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=VG= Stixon

VG Clan Member
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About =VG= Stixon

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=VG= Stixon's Achievements

Private First Class

Private First Class (2/18)



  1. I have committed a rookie mistake, forgot to download the mods yesterday. I have slow connection so I definitely won't have finished downloading these 10gb before the end of the event. Sorry Polish, I got to bail out.
  2. Tank Driver reserve please! Hopefully I won't have to change tracks once i hit a small bush
  3. Team 3 please, those two guys are going to need to be carried... As always.
  4. I might not make it tonight, sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please set my slot as free?
  5. I'll take the last rifleman slot for Deathdealer squad at this round Thank you Polish!
  6. I can play medic in your squad @=VG= The_Polish_Guy!
  7. Is there an extra spot still free? A simple rifleman is enough for me
  8. Is Task Force Radio going to be active? No mic in here. I can play medic in uragan 3 if available!
  9. Sign me up as marksman please, if needed I could also go as AR Thank you!
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