About This Club
Join the VG Air Force! Casual Open Public Group for those who fly on the VG Falcon BMS Server!
Club Details and Interests
A place for those who fly on the VG Falcon BMS Server, and fly in the Falcon BMS simulator primarily, as well as other flight games and simulators on occasion.
- What's new in this club
rayanta joined the club
A few of us will be meeting up on the server tonight at 11:00:00 ZULU if you're interested.
Hey guys, it's been a long time hope all of you guys are doing well. Anyways, I'm back to BMS, and will install 4.37.6 tonight. I will also set up a backup server if we need it, will be available. Just working on it now. Thanks and be safe ..
Hello and welcome!
Hello everyone. My name is Harry but trying to call myself horizon as I could be below or above that when I fly ;). Anyway, I fly mostly DCS and flew a good number of modules there but two of my favorite to fly is the F16 and F18. I am coming from a Carrier group but that was a while ago. Coming back after a long hiatus, I would like to join this bms group and hoping to really get an experience with this sim in a multiplayer setting.
Horizon joined the club
Welcome to the VG Air Force Club!! See you around!
Hello to the community! I'm based in Australia (Straya!) and want to jump on the veterans gaming discord for some BMS. I'm well set up to play HOTAS/Trackir/desk mounts, and keen to have a fly and some fun. I know how to play BMS quite well but would like to improve with people as an AI Campaign doesn't suit me anymore. I was a member of Vet Gaming last year but it was on the same day as my regular hockey games and that's a commitment I wasn't able to let the team down for. Can play outside of hockey season though. I can mk point bombs, ccrp, a2a BVR etc. I recently read Vipers in the Storm and Inside the Turn Circle, enjoyed those books a lot. Anyway that's it. Are things starting up in the New Year for a rolling fire Korea campaign? Cheers, Tops
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spiderw joined the club
SirenPeeps joined the club
Raven joined the club
=VG= Eclipse002 joined the club
momoa joined the club
Welcome IRONMAN.... See ya soon, glad I got ya over here buddy.
Mission Objective Mokum will be the Mission Commander, and be leading the DEAD flight, Cyborg 1, and will try to create a corridor for the OCA Strike flight, Falcon 2. An ESCORT Flight, Cajun 2, led by Romsey will provide air cover. This Mission should not be too difficult, but it is important that the SA2 and SA3 are taken down first, to create a green vector (corridor) for the OCA and its Escort to destroy the two runways at Koksan AB. A nice extra feature about this mission is that 3 two-ships taking off from 3 different AB's, so flying on the caret is therefor essential for a successful mission Next the briefing and note that load-out is only fixed for the DEAD (Cyborg 1), so the OCA and Escort can change the load-out. By default the OCA and Escort are clean, so no load-out at all. ATO: Wednesday February 7th. 2024 - 21:00:00 ZULU Flight 1: "Falcon 2" (VHF 15): OCA strike Lead: Kavelenko (Yardstick 15Y - IDM 11) Wing: JudgeDredd (Yardstick 78Y - IDM 12) Flight 2: "Cajun 2" (VHF 16): Escort Lead: Romsey (Yardstick 16Y - IDM 21) Wing: AI (Yardstick 79Y - IDM 22) Flight 3: "Cyborg 1" (VHF 17): DEAD Lead: Mokum (MC) (Yardstick 17Y - IDM 31) Wing: Stark (Yardstick 80Y - IDM 32) If you download and paste the file Mokum.ini to your xx:\Falcon BMS 4.37\Data\Campaign you will have threat circles and so on already loaded up-front for the mission. Mokum.ini
Hey Lamba, couldn't quite work out who it was on Discord but welcome to the VG Pilots Club! We have a session today/tonight at 11:00:00 ZULU Sunday. See you there.
Welcome @Ironman1852!
Welcome @Ironman1852 good to have you aboard.
Hi Guys, just recently joined the club. Still trying to find my way around here, Looking forward to flying BMS, its been many years since my old Falcon 4.0 days. I had been flying the F/A 18 in DCS and now looking forward to the F16. Hope to see everyone around the skies soon.
Ironman1852 joined the club
Welcome @MinkyNeets , you will have a great time, great instructors, and awesome site to fly on to, the Devs & Hierarchy here are "top-notch" ... See ya in the Skies..... JD
@MinkyNeets Hello and welcome to the VG Air Force!
Hi all! So ecxited to be a part of such a welcoming community, I'm Connor and I've been playing Falcon BMS on and off now for approximately 4 years but I've not touched the multiplayer side since I got my new HOTAS for Christmas; I like to think I'm a capable fighter in the F-16 but I'm really lacking skill in comms and multiplayer tactics. I can't wait to fly more with you awesome people! See you in the skies, Lambda
MinkyNeets joined the club
(LTU)ignaspetk joined the club
Welcome Warrior !!!! OhhhhhRahhhh
Welcome to the VG Community Kevin! Already flown a few missions with you, great stuff.
Hey guys. I'm Kevin, aka Kevron (says my friend A-A-Ron). I've been learning the F-16 and it's apparent that it'll take a while to know what I don't know. Been enjoying the server and probably making the good guys lose a little faster. See y'all on the Discord. I'm in voice when I'm in game, come in and chat. Tell me what I'm doing wrong. I need the help. Thanks.
Kevron joined the club
Winder joined the club
Unraveled joined the club
Pew_Pew joined the club
=VG= kovac joined the club
Purpose joined the club
Group Training - Falcon BMS
=VG= Kavelenko reviewed =VG= Kavelenko's event in VG Air Force's Group Flights
VETERANS GAMING - F-16 Ramp Start for Falcon BMS 4.37.2