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=VG= Orracis

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Orracis

  1. Man I don’t want to have to take a virtual combat lifesaver course just to play with some friends on an event! When in doubt, use KISS, keep it simple stupid! Especially for dummies like me. Now when we doing this Nam event?
  2. Mark me down for CAS. I should be good to join but will keep you posted if something comes up
  3. I concur with Connor's comments. We had a decent amount of randos join today but insta kicked due to improper mods (I think). Had a blast playing with everyone today! Thnx for the efforts making this happen gents!
  4. I somehow feel like you purposely withheld this information until I already signed up, we all know what it’s like reviving me during these events.... Major Fanny @=VG= asquirrel456 read in detail and master ACE medical...you’re going to need it in the field
  5. Sigh. If this Fanny does make it, the pirates (squad 3) will take him.
  6. Squad 3 lead, pending confirmation from my Fanny crew. join me for booty and plunder mateys. @=VG= keed @=VG= asquirrel456 @chickenjason123 @=VG= m823us
  7. Thanks for putting this together! Sign me up for armor squad. If Connor flakes I could always do inf
  8. Some photos from event.... BTR alley.... HIND...stuck between a rock and another rock Our awesome CAS team @=VG= keed & @=VG= TEDF Also shoutout to @Connor for his sacrifice time and time again bringing us supplies
  9. Dang. Late to the party here. If there are any no-shows or last minute drops I will hang around TS3. @=VG= Sausag3 be a bro and create me a position
  10. Event was fun. WTF would you call these? I like "The Bang Bus" personally....
  11. I’ll join major fanny (Keed) squad as cas/trans please.
  12. This looks awesome. Wanted to also throw a huge shoutout to @=VG= Sausag3for coordinating this, but more importantly, taking the time to write this awesome explanation of this various aspects of the game type. Super helpful to a noob like me. Can’t wait
  13. this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! this weekend! Can't wait
  14. Best keep Orracis alive simulator I have ever played! Props to everyone involved with the creation, tons of fun. Really looking forward to the next one.
  15. Have to cancel last min. Sorry yall have fun!
  16. Please put me down as Squad 1 medic (Keed's Squad). Thanks for organizing, looks like great fun!
  17. Props to Melon for an awesome event! Maps were a nice change to the normal PR sequence. Looking forward to the next one!
  18. Thanks Semler. Not sure what his specific knowledge regarding the technical side of Arma is, but @=VG= Deathdealer hosts us a lot on his internal connection and loads out different missions and what not. Perhaps he might make for a good Arma manager and change up scenarios/missions, what not. Thanks again for the help.
  19. Copy all. Well if I can be of any help (organizing, planning, etc.) on an actual preschesuled event let me know!
  20. Looks like you beat me to this! I was thinking having mini events embedded into the actual list of maps playable (not sure the feasibility on the technical side). Think it would be cool if we had mini events that we could run with easy rules to change up the daily map cycles. I like the idea of having a smaller map with a "VIP" style mission like rescuing a hostage on Muttrah for example. Either way, all the ideas above are great and will gladly support the production any way I can!
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