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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Sure man - I see that you are online right now, I'll help you get onto the server. !hi Edit: Though our forums are having issues showing the posts or other items, I found this info page for you - VG Falcon BMS Server Details: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/page.php?224
  2. **On that note, I could add it to the quick site links at the very bottom of the webpage, Perhaps under Helpful Links - we could call it PR Admin Reports and you'd never have to worry about the Top 10 posts or it dropping off that list. Edit: done and done. PR Admin Ban Report link can be found at the bottom of any page on the site now, under Helpful Links !cheers
  3. site search for it or google search it with quotes around the word veterans-gaming... "veterans-gaming" admin ban outlanders will probably do it in this case. If that happens to any thread that drops off the top 10 (which we cannot control), just google like above with some key words you remember from the thread - it will come up in the top 5, we get crawled a lot by google. !hi ...and here's a direct link to the thread you requested, just remember the tip ^ http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?37095.last PR Admin Jedi can use site search (Search VG) to get quick info about these forum posts that are presently difficult to find in the forum list for some people (or just blank pages of forum posts lists - that's what I see. ug). Say this is you, playing PR and you notice something, "Hmmm - the name Bottio sounds familiar. Was he banned or something?" Site search says: Remember to use the Force, Jedi Masters! !gam
  4. Here's an actual user review from a person who went through the VOID (buried in the comment section of that vid on YT): Amethyst Gaming wrote ... "I was able to try it as well because my friend is involved with the graphics/art side of things, so it wouldn't surprise me if other developers were able to get their friends in." ..... "I only got to do one playthrough and it was somewhat early on, but it really was amazing. I put the headset and backpack on (they had gaming laptops and an oculus for testing at this point) and turned around. Suddenly, there was a gun floating in front of me. My friend told me to pick the gun up, so I reached out and picked up a prop gun that was the same model that I was seeing, including a functioning trigger. I walked down a short corridor and there was a glass tank with a monster thing inside. The tank broke and smoke billowed out (in game, no special effect smoke that I could tell), blocking my vision. When the smoke cleared, my friend told me to look up. What I saw above me was a ceiling probably 100 feet high (the room we were in was ~30-40 feet high), with a ledge along one wall. The monster had scaled the wall and was peering over the edge. I looked down sights, pulled the trigger, and killed it after a few volleys. Next, I left through a sliding door, and went down a short corridor. I turned left and stepped out onto the balcony. The air felt cold, and I could feel a light breeze blowing. I could see miles out, an entire landscape blooming in front of me with a sheer cliff thousands of feet deep just below me. I turned around and there were spiders crawling all over in the corridor, so I spray'n'prayed and killed them all. I went through the next door and entered a claustrophobic utility room. There were spider webs hanging from the ceiling that brushed against my arms as I walked past. I exited through the opposite door, and was told to take off the headset. I did, and I was in the same room I started in. Overall a very realistic feeling experience, my favorite part was being able to literally reach the gun around a corner to fire. PROS: Very realistic experience. The graphics were awesome. The special effects were present and noticeable, but not overdone. CONS: I think it was just me, but the image seemed a bit blurry. I've never used a virtual reality headset before, so I'm not sure my brain knew where to focus, especially with so many new things happening at once. I couldn't see my body. I stepped off the cliff SUMMARY: Overall an amazing experience that I would happily pay for as a finished product. This was a pretty early playthrough and was more of a tech demo than an actual game, but it was enjoyable with the little content it had. My friend said they were working on full body tracking so you could see where you're standing and where your arms are, and they're planning on doing larger, more storyline-based levels for the release. I think that both of the aforementioned would vastly improve the experience. The demo I played gets a solid 8/10, even with the minor bugs and missing features."
  5. These guys at VOID are trying to make VR centers, buildings with rooms padded in generic foam forms that get overlaid with VR environments through the headset (like a portable Oculus Rift). When I was a teenager, we had LaserTag centers - is this what the next generation gets? LaserTag was so big, you had home sets you could buy, and buy addon packs for more friends, turning your house into the warzone, instead of the LaserTag Center's blacklight arena that you had to pay money to enter. So, how long after this comes out before we have home sets that use cameras and lasers to map our halls and then paint them with a video game overlay in our home VR headsets, running through our own hallways fragging friends in VR? Only a matter of time... until then, these VOID guys will fill the void with VR Centers (they say it could be 10 players with no lag). No idea on how much they'll charge, when they will be finished with development, or what major cities they'll open it in - but this sneak peek video is set to go viral; near 2 million views in a week. The sweetest peek has to be the vehicle chair - looks like the player was strapped in and getting tossed around as he moved his flight stick. Sick shit!
  6. Normally, I'd resize pics for people's posts - But this one actually looks good while "too big" Nice screenshot!
  7. Offer to run a server for us is greatly appreciated, but unnecessary... We have a server running right now for Falcon 4 BMS. I personally attend to it each morning, even though I do not have a computer capable of playing in it at present. It crashed today, I had it back up within hours. Any issues, let me know and I'll kick it's rear in gear. =VG= Falcon 4 BMS Server simulates a North Korean Invasion each week, and though few of the pilots frequent our forums, our 24/7 IVC Server connected to the BMS Server ensures easy communications, and you can look in our TeamSpeak 3 Server for players in that game channel, as well. I'd also like to note that this is a FREE game. Those of you who play other combat flight sims could try this one out FREE! The F-16 Falcon has similar systems to the Warthog that many fly in the DCS World... you'd cross over to an F-16 Falcon easily. Anyone interested in joining the server, and flying this great sim with XeroX and others, just know it's as easy as following the download/install instructions here (about midway down, post by SemlerPDX): http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?37148.last !cp (I voted Yes, even though I can't play at present. BMS Rocks!)
  8. [EDITED: IP address must contain port number as well, now shown above. -SemlerPDX] [Edit 2: tried without the port number and i worked fine for me, but just to be sure fill it in too. -Lordvlad30] HA! You know what that was? I was thinking of a time when we had a non-standard port and had to enter it - that was awhile ago. I think I had some kind of flashback when I entered only the IP into "Bookmark Manager" address bar and it didn't resolve. Clearly it's different if entered under the "Connections" tab. Thanks again, lordvlad! !cheers
  9. Cavey - do not worry about asking for help. Most of us here can remember when we were new to this as well. It is not easy at first, specifically knowing where to get truthful information - too many websites are just ad scams or incomplete impostors that merely look like the "official site". A perfect example is that "tsviewer" website you linked. It looks official, but it is NOT owned or operated by TeamSpeak and it is severely lacking in truthful information. We've had the same IP for years and that site doesn't know it - because it's just some guy's website for some e-Sports project. Don't get discouraged by misleading info like that. Our TS3 does exist, and if you follow lordvlad's instructions, you should find us just fine. ** If you are new to Voice over Internet, you need to know a few things: You need to set a button to push to talk - like a CB Radio. At first, many people want to have TS3 act like a phone, picking up any sound at either end - this is not always ideal. If you want the Microphone always on, it would help to assign one of the keys on your keyboard as a "Mute" button. Once you get TS3 installed, go to the Options (keyboard shortcut Alt+P), and review the different catagories. From Microphone to Speakers to other more advanced options, you will want to look through and adjust settings as appropriate to your hardware and preferences. Not trying to overwhelm you with information, just do your best to get up and running. If you have any more questions, feel free to post up here again. People here like to help others, you are not bothering anyone at all. Good luck! !hi
  10. Thanks, guys! So bored lately - my brother "took back" the guitar he "gave" me, so about all the fun I get is watching Star Trek re-runs on Netflix on the ol Kindle while building this Castle on my shitty laptop... (**my father just surprised me, Dean Guitar's are on sale 50% Off - he's ordered an exact duplicate of the Dean Guitar I was playing, should be here Friday!!! WOO HOO!) I LOVE this Redstone stuff.... Spent days in my Creative world trying to make a working gatehouse, and tried and failed to make a working Portcullis.... I ended up watching a How To on YouTube for the design, but I modified the switches to have push buttons on the gates, as well as master controls for both gates inside including 2 locking switches. Too fun!!! Here's a night shot that I thought I'd die trying to take, but I made it safely back inside: And here's a close up of the double-gate house with Portcullis (portculli?): Gonna craft TNT to help remove chunks of the mountain inside - I'm certainly not hurting for the materials anymore, and strip-mining the mountain is taking wayyy to long... !2cool
  11. I believe the best advice for you, BLuD is what they said above about the GTX 760 or the GTX 770 - and consider that next time you have money for PC parts, if you're not already running iCore CPU and modern motherboard, to get a new CPU/RAM/MotherBoard setup, all your old stuff will cross over just fine, including whatever Graphics Card you purchase now. A final note about VRAM - for a single monitor fullscreen game on a monitor that is not a "4K" display, you can run a 1080p resolution just fine at the 2GB VRAM. Cards generally come ready for most basic uses, and the amount of VRAM a card has should not influence your decision one bit, even if you want a second monitor for, say, looking at teamspeak or other non-3D applications while gaming on the first monitor. It's just a non-factor if purchase ANY decent card recommended in this post, period. If you want multiple monitors for gaming, high-res, or other expensive things, THEN you can consider the witherto's and whyfor's of VRAM limitations(great tests and articles on that over at Tom's Hardware that I've read - check them out if these things appeal to you). !cheers
  12. WhiteWolf LAN_WROTE ... poffadder =VG= LAN_WROTE ... WhiteWolf LAN_WROTE ... "bottleneck" ... that word is withering away, Lolz soon "bottleneck" will never be a thing, Most places (INTEL) shot them selfs in the foot, LOLz they cant make CPUs faster just use less power ... its funny really. Wut? None of those statements are true. think what ever you want to think, But its True, No, sir, it is NOT true... Careful there, young WhiteWolf - you're trying to contradict an accomplished professional there; Poffadder is a computer engineer with the lambskin to prove it - years of intense study, matlab's, and competent Professors are something that our internet research and personal opinions cannot compete with. Although, it's not a competition - we all should help where we can, but defer to the pros and maybe learn something along the way instead of confronting a correction with statements resembling "Don't confuse me with the facts - I've already made up my mind" - seriously, bro? "think what ever you want to think" ?!?! I don't mean to get defensive of my friends, but if you knew Poffadder and what he's gone through these past few years, you'd offer an apology after such a statement, or at least a retraction. Please be more respectful in the future as there may be more for us all to learn about computers after all..
  13. I gots some screenshots to share.... (and, Poff, you were right - despite my most careful gaming, I've died several times - lost a several quality items, ambushed by more than one creeper, and stupidly dug open a lava chamber and promptly fell right in...) My minecraft survival world (pretty proud of it, tho it gets lonely - wish this laptop could game AND be online at the same time...ugh): Here is my original keep, made it first over a month ago; farm land, main house, good "spider proof" cobblestone walls: It's at the base of a mountain that I've been mining, and I decided to build a stone brick castle around and out of the mountain: I've started with a huge citadel and then made the perimeter wall, and then started designing and building turrets Here is the South Wall, with the gate house entrance: My biggest task is to remove huge sections of the mountain as they get too close to the walls - I've spent the last 3 days just removing 5-7 block perimeter inside the new stone brick walls. Here is the North West corner, where I will resume today: **no cheating either, this is all stone I mined, then cooked into bricks, then crafted into stone bricks. Have had to stop just to stockpile coal at times, searching surrounding areas on a "coal only mission". Still, fun way to pass the time!
  14. It may have been the server. It was not functioning this morning - but it is now. Try again to rejoin, and feel free to ask for help if you cannot get it working. We're glad to help another PC gamer! !cheers
  15. greywulf LAN_WROTE ... Where can I get the complete download for this mod with a Falcon exe. and the BMS updates that actually is real and working? You are not the first person to ask this, and won't be the last. Let me explain this for all future prospective BMS players, as not everyone has the same technical background (read: this isn't obvious for everyone). Please feel free to post up any questions and I'll be happy to answer them. The reason you have a hard time with the actual BMS updates/installs is because they are very large in size, are produced by a not-for-profit group and it is SO popular that hosting all 7 of those updates in full size would cost the BMS group way too much money. Instead, they use a peer file sharing setup to distribute those files (for those who are unfamiliar, this kind is referred to as "Torrents", which are key files that locate other users sharing those exact files, resulting in bits and pieces being downloaded from the entire community of users who actively share through "Torrent Client Software") Just so you know, you do NOT need to be one of those "sharer's" -- you can run uTorrent, for example, load the BMS Torrent files, and turn off uTorrent once you have downloaded the files you need. Luckily, many users keep it open so people like you and I can always download these files when needed. The process can take some time, depending on your internet speed, and the size of the files being downloaded, but I can attest that I use uTorrent and consider it safe. So, to make this all work, do the following: Install a Torrent Client (uTorrent link below) then run the program. Next, download the BMS Updates Torrent Files, and locate the files on your computer - drag and drop them into the uTorrent window and they will begin looking for peers to download the files from. Finally, when a Torrent says "Finished", just double click on it to open it's location. After all the Torrents are finished downloading, you can turn off uTorrent by right-clicking it's icon near the Date/Time and choosing "exit"; otherwise, leave it be and your PC will continue to help share this file with the public. You do not need to install Falcon 4 in order to run BMS, it stands alone. BMS will however want to know the location of the Falcon 4.exe file on your PC, so download it and place it anywhere you can remember, and tell BMS that location when it asks during installation. These are links from my DropBox: uTorrent (run this program first, DECLINE the 3rd party software options when they come up): https://www.dropbox.com/s/cm3oejvi5ckzct3/uTorrent.exe?dl=0 Falcon BMS Updates 1-6 (in Torrent form): https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjro7urcncsr8m4/Falcon_BMS_4.32_Setup_plus_U1-U6.torrent.zip?dl=0 Falcon BMS Update 7 (in Torrent form): https://www.dropbox.com/s/7qp1tt1jk0j06z7/Falcon_BMS_4.32_Update_7.torrent.zip?dl=0 Falcon 4 EXE file (same as meiz posted; use ALTERNATE DOWNLOAD LINK): http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.148 Good luck! !cp
  16. Yea, something seemed odd when I restarted it yesterday - I was wondering if it loaded okay, and I guess this means it did not. I've restarted it now, and the server behaved properly this time. Pretty sure that it porks out during a restart if players re-join before I actually launch the campaign (takes ~1 minute to push all the buttons, 2 second delay to the server of my button presses - it is difficult to do the process rapidly). RESTARTED! !hi *p.s. to any BMS players, if the server goes down before noon (US time zones), do not rejoin the server for a few minutes to give me time to initialize the server.
  17. Poffadder and several others play it. I watch Poff's stream a lot - but he won't be back until the 29th, I think... I cannot wait to play this game!! Feel free to post any screenshots or whatever about this awesome game! !fans
  18. Poffadder has spoken with Teejay - the matter has been dealt with now. Please feel free to report any further incidents to an admin or here on the forums. *for the record, the video was posted as a worst case example of what happened to the OP - I the vid, we had no CAS and worried they may appear and kill us. Do not attack AA/SAM sites as infantry, unless for some special reason, like in the video, and even then, you risk death from BLUFOR (accidental TK's). /locked
  19. saheen - your Unban request is here: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?36928.last Do not keep posting up about your ban. Wait for the admin to post.
  20. MikelZeplin LAN_WROTE ... Question, why was it necessary to have three people on one stinger? LMAO! We had arrived without C4, and with prior plans with TRANS to drop us a crate to that roof, and due to the Zero Cooldown, a spawned Bot can instantly fire upon said TRANS friend coming with the C4 and the crate. We ensured that would not happen with triple coverage. The funniest part, though, was that the TRANS came with the crate, and dropped it right off the roof. Then came back several minutes later, and did the same exact thing. Again, several minutes later, is when this video picks up, when he's coming back. We C4'd the SAM (every few minutes), Kept all OPFOR vehicles downed by AT, and most of the BLUFOR started spawning there. The entire South was taken much faster, and we coordinated a lot of teamwork from our vantage point. Again, few PRO CAS players want this, as they do fine against SAM - we had poor CAS and helped out the big picture this way. Make sure you talk with CAS if you do this, like TEDF said!
  21. If you are going to go for the "big" team play goal of cross squad help, like Squad vs. AA for the benefit of all, then communication must come first. As CAS, I always had 2 initial targets on Mutrah: AA - on other maps there were more, I knew just where they were. Most infantry did as well, and rarely did we get that one squad who was gonna help. Kudos to you for your attempt!! Do not get discouraged, just get more players on the same page the next time. And, I agree with you with regards to the rather apathetic apology you received after the event happened. WhiteWolf, you are not responsible for Teejay's shit - but shit does need to stop. A game without rules sucks, and the lack of personal accountability on part of these other gamers like Teejay is something that good regular gamers should not be shunned by. Just know, we are trying to curb that TK attitude, and there is a consensus to pay closer attention to what is happening in the PR server - rest assured, I'll personally be spending plenty of time there if I am able to get a working rig before new years. I personally feel for you - I often ran AT squads that focused on CAS AA assists - not talkin out of my ass, it can be done, but communication is the first thing! You will get accidentally killed in an area that is so frequently fragged by CAS if they do not know you are there or do not actively acknowledge it. Hell, spam the text box if you have to just to get a response, just know that there are language barriers, so como-rose can be your only way. Finally, barring that, your job is to keep your team alive if you are the squad leader, if you cannot pop smoke and communicate that the AA roof is now BLUFOR, you are the one who should evac otherwise face known and expected friendly fire on the AA. It is your job to communicate, but that was indeed a sortof dick way to apologize (if that was what that was). Here is us doing just what you said, and died doing, but we communicated (and forced a solid response) from como-rose commands, popped smoke, and text messages in game. We didn't even have the C4 this time and needed another chopper to deliver (which he failed at twice before this vid, dropping the crate off the roof into the courtyard full of bots):
  22. I read everything I could on that website about kali, and I think it would be the starting point, but it looks like a client side game finder, and I am not sure it has a web page display function that we could use as a website widget or whatever. Someone with coding experience may need to write something small that pulls info from this program and sends it to a php page here at the site, then someone with php experience could make THAT page into a widget that could exist on any page, like the gametracker servers list in our Game Servers page. This laptop I have is all I have, and it overheats if I fart too much - it's that shitty. Otherwise, I'd download kali and fuck around with it. Once I get a proper PC, I know I'll be looking for some VG projects, sucks I can't do more than read and report at this time. !dash
  23. MikelZeplin LAN_WROTE ... I can't help but think that the server crashes are completely Melon's fault. !rofl
  24. I also very much want this! If anyone can help, or knows someone who could - the game runs in Basic AFIK and it has an additional exe called IVC (used for comms) that also runs in what looks like a DOS prompt window - perhaps it could be polled for changes, each time a user enters a channel, their unique name is displayed in the IVC window. Gotta be a semi-simple way to pull this info to a php window we can display here at the site. I worked with ASeptik before and we successfully pulled ARMA 2 info into a web-based php for display, maybe he could have some insight into this project?
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