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My first attempt at capturing video

=VG= HaterOneActual

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Cool man!

That's one good reason to get an RTX / 2000 series nVidia card right there -- the NVENC encoder is so low impact I can't even barely tell I started recording by the performance hit (as opposed to an X264 Fast encoding setting in OBS) and also the quality is at least 20% better, too, especially during high movement.

Keep making videos, keep toying & tinkering with things!   Those programs have options menus that will melt the brain, but in time, getting the best settings in the GFX card, the recording software, and the game for a video will become easier.

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@=VG= HaterOneActual actually OBS is much more powerful :) It can capture video at any resolution and any framerate (within hardware performance limit ofc) and output to a variety of files. I've recorded several 1080p60 videos with it. Just gotta change a couple settings and see what your machine can take :)

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I have used FRAPs but it produces massive AVI files that need to be converted so now I just use the XBox Game Bar App which is part of Windows 10,

its very easy to use and you can just hit WIN + ALT + R to record while in game and WIN + ALT + M to turn the mic on or off.

The video quality is pretty good, file size quite reasonable, format .mp4


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In OBS, the higher you crank the resolution, the more power it requires.  If you can't do your native resolution without visible performance drop in the game, or in the video, you can downscale the output until that happy middle ground is found.

The other thing you control is the encoding itself.  It gets deep, but on the top layer of the concept is the encoder type (and the settings for that encoder), the bitrate, and the desired FPS and resolution of the recording.  The one most everyone uses is the x264 encoder.  It has a couple preset settings, and these impact PC system resource usage.   Basic general setup is a 1080p video at 30FPS *(or 60FPS if your PC can handle that) with a Constant Bit Rate of 2000-3500 (CBR) and using the x264 Encoder with the "Fast" preset.  This is only if you don't have a Turing based nVidia GFX card ... if you have access to the NVENC encoder, that is the preferred method and is far less resource intensive allowing for much higher bitrate and resolution/FPS without taking up exponentially more PC system resources.

TLDNR; Use the NVENC Encoder if you have a Turing GPU (nVidia 1050-2080)

Without an encoder, a video capture would be a raw output, resulting in very, very large file size with no compromises on quality as it's essentially a frame-for-frame capture at whatever frame rate you chose to record at.  This is what FRAPS does, and why it's file sizes can approach 4GB for video clips as low as 30-60 seconds in length, even at 1080p.

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I hope this is not your last video from the battlefields of the server =VG=. I for example would be happy to review videos of the hottest fights and funny moments! Maybe such videos will attract a large number of new players to the =VG= server.


Big Up! 😎👍🏻🔥

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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, =VG= HaterOneActual said:

Look who got a free video editor lol...


if you are streaming then you will need a powerfull PC or use another PC to stream and keep the main PC handling the capture. if its just recording then use shadowplay if you have nvidia card its much better and powerful than OBS. But its good resolution its not bad. i enjoy it. keep up this fun.

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