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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Hey guys grandma canceled on me nobody to watch my daughter so I can't sit undisturbed long enough to play someone else take my spot see ya next time
  2. That's so rad!! What about old maps like road rage and the old bf2 map pack maps we used to play, I can't even remember them all but they were so fun. Be awesome but don't know if they get jacked every time PR updates.
  3. When I play PR my squad is always number one and me personally am usually top of the board unless some crazy good CAS is on deck.. because I lead my squad. People love to be led and commanded, organized, given tasks, missions, AO to protect, orient this way, put the SAW here, go blow that up, etc.. You can't do any of that without comms. People join for that very thing or they would go play CoD where it doesn't matter. This is just one aspect of PR that players love. Being led by competent SL that understands the game. This is a team play based game. Not an individual imma do what I want kinds game. You need to team up and play as a squad. You can't control your squad if you can't speak to them. If you want to play something that requires no thought or controlled action go play CoD it's great for that, but in PR we do things different and part of that is the immersion you get from having a mic. Can we set up no mic squads? Sure, but why? It takes away from the point of this game and I'm telling you nobody likes playing with a dipshit SL that doesn't shoot, move, and communicate. When I SL I'm not even engaging enemy because I'm so busy directing my squad. We also need to keep in mind we get lots of newbies and we need to be consistent with the rules we enforce and how we present PR to the people that join. We need to enforce team play and avoid the imma play how I want bullshit and not talk to anyone and just go where I want, etc. Communication has always been the bedrock of PR imo.
  4. Sorry but you'll do whatever the rules say you will or you wont be an admin in the server. The rules aren't for you to decide whether to enforce or not. Whether we make this a rule or not is what we're talking about. I don't think you should SL without a mic. I've been doing this long enough to know that much. I can't even play as ground pounder without a mic let alone try to SL. I understand when the server is slow then we tend to be more lenient about certain rules but as a standard for a full server this shouldn't be the case. Just another reason why I don't play PR as much because I see this shit happening and it annoys the hell outta me. PR is reality based game. You are not going into battle without comms. .02
  5. You can't lead a squad without communicating this should be a rule in writing if it's not already which I don't think it is. No mic - No SL! There is a difference between having a mic and not speaking because your squad are all salty dogs that know what to do, but not having a mic and being unable to lead makes the squad ineffective. Especially when getting orders from command or trying to coordinate with other squads, CAS, etc..
  6. sup bro hey I still get that error 200 when trying to upload pics I take with my phone any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      (trying to remain optimistic, but don't mistake that for being 'okay' with it - I'm pretty pissed off that it's still happening, like banging my head against a wall, trying things with no result is painful and infuriating.  But I will succeed)

    3. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      ya it's pretty fucking stupid I can't upload pics to this website I'm so over it 

    4. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      @=VG= BLuDKLoT Alright - my plan of action will be to take the site offline to access the developer console, and from there I will attempt to apply a suggested fix from the IPS forums.  I really need to have my shit together, and ready to do some hard work and research.

      For this reason, Imma get a little selfish with my time here, coming off a 6 week project that fried my brains, and gonna put this off until Mid-week, starting Tuesday or Wednesday (*approximately ... my body still dictates my schedule, I can say 'this day' but if I wake up fucked and in pain, it gets put off for another day).


      When it happens, I'll of course post up that the site will be down for a few hours at the most.  Regardless of anything, the plan is to take the site offline, attempt the fix, put it back online, contact you and have you test the upload, and then either dance with joy, or I have to get even deeper and try yet another fix in another area.

      I will let you know in a few days.  :hi: 


  7. Im pretty sure I said dont burn it down what's going on?

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      This appeared literally minutes ago, and I'm not even working on the website at present, was just posting in a topic, moved it to a correct forum area, then noticed something was wrong (mouse hover wasn't working, then I saw chatbox not loading but all blocks above it were loaded, so I took out the Chatbox block as a test)

      Again, I'm on it, I'm on it.  Had fun things to do, now I get to have fun with this.  Weeeeeeee.  (Also< I didn't do it, not been doing any website work at all, just responding to posts like everyone else - but I will find out how it happened)

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      @=VG= BLuDKLoT Okay - I found the issue.  Was related to the "Today's Birthdays" block under the chatbox.  I have remove it and replaced it with the default large version, and will find out what went wrong with our custom compact version at a later time.  It's been working flawlessly for a few months, not sure what could be different except a member name/group popping up on the list that somehow threw a wrench in the custom logic for the compact display that was being used.

      Everything is back to normal, and I can get back to the stuff I wanted/needed to do.  Welcome home! Hope you had a great time in Vegas! :drinks:

      Imma go smoke one

    3. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      Thanks man could've waited tho site was up so relax, lol, thanks tho for getting it done, much appreciated, and vegas was fun thanks! 

  8. did the sidebar menus disappear after discord on homepage? 

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      I am actively trying to resolve an issue with the home page right now.

      And yes, the chatbox disappeared as I tried to see which block was having an issue.  When that happened, it did not resolve the error and I'm now getting to deal with this instead of all the fun stuff I had planned.

      I'll get it fixed, you can bet on that.  It's just gonna be a different Saturday afternoon than I had planned. :hi: 

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      (I've just added a global announcement to inform folks)

  9. Hey thanks Sem. Not sure I like it, I have to login and see, but sometimes it's better to leave well enough alone.
  10. I'm in Vegas can someone please post screenshit thx
  11. So I tried mining bitcoin last night with my new monster gaming rig and I could only take it for like 3 hours. The amount of heat that comes from my pc while it's mining is like being in a sauna. Even with floor fans and open windows, AC on, it's still way too hot! They said I could earn like 230.00 a month doing it tho, but just can't take the heat! GamerHash.com if you're interested.   

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. =VG= BLuDKLoT
    3. Aori


      Undervolt and under clock will be your friend, some even offer custom bios but that will help


    4. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      I was actually looking at miner rig but a good one is like 7k but it earns over 60.00 an hour. Wish I had 7k! But ya, I'm still reading about it and trying to understand it's value and worth. 

  12. Here's me dead and flying in my underwear.
  13. Stay away from politics please see PM.
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