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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. @derk - feel free to edit and submit any old BMS graphic altering the 4.0's and 4.32's to read 4.33, if you can. We'd certainly appreciate it!! @Meiz - thank you! That looks very good! Gonna swap it out for the Falcon BMS Facebook page now. Great job! !hi Kinda forgot about this logo pic, too - it also needs to have the 4.0 altered to read 4.33 while maintaining the blocking and placement of the titles...
  2. We're looking for help to update a VG graphic to reflect the new version they released for BMS... This is the one we use now ( http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-images/banners/bmsbanner_rs.jpg ), and it says Falcon 4.0 BMS, but then we played Falcon 4.32 for a year or more... now the whole game has changed, and the new nomenclature is Falcon BMS 4.33 (and it has nothing to do with 4.32). It's not a version change/upgrade and update, it's an entire standalone release... My point is, if I edit the graphic with my limited abilities, all I could do is change the 4.0 to 4.3, but that is wrong... It should read FALCON 4.33 BMS (vertical) but I cannot do all those letters or squish them thin just a little to add one more digit and make it fit, without making the F of FALCON go into the Pilot's black helmet visor. If anyone can help, by erasing the name, making it thin enough to look the same but read FALCON 4.33 BMS (obviously the BMS still vertical) we would all really appreciate it!! !hi
  3. Then AMD may be your best budget option like Airbats said. At a compromise, you'll rarely need more than 4GB of RAM, the ATI graphics cards pair well, and hit the budget category, and you'll never need more than a 600 watt power supply. The hard drive will still run just fine, if you can carry over that part from your old PC, or you can try to get a budget HDD or a small SSD to add with a cheap HDD to get the best of both worlds on the cheap cheap. It is very possible to build a system that will play well, record a bit while playing, too. Someone needs to toss up some AMD CPU's that aren't crap in the budget area, and some ATI cards or even nVidia's that work in the low to mid end, I can't quote any myself. Also, there may be certain Aussie companies with some bundles and even perhaps some Holiday sales coming up, but not sure how long you can wait.
  4. If you have any questions, issues, or tips relating to our Falcon BMS Server, or the new version of BMS 4.33, post 'em up here, and we'll do our best to address them or simply spread the word to help us all adjust. !pilot Thanks for flyin with us, and see you at Angels 20! New pilots should read: How to connect to the VG Falcon BMS 4.33.1 Server Campaign with IVC Enabled
  5. CHUMBO LAN_WROTE ... error, 32 bits....really? Quoted from the BMS 4.33 Manual: For the connection between two (*or more) computers to succeed the following settings must be the same on both computers: - BMS version (4.32 or 4.33) and platform (32-bit or 64-bit) must be the same. 32-bit Platform option from Launcher (or the 32-bit .exe) is required on VG Falcon BMS Server *For the time being, and for compatibility between all players on the VG Falcon BMS Server, the 32-bit Platform of the game will be required. The reasoning behind this is that those on 64-bit systems can run the 32-bit Platform option in the launcher, but 32-bit Operating System users cannot run the 64-bit version. For the record, BMS has before and still today takes very good advantage of available RAM, and in most cases the difference between platform options is nominal.
  6. CHUMBO LAN_WROTE ... error, 32 bits....really? This an issue I'd like to correct: The server had always been running from the x86 .exe when it was 4.32, I tried my best to mimic the new server to run the same way, and I also ran into those issues when test connecting to the new server, but thought I had sorted it out to accept both 32 bit client versions and 64 bit client versions. Testing is hard when it's just me, and without controls set up yet, all I can do is test join over and over trying different things. The last thing I want to do is exclude players based on their client OS or launch preferences of 32/64-bit, and I am going to work on that issue today. TAC LAN_WROTE ... Is possible to leave 4.32 in place for others that have low end pc's??? Thanks guys. As far as running the older version as well, a 4.32 server AND a 4.33 server, the answer is YES! But... not right away; the current server can only support one campaign/instance of Falcon, though we may add another small server for 4.32 if it is found that players with older systems cannot adjust the graphics settings of this new 4.33 version to allow them to play it. This is another area where we do not want to exclude players based on their PC capabilities, but again, this will show within a few weeks as we all have a chance to work with 4.33 and test performance on low end through high end setups as a community.
  7. *cyberpower only ships to the USA and Canada, sadly, no exports...
  8. Server is Updated to 4.33 and is back up and running. The 120th out of Seosan is full of AI flight generation at the moment, but it will go back to being a mostly clear airbase once Belgriffin has a chance to tweak a few things there. Report any issues to BLuDKLoT, he can get a hold of me if needed. !hi
  9. *The VG Falcon BMS Server will be going down for the 4.33 update this morning, from 10am-2pm Pacific Time, US - it may be far quicker, assuming no issues. We will post up here when the deed is done. !cp
  10. Good point, but they really shouldn't have trouble now that the configs are set. It's also a very affordable way for them to do this.
  11. If you recall, Murder - I did do my very first work while the server was running, thinking it was stopped. What if it was at that time that I loaded the config, before changing the size to match 12, and because the server was running, it created that security flag for the Host? Either way, fuck them, tell them it was a mistake and not a malicious attempt, and to make it work already - money spent is money spent, and they should help. Big difference when some one means to do a thing and when its merely incompetence or human error. Here's hoping they get you sorted out. !hi
  12. I spent some time in the wombat web panel, got him basic and server config setup (copied ours minus the headless client stuff), and got the command line set up. Server name reset to SY31009 and wouldn't load correctly. So, it's set up, but doesn't work and they are going to be contacting customer service to troubleshoot it on their end.
  13. THIS RIGHT HERE IS A PERFECT SUGGESTION! Ben =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I was thinking something like: Cpu: i5 4690k Cpu Cooler: Hyper 212 evo Mobo: H97 Extreme (or any motherboard that supports i5 and uefi) Ram: Crucial ballistix 8gb Case: Any mid size case SSD: Samsung 850 evo 120gb/250gb GPU: GTX 960 2gb This build i quickly put together is about $775, but it will run every game you play, just swap the i5 and gpu for something cheaper if you want to get it under $700. Or if you wanna pick out your own parts I can tell you if they're compatible or not and walk you through how to put it together. I don't know much about pre-built computers so if that's what you're looking for I can't really help you there. The GTX 960 is a killer card, just below top tier in affordability:performance - no matter which direction you go, this is the card you want until you can afford one of it's big brothers when they come out next year. Do not invest in anything such as 970 or 980 even if you had the scratch: nVidia is coming out with their new line early next year and major GFX "future-proof" or "god machine" purchases should wait until then. The i5 4670k is amazing for the price and will likely last you a few years, it has enough overhead for minor multi-tasking, and combined with one of those Samsung EVO SSD's, you will get Windows Performance Scores of 7.5 and 7.9 respectively. The 970 GTX rates at 7.9 as well, meaning it tops the Windows Performance rating system. Before anyone jumps down my throat for quoting these silly, almost arbitrary Windows scores, just know I'm using it as a generic point of reference for Melon here. You're not going to get a much better deal on RAM than the set mentioned, and 8GB (2x4GB) will be more than enough for anything you will ever need. If you are interested in simple overclocking, these systems now have "one-button" auto-overclocking that will attempt to take advantage of RAM with clocks over 1066MHz. With regards to RAM, speed is the only determining factor, and it is only achieved through overclocking, either with the easy "one-button" mode or getting super-geek and using 3rd party software to adjust voltages and timings. Trust me, the first method is safe, easy, and recommended to use. *edit: So, for your usage, do not bother with any RAM over 1600MHz as you will likely not achieve it unless you get "super-geek" with overclocking. On that point, overclocking will NOT be necessary, and your CPU (should you choose the i5 mentioned) will start at 3.5GHz per core, and overclock itself as needed in the background to up to 4.0GHz per core. Pretty neat, huh?? So - my advice is to take this list by Ben to an affordable company that can build this system for you, even if you have to order, say, the graphics card separate to get a better deal and slap it in the case when you get it... Finally, you will not need a PSU larger than 650, but if you can afford anything 80+ certified, you will not regret it, and the price difference is usually $30-50 from any standard PSU. You want the 80+, trust me - and a good surge/spike/dip/brown power bar is a good investment as well, but don't spend near $100 for a good surgebar (when you get to around $100 for power protection, it's better to invest in an Uninterruptible Power Supply with the same protections + a battery backup) You can and should plan to use your old hard drive(s) along side any new SSD you add to this system. I am using 240 GB of SSD and other HDD's. The WinOS is on the SSD's along with a few of my more intensive games, the rest of my programs are installed on the HDD's. You will achieve startup times of 20 seconds or so if you have an EVO and i5 combo for your system, it makes putting the PC into Hybernate or Hybrid Sleep pointless, as the entire system could boot in the same time it takes to wake, with more immediate control availability. ;) So - take this list to a company that builds PC's or start ordering these parts as affordable from NewEgg, Amazon, and the rest and you will be good to go in no time.
  14. No problem bro! Thank for getting these into a thread! Just such great screesnshots, a good representation of the Arma 3 world. I use Imgur to give me huge lists already formatted with the largest thumbnail that will fit and they come out clickable with the link - basically I right click on an entire folder of pics and "Send To" Imgur. Not much work on my part, I'm lazy. ;)
  15. Great videos!!! !fans wish I could have been there, but I was on a mountain side shooting a Henry Repeater .45 Long Colt and havin a good 'ol time in the woods.
  16. WOW! Impressive video for this mission!! Can't wait!
  17. Good points all around. And well said, Gaz. This is not a training server. This is a Live COOP Server - BUT - This server welcomes new players with open arms, we merely expect them to follow the rules, and not run around doing as they please with total disregard for the way PR is played/kit requests/asset use/squad based gameplay. Most of the rules are even geared towards some of the points raised here: no flying vehicles until you know how (learn to fly offline, come online to test your skills live); improper asset use/mortar use; etc. All games have noObs, this one is no different. It's learning curve is a bit steeper, and it requires more patience than the standard FPS games. You have two choices: hope that the game is not so popular that only veterans of the game will play it; or to welcome each successive wave of new people turned onto this awesome Squad based mod built on a 10 year old game. I'd love an automatic system for all of this so I don't need to take the time to talk with people, to diplomatically resolve issues, take time out of my own play time to help run things, but we will always need to make those efforts, and it will never boil down to just one more perfectly worded announcement MOTD sentence. We'll support whatever you come up with, and if it would help, we'll add it - but it will never replace the personal connection you can make with a new player or squad by talking to them, and being patient and encouraging (and swift with the switch on the trolls and griefers).
  18. janjan LAN_WROTE ... solved it!!! you need to be on the same theater! I was on Israel theater. That is great news!! I can't believe we didn't check that last night when we were troubleshooting, then again, it was way late at night for me.... !fans
  19. Thank you for your interest in joining! You'll hear from us soon, m8! !fans
  20. You are OK TeeJay - do not worry! :) BUT - For the record, =VG= takes all reports of Admin Abuse seriously. By this I mean that this is no joking matter even though it sounds absurd, or is written funny, or has facts wrong. There have been no facts and no proof submitted to back up this report. Melon is available to receive proof, and has offered. I do not believe this report is correct or accurate. BUT we do look into ALL reports, as a matter of seriousness, not to laugh at someone who makes a report (even if it is funny or has poor grammer, or false facts). I doubt the OP will post here again, but regardless, this is not a peanut gallery - only facts please. Thank you for your clarification, TeeJay.
  21. This is a serious matter; Peanut Gallery Posts will be deleted. !boss Do not post if you are: not a VG admin, not a PR admin, were not present during this incident, not adding relevant proof to this discussion.
  22. Seosan, South Korea. Home Plate. We fly out of the 120th Fighter Squadron: Bandit dove for the deck and defeated my Slammer - but I kept on him... "Fox 2 - Close" ... "Splash one Bandit" An overhead view of my target area: Pupo-ri Naval Base Releasing 4 GBU-32(v)1/B 1000lb High Explosive JDAM at 4 Separate Targets in 1 Launch: "GBU RELEASED!" Releasing AGM-65G IR Guided 300lb Penetrating Warhead Maverick's at D-30 AA Defenses: "Rifle!"
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