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Everything posted by SoldierOfMisfortune

  1. Thank you all for organizing this event and it was nice to hang out with everyone again!
  2. Hey guys, unfortunately something came up for me on Saturday and I don't think I can make it. @whtzgo ahead and take my slot if you wish!
  3. Oh my I've always wanted to play swat 4 with actual people. I hope I still have the link to download swat 4 tho I remember I got it a few years ago Edit:also is back2la mod different from SEF?
  4. I don't think I will be able to make it this time. I'll try to join for Wolfpack day 4 but meanwhile yall have fun now!
  5. It has been two years since the loss of our dear friend VincentJames96 , and I decided to make a short piano cover of one of the official PR soundtracks in his memory. I am in no way a professional pianist and I simply wanted to make something to celebrate his life and time with us. Credits are in the video description and I hope everyone enjoys this.
  6. Happy Birthday VG! I haven't been around much mostly due to horrible WIFI issues. But hopefully that might change when I move during the summer and get soen better connections Here's to another great year with my family of strangers!
  7. Issue 1 has been happening to me way too much lately so I feel you. Only a hard restart gets mumble back online and sometimes I lose mumble all over again few moments into a game despite the restart. I think I remember seeing the error "remote server refused the connection" in mumble once or twice
  8. Good Bye Vincent . It was truly an honor and my greatest pleasure to be your friend. I will never forget you.
  9. If you would like to Appeal your Ban, please provide the following information: 1. Banned Username 2. What Server(s)?* 3. When did this happen? 4. Reason you were banned 5. Describe the events leading up to your ban ( how did this occur and why? ) 6. Personal Statement ( Why should we unban you? )
  10. I have no regrets at all on spending the last two years with =VG= playing, laughing, and hanging out with so many different people from all sides of the world. I'm thankful for this wonderful community for without it i could never have made so many friends and have learnt so much from people i have never met. Happy Birthday to Veterans-gaming.com -SoldierOfMisfortune
  11. Hello SenorRhinoX. I'll be frank, I don't like to drop the banhammer on people. We are just here to play a video game together after all. But with the span of so many foul ups from you over the course of 3 maps i really had no other alternative but to remove you from the server. I gave you the banhammer because of the multiple team killing offenses and the disruption you were causing the other squads. I kicked you twice because of the extensive team kills you were racking up for failing to properly ID your targets. There was another case of you revenge team killing someone who team killed you but i did not witness this . The ban was dropped when you drove off with the squad humvee to scout out an area only to drive off the jabal al burj dam killing yourself, the vehicle and some poor passerby when i clearly ordered you not to. However, I understand that you are a new player and still learning many aspects of the game. Offenses aside you are a decent person to play with despite being gung ho and having a tendency to rush into things. I believe you should be granted a FINAL chance after a one week timeout. I hope this will give you some time to brush yourself up for your next visit to our server. You can read the server rules here http://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/server-rules-project-reality-co-op/. And do not hesitate to ask other players if you are not sure of any game details either. I hope you learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them. Good day.
  12. Went on our favorite vietnam tad sae map today with 17 people .... It was almost as though the team was trying to take objectives by literally covering it with dead bodies. In the end it had to be called off since we could not get a few minutes away from the first bridge without losing the point and having to repeat the entire traumatic bloodbath again.
  13. IMO I think delta hawk's 80s military mod along with the CUP mods are more than enough to recreate the perfect Operation Gothic Serpent mission. But I do agree that NIArms weapons are one of the most beautifully designed weapon addons in the A3 workshop.
  14. I hope you remember me from the multiple times we have played together. Flying aircraft in Project Reality can be very challenging for even players who have been playing for months due to the different mechanics and asset/ game rules. The game offers a wide variety of jets and helicopters all sporting unique control traits( speed/ yaw/ weapons loadout etc.) and it takes a healthy amount of playtime to be able to master each aircraft properly. If you would like to learn how to operate helicopters/jets without being banned for asset waste. I suggest you follow these steps: 1) Start a local coop game for yourself where you can crash and burn to your content until you are able to properly grasp control of your aircraft which include taking off and landing without crashing . 2) When you have practiced to the point you wont crash yourself while performing simple flight manuevers, start off flying with trans squads on online servers. Learn the Anti Air locations and safe dropzones for infantry squads on each map and soon you will be able to fly more naturally without going up in flames every 5 mins . 3) Finally when you have done the first 2 steps, you may join CAS squad as the veteran trans flier you are and learn to really bring the heat! Identifying friendly units can be very tricky with no auto spotting / HUD indicators. So you need to learn how to use the Map while in flight. It only takes a few seconds for a pilot to open up the map and check an area for any friendly units. If you are unsure ,you can always consult your squad leader/ other squad leaders on information regarding friendly/enemy positions. Also if you play long enough,you can start to recognize familiar locations/buildings where friendly units would be present MOST OF THE TIME. I hope this helps and I hope to see you in game soon.
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