch it just jumped in to a worm hole , in to hyperspace. :( ? 

I miss ya all toooo. Skipping around in paradise, with hot nu bar goddesses giggling at anything you say,  eating mango's and shark fin soup for breakfast,  is still less enjoyable then sitting in a trench with Hater 1 whilst, he chews the balls of a goofball.  hahahah soon i will be 150 K away from China so fingers crossed, maybe i will get a fibre line to HK   If not i will start a GO FUND ME campaign : )  titled "HELP ME I'M DYING  to play PR". 

If anyone has a dell inspiration lap top and can get the FU£$+%$ing Blue tooth adaptor to hand shake win 10 , or if anyone is an omnipotent IT guru "not Xenalite" and can help me with my OCD, it has to all work perfectly disorder, i will FED EX you a sea shell bikini "used" and 1 coconut, if you can come up with a fix.     



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give me the exact name of your dell and have a look in the device manager to see what for a BT-adapter is used (manufactorer and model number/id).

does it just not work or is there an error message?

Dell has a big support-area...and there are often problems with blutooth. 90% of the errors are caused by using the wrong driver.

1 hour ago, STRONTIUM_DOG said:

i will FED EX you a sea shell bikini "used" and 1 coconut, if you can come up with a fix.     

if that helped i will send you my address via pm... but i prefer the bikini with user rather than just used ... ^^

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Hay thanks mate the device manager won't show my BT adapter it's like a ghost in the shell, i know its there but cant see the bugger... 

Keep on going and you can have any apart,  from the one on the right with the thigh gap she's a month keeper  : ) 




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So for all those that dont want to pay for windows 10 but own a copy of window 7 do this before the end of MAY to save a few quid!!

utilise this tool:


There is a known bug that prevent any installation of windows 10 v.1909 due to Realtek Bluetooth 4.0 drivers... even when you remove the drivers installation will fail... simple fix i found is to remove the phisical BT board, run windows update... restart if needed... turn off the computer and re-add the BT board then search for windows update, should then insatll realtek 4.2 driver with no issue.

You can even install a copy of windows 10 to a fresh hard drive if you have a windows 7 key:


find windows 7 key with this:



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22 hours ago, STRONTIUM_DOG said:

Hay thanks mate the device manager won't show my BT adapter it's like a ghost in the shell, i know its there but cant see the bugger... 

then you probably have an "unknown device" in the device manager, right? if not, the adapter is defective or switched off in the bios.


22 hours ago, STRONTIUM_DOG said:




^^ can you write "do not throw/bend" on it?  would be a shame ...

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Switched off in the bios nice one i will go in and see what i can do, so far as i can gather, the network adaptor and bluetooth adaptor are on the same chip/card drivers no longer work with win 10 as Bill Gates has taken control over them, and win 10 now only uses Bills divers, that don't work lol.

Some poor jo just like me has fixed this, and i will just have to hunt him down : ) even if i have to learn Hindi to read his post.   : )  My old Dell Laptop is still pristine,   i have to keep it until its covered in duct tape and the epoxi starts burning  : ) 

Trying to fix this is turning me into the lord humungus. L O L




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9 hours ago, STRONTIUM_DOG said:

Switched off in the bios nice one i will go in and see what i can do, so far as i can gather, the network adaptor and bluetooth adaptor are on the same chip/card drivers no longer work with win 10 as Bill Gates has taken control over them, and win 10 now only uses Bills divers, that don't work lol.

if ethernet and bluetooth are really on one card and ethernet is working then you should have the wrong driver but you should be able to see which company it is from ... i would simply download and try ALL drivers for your laptop (or similar models) on the dell homepage.
i once had the same problem with a usb3 controller. the included driver didn't work on win10 and the ports were dead.
in this case it was an asus card. I just tried all the drivers and one of the last ones worked ...




i have to watch some movies again... MFP intercetor. I love the first mad max.

"I'm scared, Fifi. You know why? It's that rat circus out there, I'm beginning to enjoy it. Look, any longer out on that road and I'm one of them, ya know? A terminal crazy, except I've got a bronze badge that says I'm one of the good guys." -Max Rockatansky

can we rename the admins on our servers to Main Force Patrol (MFP)? ;p


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