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=EINF= cubiksrube

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About =EINF= cubiksrube

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Corporal (4/18)



  1. @eraser hiii welcome to the forums im cubiksrube if you see me in game pls say hi to me i'm very friendly with no mic :3 thanks
  2. interesting, dried up thermal paste could be one of the reasons for that. But anyways take care of your new gpu : >
  3. Perfect, this card comes with the required 12V connector and also happy that you didnt get the msi ventus card as apperently in msi ventus there's a vrm left out of any cooling and it just keeps cooking itself inside.
  4. there's an awesome site called pcpartpicker.com thats a goto site when you buy pc hardware it will find you the cheapest deal. Have you already made a purchase? Which video card with its full name and model have you bought? Which power supply with its full name and model number do you have? It will make it easy to assist you.
  5. What the Melon is trying to say is, if you want to Specifically play as Commander/Opfor, only then you are required a signup Otherwise Everyone is allowed to Join Any Mission, Anytime, Anymap as Bluefor without a singup.
  6. Here you go VG Discord Also there's a discord icon among other socials on the top right section of the site page.
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