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=VG= Fastjack

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Fastjack

  1. Problem was that i not died xD. I saw (spectatormode) how our medics tried to reviving or stabilizing me but 30 sec's later respawn. The timecounter wasn't at zero.
  2. What is the rootcause with the backpack cannot used or i'm to stupid for that? How i can put extra ammo in a backpack? or is that a bug of ACE? That was the only thing. Another question. After i was nailed, i was automatically in an spectator mode and after a time i started at the beach again without doing anything. Bug or feature? Edit: I recommend GAZ for good teamwork / play. Like him as my FTL
  3. So I'm guessing everyone liked the mission? Should I continue on the with the campaign? What a question bro! Sure man. Go ahead. And please, same difficulty.
  4. That's all? I ask because Savage said : Blastcore, JSRS, st_movement, st_hud, etc.
  5. I'm in too. Put me into GAZ fireteam. Last event i was in his team and he did the job as SL good aswell. I'll pick up the grenadier role. @ Savage: Of course all client-side mods are allowed: Can you make a list for me, what you suggest? I'm not familiar with all the clientside mods. Greetz FJ
  6. Maybe we can make tomorrow (event) an ingame group picture with a nice background with all of us. A group picture where some of us secure an area and 2 of us carrying 2 civis out of the dangerous area (symbolic for the 2 devs). With a tag like " all coming home no one stay behind" or else?
  7. Stupid civis. No real backup, who protecting the civis. No planned ambush or else. Nice vid and thx for making it watchable for the german. Thx alot
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  9. Cannot watch this vid. Content was used that isn't allowed in my country
  10. It is doubly sad that in previous round, which is fine played with previous composition of team, I and teammates was few times killed by 2 teamkillers (nicks: tony and bear) Another report from Teehachse 1. Which Arma server did this violation occur on. Insurgency Mod 2. Players name. tony + bear grylls I believe (if i read the complaint from Teehachse) Teehachse was on the server too, maybe he can bring light in the darkness.
  11. Reporting incident: Lost chopper in the middle of a footballfield. We found a bus (at Calamar) next to an footballfield. Echo returned to base to pickup some engine parts and tires to repair the bus. Morrision and me secured the area. Echo came back and landed on the footballfield and the chopper explodes. The bus (far away!!!) explode too. Reason i don't know ? Seems to me like a bug. Pilot (Echo) was carefully but chopper explode (not crashed). Echo was able to save his equipment. Morrision and me survived this incident. Is it possible to fix that? Best regards, FJ
  12. The maplist was modified through branzone? Mmmmh......READ-ONLY???
  13. MD5 Tool Mismatch - happens, if u mess around with your original pr stuff and/or modified it accidently. It can happen, if he installed a map, that was not renamed and modified the original one. That can be tested. 6 guys joining a server (any map). One of him modify any map, doesn't matter which one. Than, all joining the server. If the guy with the modified map get kicked for MD5Tool, we can look if the otherones get kicked too or the server crashs. More infos about the error: [08.22.2012 14:56:59] Kick Command Issued (MD5Tool Mismatch: dbghelp.dll (len=2048)) for (slot#6) cd98e855c1c24e9de2470 (Fin)samsppa http://www.winasm.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3663
  14. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I voted yes.. and it's true I am bored with PR COOP. That doesn't mean I will never play it again.. I will happily join PR events or other organized stuff. My thoughts are this: BF2/PR is on it's way out.. it's an old engine and the folks at PR are moving on (to Arma or whatever). At some point it won't make sense to run a BF2/PR server anymore. Perhaps if people get into deployment it will be delayed for a while.. but not even the PR devs care about COOP anymore and IIRC the last patch they even broke some COOP stuff and don't seem to intent on fixing it. Signed PR server is wasted money in my opinion. Its not my money and i never donated so you can do what u want but ... Scott, you paying money for an empty server for an 7 year good but OLD mod. You have nothing you can use to fill up the server with peoples and own members or make it more interresting/different for the people/us like new maps. Peoples currently playing on other servers and i think they enjoy it. It doesn't matter, if an new pr release is coming early or later. All server will have the new version and our server have nothing to make it unique. A new release bringing not back the peoples because the people playing on their favorite server (that currently not our, thats a sad fact) and they can play the same map also, so why change to the veterans server? Anyway with all the work Melon and others have done with maps, etc perhaps we are selling it short? Maybe some organized event days would help bring people back to PR? Wait of the next pr release and we can make an event with the new maps. Meanwhile, i playing BF4 !crazy and Arma V. The waiting time to the next release is to great. All updates needed a longtime. That was one reason why i tried todo it by myself and started on the VG thing to make things faster ..... now its an pr thing. Also Wait. Cheers
  15. =VG= Eclipse002 LAN_WROTE ... But i am not bored of PR..its just no ones on it doing our VG thing. There is no VG thing anymore! Wait for melons maps for the next pr version release. But u know. Everyone will have it, other servers too. I tried to make the VG server better with improved ai, better vehicle layout, removing botchoppers and more more more to lure the gamers to veterans gaming. U can't imaging what all more, Eclipse. The best chance we had was with the new mapnavmeshes from melon and Speirs and my stuff to make the =VG= server UNIQUE. We had the chance to ask for permissions of using and modifying maps and integrate the coopmode for it. A release of a =VG= mappack with new coopmaps for prsp. Amazing news, new visitors, new users, reputation growths .... Sounds good but will never happen. I will not thinking about it what all had be happen like: Making our own pr events with the new coopmaps. Ingame videos with the new maps (maybe more than 20.000 views because new coopmaps) Mappack Download available by sign up (page impressions for this site, more users) Beta Events and Pictures for Facebook and all the other social net stuff for gaming clans We was already on the right way but ....... Hey doesn't matter, life goes on Fastjack
  16. I changed to deployment because the coopmode lost his charme. The lack of new coopmaps, personally the missed chance to make the PR Veterans-Gaming server more popularity/unique and the long waiting time of an official new pr coop/version release makes the bf2pr coopmode totally uninterresting for me. Sorry to say it but our pr server is the most time dead. Peoples playing on there favorite server and that's currently not our one. We never made some events, promotion for our server or something like that. Another reason is maybe the summer season and people enjoy the weather. I lost my hope in bf2pr coop and i'm concentarting on ArmA III New game, new server, new fun, new chances. !coop Greetz
  17. @Hans: I know (insider knowledge) that FH2 will make an great update for the coop buisiness. I know that more than 20 maps gaining coopsupport and advanced strategies.
  18. I installed Vietnam and it completely fucked up my PR install. Now when I run my shortcut, the game just crashes to desktop instead of launching to the splash screen..anyone else having problems? Mmmmh, let me think about that to sort things out. PRV is like a map mod. All vietnam stuff is integrated into the coremap (prv_base). PR_BASE isn't a map, its only a location to mount the stuff like weapons, vehicles, soldiers, texture, staticobjects, Atlas(the iconstuff for the minimap) etc. into the mod. That method can't screw up ur pr. Technically, its an mappack. Blud, if u press the launch shortcut, pr must start up normally, if u want to play pr_vietnam, u must join a server that runs a pr_vietnam map. It isn't a seperate mod/shortcut. Where u installed the pr mod and prv modpack? Additionally, check ur compatiblemode for XP/SP3. Or, maybe, an corrupted downloadfile. It's an nice addon.
  19. Nice patrolboats, i like it and the huey's are amazing! All 4 seats have a weapon. PRV doesnt have any co-op mode to play ... Speirs, i'm currently checking something in prv barracuda. Seems to me, that the map doesn't have any changes with the statics or terrain. It's the same barracuda we all know, only an different flagdesign. Additionally, the new feature (update installer) allows the devteam to update the mod faster, without major time phased patch releases. I'll ask them, if they can integrate the navmesh of the original barracuda and a cooplayer to support the coop community. The only requirement is, that the ai of all prv weapons/vehicles is already finished but currently it seems to me, all things are cool !iloveyou check..check...check It is an 15 minute job (including : making a cup of coffee) for the devteam. Edit: ok maybe they need 30 minutes: I forgot that they must create a botfaction.
  20. Nonsense in ur opinion but not in my (in my opinion ur airspawner on barentz is nonsense) .. but do what u want i do what i want .... allcomes good
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