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=VG= Fastjack

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Fastjack

  1. It feels to me that the BLEEDING EFFECT for the FOBs is higher in coop as in deployment. I dig a FOB with another guy in Deployment faster as in coop. Last time i played with some [GI] guys on our coop server and he placed a fob AND I AM SURE it takes more time in coop to counter the bleeding :
  2. First i support the Digging the FOB setting. NICE JOB guys. For me, i also would like digging all assets. I am a friend of that. Not anymore this BEST SQUAD FOB PLACING POINT WHORING. Not anymore this "TOW is empty - press T - dismantle - place insta fresh new TOW" The reason why bots running / driving into it is because they dont know that they running/driving into a razorwire. I am sure many of you saw the jumping bots against a destroyable object (excample Basrah, the corrugated fence near the Mosque mainbase). The bots following the navmesh pathfinding . Normally is, where a big object is - is no navmesh and where no navmesh is no bot will walk. For the bots is the way free because of existing navmesh/pathfinding. Now, you place a razorwire on a valid pathway I also found out, there exist a destroyable object where the bot dont ran/jump against the object. Seems to me they go idle till the object is destroyed. The difference between the destroyable objects where the bots ran against and the special destroyable object is, that the special one has a ai template that tell the bots " hey, i am a obstacle and you cant pass till i'm gone". I can tinker a little bit. I believe that can be fixed with an ai template,
  3. He is indeed the best of us. Because of him i 'm a =VG= member.
  4. Disagree on this. If Medic dies the MedicKit get lost.
  5. And? How its going? I am looking forward to this the whole time.
  6. Haha, my brother has this game and don't like it. Now it's mine. Installing now.
  7. Hi Murder, you must insert the =VG= tag yourself in the profile settings. Shoot a pm to Semler, he can look into your privileges as clanmember.
  8. Sofar i know was one guy from BFSP (nadvgia) able to run the Falkland map in SP mode. The game didnt crashed because of the missing navmesh and the bots didnt died on the static island. http://www.battlefieldsingleplayer.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18927
  9. Semler, your totally right. It would be so unrealistic at all. I believe a flipped Tank would be ordered back to base and not send into a battle. You cannot simulate damages like broken wheel, tracks or damaged turretweapons like the barrel or optical sensors and things that could also break when you flip it.
  10. I really thought i doing crazy things like standing 11 meters high on a small beam in our warehouse racks without any secure harness with rope etc. but THIS IS AWESOME. You did nice things, sir.
  11. I think Meiz have the right ones. I had only Street 2
  12. And i appreciate your help, but when these old versions getting around in the public again it can cause problems in the future when TEDF have done the rework and release his versions. People who had installed the old ones have to delete it before they install TEDF's ones and sometimes people dont know that and accidently combining old with new and arent able to join the server because of modified content error. You remember why we renamed karbala to karbalb ? Different mapversion with same name cannot exist in the same place. That's the reason i said: stop please, and not STOP. Each of this map can be reworked and goes full functionally. Street 2 have only modcontent in the map made by Spyker. He copied a faction and gave them different kits and camopattern. Fixing an invisible soldier isn't a problem. Call the right team in the init.con or init_sp.con and you get the normal soldiers with working textures and kitgeometrie of the current version. All of them can be fixed. Give TEDF the time to figure out what all must be fixed and you get the mappack. Quality instead of quantity. I ask TEDF what he is missing. I check my other HDD and look if i have a backup of it. I have also the old 0.97 version on it so i have everything that is missing.
  13. All the same navmeshes from the coop maps. When you make a new layout, you dont need to navmesh it. Navmeshing is done once and than its final.
  14. Sofar i remember, we never got in time the pool flag because the Opfor ran out of tickets What the map made nearly impossible was the spawn distances of the bots to the captured flags. Also the amount of flags that was unlocked and attackable at the same time was hard to handle. Maybe we can handle it now with 8man squads better.
  15. Blud, stop please, wait for TEDF'S rework. Also Osprey need rework. Who know what the devs changed like armor or damage materials over the years.
  16. I think we dont use karbalb anymore. its out of time. Clive Osprey have a better use in other maps that wasn't in the mod that days. I suggest let TED(F) make the rework first they are buggy. Some maps will miss some vehicles because the vehicle names are changed in later versions of PR.
  17. When the insurgency gamemode get one day tested and is successfully, i'll try a class specifiec bot behaviour. I would also make functional suicidecars_bf2 or a working coop gary. @Melon: you ever looked into the gary ai.? ObjectTemplate.aiTemplate USAIR_F15Bombs rem * Bombs * weaponTemplate.create USAIR_F15Bombs weaponTemplate.indirect 1 weaponTemplate.minRange 30.0 weaponTemplate.maxRange 500.0 weaponTemplate.setStrength Infantry 8 weaponTemplate.setStrength LightArmour 31 weaponTemplate.setStrength HeavyArmour 25 weaponTemplate.setStrength NavalArmour 3 weaponTemplate.setStrength Helicopter 1 weaponTemplate.setStrength Airplane 1 weaponTemplate.allowedDeviation 15.0 I think its not good to share an ai.template of a F15 Bombweapon with ground suicide vehicles. The gary need not this min. and max. Ranges. It should be close or point blank. Also the enabled weaponTemplate.indirect 1. The gary need his own ai.template. If that's not work, i re tweak the whole weaponlauncher and i switch from dropping invisible bombs to firing invisible tankshell in front into the ground at range zero. Big blastdamage, same damage values/materials as the bomb and mount this into the insurgency maps.
  18. Achja, i forgot. navmeshing a map ... 3 days and maybe there a some errors in the navmesh that can crash the game (manifolds). If that's the case, you have to edit the navmesh with 3ds max (Blender 2.49b works also but you have to be really carefull). Also time consumption.
  19. No, it depends on if someone in the DevTeam navmeshed the map. Navmeshing is a process, where the playable area get a green shiny (ingame invisible but you can turn it on) web, made of triangles. Objects like houses, fences, trees, rocks, walls and more... (all object where you can collide with) causing holes in the navmesh (boundingboxes of the object). That's the reason, why bots (in normal case) dont walk versus walls, carwrecks and more. Bots can only walk/drive on navmeshed areas. It existing 2 different type of navmeshs. Infantry- and Vehicle Navmesh. Infantry can walk on the InfantryNavmesh and vehicles drive can only on the VehicleNavmesh but there must also a InfantryNavmesh. InfantryNavmeshing creates navmesh in enterable buildings like bunkers, t-shape buildings ... mainly interiors. VehicleNavmeshing creates a navmesh only in open areas. PIC 1 and 2 are pics of the InfantryNavmesh (2nd toggled objects) PIC 3 and 4 are pics of the VehicleNavmesh (4th toggled objects) Kashan got an terrain update and a bigger village. When you use the old navmesh. Its possible that the vehicle driving against the new village objects. The terrain update could caused, that the navmesh isn't anymore at the right place (to high, to deep etc)
  20. lol , but it confirmes that we need also ArmA events .
  21. Technically, all stuff i made isn't a mod of PR. It's still PR. All modding content like the Osprey, or AC130 is a part of the map and not main PR Mod. All damagevalues-, damaging/armor materials etc. use the original unmodified PR Mod values/materials. The Insurgency Project is also not really a Mod, it's only a special server setting that runs a modified gpm_coop.py but the main gamemode pythons dont get touched, only combined.
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