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=VG= Orracis

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Orracis

  1. Batman squad (with random crate drop out Ted's ass?)
  2. Keep up the good fight brother! Tea and crumpets for ya!
  3. The best thing I can offer is the same thing I tell my brothers, the key word in that f*cked up disorder is POST! We are taught to always adapt and overcome so as hard as it is we need to leave the demons in the past. Sure they sneak up and ambush you sometimes, but you stomp them back with HEALTHY addictions and joyful activities. I would just be real with your friend. Chances are he is getting all the "beat around the bush" treatment currently. Hope this helps.
  4. When trying to run Sbnesh std you idle out on dead screen. I think we also crashed on Jabal mid way through. There were others, but I'm not 100% on the layers.
  5. I'll go if you pay for my ticket fanny
  6. Just realized I have a conflicting event on that day I will have to resign my spots. Sorry guys. Have fun!
  7. Melon, SAS breacher on dragon fly Breacher in inf2 on barracuda
  8. Dragon fly- logistics medic Bijar- Cas pilot 1 Barracuda- medic in Inf 2 Thanks brother
  9. That was sick! still wished you would have broke more than your legs on that fall you nasty ass civilian
  10. Good luck brother. Going to the the dark side ;)
  11. Great work on the scenario Ted. I'd like to sign up as pilot 2 for the time being. If no one volunteers as Trans Squad Lead I have no problem doing that either. Quick question: in the event we find ourself in a FUBAR situation, would it be allowed for the VIP to be escorted by alt means like a truck?
  12. Mectus, Sorry I forgot to follow up with you last night. Here is a possible solution below if you haven't tried already. Another solution might be to adjust the settings on the recording/playback options in your tool bar when you right click on the "Volume" icon? Let me know if that helps http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f10-pr-bf2-general-discussion/121181-mic-volume-threshold-extremely-low.html
  13. I'm good for anytime on the weekends or anytime after 5pm (Eastern) during weekdays. Not sure how much help I could be, but if you need any help with organizing the event let me know.
  14. I watch your channel sometimes when I am bored at work. Keep em rolling
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