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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. I'll be there!! (damn it feels good to say that) And don't worry, I'll put myself through "basic" again before the event - PC should be operational (albeit on a 800x600 monitor) next week. I'd like to be the Medic in Mech Infantry Squad (or in QSS), second choice as rifleman.
  2. I couldn't wait - did some research, and since a lot of a mouse has to do with how it fits your hand first, and number of buttons/features second, I found a good mouse for a palm grip that is wired - the Logitech G502 Proteus Core - and when I get the $50, I'm gonna order it. The other good palm grip Logitech mouse is the G500s - also wired, only slightly more expensive, and then there's the G700s which is wireless (but with a 250 hour battery life), and the most expensive of the three palm grip mice I looked at from Logi. I could buy my old G500, there are a few offers out there for this "out of production" item, originally $55, people are capitalizing on the shortage: I've seen them as high as $150 for a new-in-box G500 simply because they don't make them anymore! Here's a pic link of G502 (left image) and G500s (on the right): http://files.tested.com/photos/2014/04/14/60000-img_0469.jpg
  3. For landing, what's cool is top 10 forum posts, chatbox, birthdays are fun, news items, a little space from some adds and sponsors, and the rotating graphic near the top. Bottom of page can be quick links, but I've always felt we could do a little less than our current home page - just a wee bit too busy, but I like the things I mentioned above most, it's gotta have them at least, and we gots to get the calendar back when the new site gets up.
  4. Looks cool - but I gotta add that we've already payed near $200 for a license and our webmaster Solarflame is currently trying to port over our users and content to the new site. I'm sure we could use some help after it gets up to do some cosmetic work and make it look sweet, but I'm not sure we're gonna start over with that pancake thing at this time. It does look cool for a landing page, tho - nice work!!
  5. Same here - I use(d) a palm grip and the mouse I like isn't made anymore (G500), and I'm hunting for something that isn't a POS or gimmicky contraption. Anyone here use a good gaming mouse they'd recommend?
  6. Some people have never seen or heard of the Battlefield Friends show on YouTube - obviously a tragic public health issue. If you are a no0b, or remember being one, or play with them (basically, if you play Battlefield of any kind, I guess) you might find this funny! Battlefield Friends Playlist Links BFFs Season 1 BFFs Season 2 BFFs Season 3 BFFs Season 4 (Season 5 is finished, all episodes are on vessel right now, but will be released on YouTube very soon)
  7. We have used sign up sheets in the past for events with set roles or rosters. It will not be in this thread, it's all volunteer and on a first come, first served basis.
  8. I've seen some silly mini games on YouTube on regular battlefield, joust tournaments, "bowling"; there is a bit you all could do without coding anything, so long as you have willing volunteers - Intel could even be a thing an admin provides verbally each time a flag is capped... obviously, arma gets the pleasure of easy scripting, but you can get creative to go around those barriers.. !fans And stream or record it!!! Not sure how many of you haven't seen the Battlefield Friends on YouTube, but their gameplay video Joust Tourney was fun. They used motorcycles and RPGs:
  9. I like the "Brave" theme ( http://www.skinbox.net/skins/ ) because it has a similar header, with a large rectangle logo space like this website.
  10. AIM, wouldn't that make it better to only have the gear you died with? Or is this an issue where "realism kills gameplay"?
  11. Can we please keep a theme that is light text color on dark background? I've always loved it like this, instead of those white-wall forums with black text... details like that are probably not high on the list of priorities, but I just wanted to see if we're all in agreement with this simple theme element... !hi
  12. Great to hear! Glad you're here! !cheers
  13. Thank for the kind words! To keep credit where credit is due, I also got the idea for the king and queen's throne and the long table in the Great Hall from YouTube videos, as well. I still have to decorate, the castle is rather barren, and I think the King's bedroom needs a private library, or maybe a pool or jacuzzi - some swanky addition. I haven't even played in over a month, just ran out of ideas for things to build. Sometimes, it really is more about the journey than the destination.
  14. Final straw is your way of thinking, and your shallow defense of your racism, calling it "just a word" depending on it's use - I've banned for that before, and you are now banned. Grow up. Bingreding LAN_WROTE ... Lastly, the term nigger, is not necessarily racist. If you used with a harmful intent absolutely. But without harmful intent it is not necessarily a bad word. This is why you see it in use today, as an alternative to my bro-> my nigga. I would not use it with harmful intent considering that I am half black myself, this would be effectively shitting my on own background;s) You're done, I'm getting sick of reading your bs. /locked
  15. Bingreding LAN_WROTE ... Let us dig deeper into these shall we? As you wish... I didn't quote all the things I found in the logs as I was attempting to remain on my point while allowing you grace and benefit of the doubt in my attempt to show you the impression you've given Martin, and just one proof example of how Martin is not trying to "lie and smear your good name". Your ability to single out and eliminate my point by disecting my post makes me distrust your integrity and ability to account for your actions, or to be cognizant of them at all. So, here you go: LemurLemur =VG= LAN_WROTE ... You have been warned, kicked, and even resigned by multiple admins for many things such as: Racism, asset stealing (multiple times on different maps, i have also personally resigned you many times), tking, soloing assets, duplicate squads, wasting assets, and one man locked squads.... ...calling people "fucking germans", Saying "nigger" (which is a banable offense) and calling admins idiots. You are lucky i wasnt there to see you type out and call someone a nigger because that shit wont fly with me on this server.... And you won't fly on this server anymore, either, unless some admins can convice me here that you are worth giving a chance to. Some of my best friends here are "fucking germans", and you deserve an outright ban for saying "Nigger" no matter WHAT context you intended. Consider yourself banned unless someone wants to make a case as to why we need you on our server, which at this point is near impossible. The simple fact that you want us to sling a halo around your head while the logs and many, many admins tell a more down to earth story is a case for you finding another COOP PR server to frequent.
  16. Bingreding LAN_WROTE ... ...I would kindly suggest that in the future (Martin) refrains from baseless unsubstantiated accusations which are nothing short of a vile attempt to smear my name... ...The (quote) stated by Martin is nothing short of a disgusting attempt to smear my name... TED answered your report, it was a mistake, not malicious. As for Martin, <br />bingreding: vehicle repair/supply drop available, call squad 6<br />joe98085 TEAMKILLS  bingreding<br />bingreding: never play chicken run with apc xDD<br />vystrel: Why squad 6 is using IFV?<br />Martin: !w bingreding Drive back that apc to main<br />bingreding: m8 im passangerrr<br />bingreding: I know the rules, well most of them ;D<br /> Looks like Martin may have good reason to feel how he does. Seems to me Martin was under the impression you were in squad 6, though you may not have been driving. There is no reason to turn this into a debate, but I see how Martin may be under the impression that you were involved with that vechicle and it's improper use. I don't think he is trying to spin lies, but his impression of your gameplay. Obviously, the MAIN ISSUE of this report is that you were in the first trans squad, and a mistake was made by a remote admin which is rare. It was a mistake based on a verbal report as stated by TED, but since you stated that all these impressions Martin has are outright lies to smear your name, I though I'd pull this out of the logs as well... <br />ToRoLibert: xD fail<br />bingreding: omg<br />bingreding: how high do I need to be to swap from hover to forward<br />bingreding: i was at 160 feet ;s<br />Martin: !w bingreding STOP WASTING ASSETS AND SHOOT THE BOT AIRPLANES<br /> It seems you did not know how to fly the VTOL aircraft you were piloting. This is a COOP server, not a practice server. That was a waste of an asset. I read logs here and there, searching for admin names and checking their activity - and I've never gotten the impression that Martin is an outright liar with intent to smear the names of decent players such as yourself. All reports are taken seriously, though, and this one is now logged.
  17. Come tour Castle Semleria with me! This is a LONG Screenshot post... It was a work of over 5 months, off an on; my first foray into playing this game - and as a noOb I died many times! From my humble beginnings in my Cobblestone Keep, to the construction of my first Citadel which inspired all this, I played vanilla 1.7 Minecraft in Survival Mode on Normal Difficulty. I'll admit I did "cheat" in a ton of coal blocks when cooking my thousands of stored stone from the mines into bricks, and a dispenser full of squid for Squid's Galley Aquarium - I just plain got impatient on one or two things; also, I did all my redstone with a crate of "cheated in" parts, as I wanted to focus on building. All building was done back in Survival Mode with said items, cooking raw stone into the castle bricks, and each book and book shelf came from cows and paper from the farm. Everything is my own design, except for the working portcullis, which came from a YouTuber's design. It took awhile, but was great fun! I hope you Minecrafter's enjoy seeing another player's works here. Just Keep Scrollin' Every castle needs secret passages! Functional aesthetics like working portcullis, murder holes, protected walkways and towers along castle walls, over a dozen secret passageways, hidden switches, and secret rooms including a multi-function Nether Portal that goes to the farm, the Nether Mine, the castle, and the Nether Railway (turns 2 days travel into 45 second ride to nearest Village). Paradise Ranch Forgive me if I'm overly proud of my semi-automated farm. With the barn, it's 2 stories above ground, and 4 below, with hopper/railcart harvester, and materials transportation to and from the Castle Kitchen. All you gotta do is feed, breed, slaughter, and plant - if the hogs don't get out, you don't even need to hoe the dirt! Fishing spot is better than my Log Cabin on the lakes up North, and it's right by home: many magic books and items get hooked. My Log Cabin up North Up at Lake of the Woods, Semtario, I built a log cabin out of full trees from surrounding forests. It has an ever burning hearth, and another burning brick near the top of the chimney to produce a smoke effect. This was WAY too much fun to build! At this point, I'm hooked on Minecraft for life. Thanks for reading! !cheers A Glitched Final View of the Mines under the Castle:
  18. Excellent report, and good suggestions! I may be the 'invisible VG admin' as my crappy laptop barely lets me use the forums and admin the Falcon BMS server, but I'd like to address all the admins and experienced regulars who read this thread, and tho most of you PR guys don't even know me, I hope you can trust in the 2000 or more hours I've played in PR and my experience with server administration over the years - please read this if you have time and want some ideas to change this server back to what it was - the best Squad-based COOP server in PR for 5 years running! When any game suddenly opens up to a new flood of players, it can "ruin" the flow of the server and it's goals. I've seen it happen a couple times with a couple games - I wish I'd have afforded another gaming PC by now because I'd help this new war effort - and it does take direct effort of the experienced players and a soft touch from the admins to re-establish the SOP's and ROE's that make the difference between an online free-for-all and a Squad-based COOP experience. Like Sol said above, the first step involves leaving your comfort zone and spreading out the clique. Over time, friends and good players gravitate towards each other, and eventually, the majority of the 'dedicated' players roll in squads together - it happens in most games and servers, but when few others group, the main groups need to break up and spread out. Good squad leaders are around 1 in 10 players, and new players don't even know the role - if you know how to SL, but prefer an infantry role, you and the server would benefit from spending rounds here and there as an SL with a goal to teach new SL's, increasing the surplus population of confident leaders, and ensuring a future with more squads to choose from in which to play the less demanding infantry roles in. In the past, we've found keeping it to two game vets in a squad with the rest open to the public is better than splitting up all the vets as single squad leaders - we did this for Arma COOP events. For one, you still get to play with a 'battle buddy' who knows how to play, and additionally they can help you as the Squad Leader of noObs to enforce and maintain status-quo while you take on a more 'teaching' role to new players, informing them (without being bossy or overly instructional) about the game, and how it should best be played at the VG PR COOP. Careful not to 'teach' too much or your noObs will get sick and leave as if you fed them castor oil. !bad Keep all your veterans buddies and regulars on TeamSpeak and/or use Mumble and you'll still be able to socialize on Command Channel if you're all Squad Leaders - having fun as well as running things as usual - just not all piled into 1-2 elite squads of game veterans. Eventually, after several weeks, the people you teach and inspire to play better will pass it on and good gameplay will spread like a virus, with a majority of players flooding into and filling created squads, and blueberry squad leaders will once again have the confidence to build a good squad by kicking out players who don't follow the leader; so long as players learn WHY it's better to be in a squad (better infantry weapons choices, 'revivability', squad spawn points, etc.) they will make the choice themselves to always join or create a squad over running around solo. For enforcement, a light touch is required. Admins seeing a server filled with non-squader's or multiple squads of 1 man should begin in information campaign - use the Admin Message system to get the attention of the server over the course of time - don't expect full compliance immediately, but repeat your statements and when possible, talk to solo's directly, stating that you are trying to combine squads, and fill out the roles, and after so many rounds or so much time, players will be temporarily kicked from the server to make room for those who want to play Squad-based COOP PR at VG. Just be sure to be patient with non-violators playing solo - they may be new, they may speak a different language, and they may be just trying out a new game with no idea how it's supposed to be played. It's up to you regular, dedicated players and admins to bring them into the fold instead of giving them a bad experience of "follow the rules (which you may not yet know exist) or be kicked from the server". Be diplomats and ambassadors for your favorite game, be friendly and welcoming to new players, encourage them to browse the PR Manual which talks about kits, roles, and game modes, to better inform them about why YOU love this game so much. They'll either make the same conclusion, or find another game and server. As we move forward, be firm with your enforcement but try to identify those brand new players and give them the benefit of the doubt, and maybe seek out lone wolfs directly and ask them if they want to join your squad and see how it all works.
  19. Same here - been keeping an eye on the posts about Squad for awhile, it looks like it could be cool, but that kickstarter is pretty funky... Seems realistic to show what they can afford to add, and where their priorities are, but still... I would not want to play it if they only ever got to level 3 of that kickstarter to be honest.
  20. Send a private message (that white box that says "PM" under each of these posts) to TAC - I'm sure you and he can set up a time to do this. Best I could do would be to get you online, I don't even have a computer capable of running BMS at present. Free Flights are easy on our server - we call them TE (Tactical Engagements) and they can be initiated on our server without harming it, and without joining the full blown Korean War campaign in progress. I gotta say, it's been a hell week for me. I'm not retired at 35 because I'm lazy - and if it weren't for my family's help this last week, I'd not even be able to "fake usefulness" for a few hours day. Like I said, contact TAC via PM - schedule a time and he'll meet you. I may be unavailable until my body settles down. !hi
  21. (we must apologize for the camera, best we could do on short notice) The mini-back story: I heard a noise at the park, and curiosity got the better of me. I met a nice gentleman flying an Oxy 3 RC Helicopter. The stunts he was performing were unbelievable. As I didn't have a camera, he let me use his cellphone to record a flight. It's dim screen made near impossible to aim, but this video shows several examples of the capabilities of the Oxy 3 in the hands of a skillful pilot, including highly controlled upside down flight! Thanks, Mat!
  22. TAC! Wassup!! Another person that is keen to help. Just in time - I am unavailable today, things have come up (mostly eye, neck, and muscle pains to a severe degree). Unless things improve by 12pm, I'm afraid I gotta take the day off as it were. I know TAC will help you !fans
  23. *my laptop is just to crappy to stay logged into teamspeak. I'm afraid I've gotta log out for today, but I will keep checking back here at the site for your reply. See you soon!
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