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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Great first project, buddy! All the sound crossovers were smooth with no popping and your video fades were so clean, too. I can respect the little things, being a vegas addict, cause they are what make it! Here's a pic of my render settings. Try these out and see if you can't get the full HD out of Vegas HD for your YouTube uploads: Make your Project Properties the same (video/audio/HD settings). Hit me up if you have ?'s. Remember to remain true to your concept and goal. The intro makes me picture lots of people playing many games online together, and then the video is a single person solo'ing an Apache on a barron server. Don't even sweat it!! It's your first video, and we'll get that server full yet! We could get lots of shots together. The music is what pulls it off, though, especially in the intro. Good choices! You already know, cause it was said above, length is one of the only criticisms. But, take it with a grain of salt...there is a learning curve and you're already a little ahead of it with your first video. !hi It's all a learning experience!! Keep it up! !2cool
  2. Yea....it is. They have been making some serious modifications these past months since the conflict has been raging. I saw a special inside the "factory" where they A-Team up a bunch of trucks and vehicles with whatever they could find...18+ hours a day, welding, chopping, repairing. Good luck boys!!! Just don't replace him with another dick!!
  3. Love it!! "That might be available online..."
  4. Doing it right now. Gonna get Tortia onboard as well. This is gonna take a minute.
  5. @Eclipse, Yep! Just need something to capture and something to assemble the bits with titles and transitions....after that, your imagination is the limit. Where's the videos Chaz and Bones were gonna submit back in May?! I would love to put my Insurgency video up for this contest. Please, bring some more submissions asap!! !mental The file is 345MB and is MP4. I would prefer to provide the download link of the original file to BLuDKLoT securely, and have the public that can view this thread watch it through YouTube, if that's okay.
  6. I hope you all enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it. It was truly a labor of love. I couldn't fit everything into one video, so I plan to do a separate tribute video to all my actors (including the bits where I had you all salute). Really, I couldn't have done this without the help of my friends. Special thanks to PITN, ridDle, Calv, Lt. Spears, and SavageCDN. Thank you! !cheers
  7. Wish the new ones were desktop size. I love the soldiers in the grass, but resolution is too small. Have had the "coastline view" shot as my desktop background for some time now! Awesome!
  8. Lol...also, who'd want to fly around that crap hole part of the world without blowing something up?!?!
  9. I would definetly check it out if I didn't already have ArmA, OA, and ACE/ACRE. Orion, we're lookin at you!! Test this thing out! Warm up for ArmA!
  10. Ug....#3? No offense, Outlanders, but.....you did spend more than 3 minutes making it, right? !sarc
  11. That "Excellent" was excellent! Ya, the Onion News Network is funny as hell. I remember when The Onion was just a funny newspaper. So glad to see them in the parody news channel business!! !offtopic ok...I'll buy it, play it when I wanna just blow stuff up. Gotta see how possible teamwork is going to be, TvT, and how the spawn/respawn works to keep the team rallied and together. The best improvements were by PR, so won't be present in BF3. The video is very well done. Looks like a fun game to play, but sucks that I have to do it against other players, rather than with them. I can do PvP/TvT, I just don't prefer it. THE BIGGEST TRAGEDY IS the loss of COOP and the NO MODDING! We clearly will have to wait for BF4 to see very realistic looking gunplay cause this is a "tracer fest". Bones and Iffn both have good points, mostly clear. EA does like money, and isn't about to fashion their newest installment off of the models of successful mods that have been created for their games. I bet they're pissed off that a large amount of their fans, when asked about the game BF2, probably know it for the mods, not the vanilla. Therefore, they cut off the...ability...of the modders to keep all hype and fandom about the original game they release. BUT - all games follow a progressive evolution. Before geo-mod technology, no damage ever happened to static buildings and structures. They may as well have been made of dolomite. So, newer games usually include some ideas and gaming innovations from the body of works and the current evolution of the genre. Right now, all they need to do is pack more action and awesome explosions in, structural damage, etc. Just like BC and COD....cause those lead the genre!!!!! It's popular and, unfortunately, like all reviews (LOOKING AT YOU NETFLIX REVIEWERS!) if you are not the target audience, then of course your opinion and review of the item is going to be bad. I just read a review about an oldie, Die Hard, 1 star...they called it a "self serving man-flick"....DUH!!! YOUR A CHICK< Watch a chick flick!!! Bet those all got 5 stars and made her cry!!! We should be pissed they broadened their target audience to include what we all dislike, the "I need constant stimulation" youth video gamers! I personally feel that wargames have about 3-4 sub-genres; Fast First Person Shooters, Larger Vehicular and Squad Combat Games, Mil-Sim Mods of FPS and Vehicular, and Mil-Sim Wargames with many, many buttons and systems. For me, Battlefield games always fell in the Larger Vehicular and Squad Combat Games....for one, they allow 3rd Person views and have vehicles. Then, I luckily discovered PR Mod, and found it could streatch the game into the 3rd sub-genre; Mil-Sim Mods of FPS and Vehicular. But, never will I expect it to be what it was, 1942: Desert Combat Mod....basic graphics, little sense of action, wide open battlefields. Now, I expect it to show more Urban Combat as MOUT is clearly the future of war. I also expect it now to continue to deliver on Vehicular Combat on a large, non-linear map. I see no problems so far, except that they took away the coop element. I never expected the gunplay to look crisp and realistic like in ArmA....that's why I own ArmA, so I don't have to expect any other game to do that. And to me, gunplay in these videos looks exciting, but far from any sense of realism....guys are literally running and gunning. When I play that game, you'll be able to see me. I'll be the guy who consistantly takes a knee and aims down sights before shooting. !gundown
  12. I see dumb people.... I can see the pic, but I have to look through the picture, kinda with my eyes crossed a bit, and then the image is viewable in full 3D - just like those magic eye posters!! J/K...nice pic...would be cooler if you were the one throwing the nade, and I suppose if it weren't a dummy, people wouldn't all be standing around idle while one guy is in mid action. !cheers
  13. Yea, affordable game, for sure. Here's the layout pic in Vegas. I made the intro gun battle sound by sound from recorded gunshots (without people on the mic's), so's I could line it up with the blood splash's and title words. Gotta make your own sounds in the game, sometimes. JDAM in PR taught me that.....Some dude was straight "cackling" during the blast in the recording. !fuk !rofl
  14. I like number 2 the most. It got my vote. But they're all awesome submissions! Great work, everyone!!!! !cheers
  15. Killing Floor is an older Zombie/Monster killing game featuring an excellent cooperative mode. In this video, we hold a defensive line against the hordes of beasts charging us in this small utility hallway. =VG= Members Dman, Oniblood, Outlanders, and SemlerPDX team up with Calv and tysax to hold the line and survive the onslaught. VETERANS-GAMING has some great team players! Thanks for watching!
  16. Well, dang if I knew you were gonna make a post!! Here's my chatbox carry-over for the record: "Is this a mass witness thing? It caught my interest for "a" view. But why does it cut out when the woman talks to the child? (what do they say?) Can that camera capture such deep sounds or was it added?! Everyone must have heard it....135,000 views in 2 days. The locals are probably the most of those views, looking for insight? CREEPY!! REPENT THE END IS NEAR!! !flood lolol! "
  17. I'm back from the woods and I..........>DANG IT!!! I was sooo careful! And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids!!!!!
  18. Yea....I remember how in the end, when there were nothing but pros on, it got difficult to just play war......
  19. No, PITN, I did all the shooting. For shots like this, and the shot in Fastrope Training, I get multiple angles from stock or staged footage in the exact same area to fill in. For this, we did about 2-5 "takes" from each angle...the pit, the salute, the FO, and I did both Arty PC's myself later and overlayed them over each other for effect. Then I cut the crap out of everything and piece the best ones together, audio is a separate track, so I could make it look like Outlanders voice was coming out of your characters actions if I wanted.. Outlanders looks like the First Person star of Fastrope, he wasn't. I made it look that way on purpose. (gonna make you a star, Outlanders ;P ) Those were my eyes. And he didn't say "good job, gentlemen" as we went up the hill, that was from later in that op when we demo'd the cache. Cut Cut Cut!!! !mental (UngamerEye is my channel)
  20. I know, and it pains me....was doing the video all day yesterday (9 hour effort) and now leaving for mountains as soon as my brother gets his sorry arse over here. Back in a few days. @Savage, it can't be that complicated - the 7thCavalry guys simply needed a certain admin on (he doesn't unlock them for just any reason or anyone, mind you) and they do it while the game is running. This is my (new) loadout I take on every op; I used to use an M4A3 ACOG w/UGL: Rangefinder Laser Marker Mk17 EGLM RCO 6 Mags 7.62x51mm NATO 4 Smoke Grenades (White) 2 9V Batteries (Laser Marker) 4 40mm HE Grenades (EGLM) Colt 1911 w/4 Mags =VG= SemlerPDX BEGUID: b16f87f0fe5906d7c223a88be03e8fc9 Thanks!! !thx
  21. Thanks for the praise, guys! Yea, my first hangup with the MGL was, it was reloading after every shot....gotta drop all 203 nade rounds you start with and only pack the 6-pack MGL "mags". And it was totally lame to watch 'till I added AmrA II menu music and synced up the "breakdown" and "buildup" to the Arty Computer scene. Again, thanks Outlanders and SavageCDN for your time. I know, and you must now as well, that being an actor means doing the shot over and over and over. Luckily, we scraped by with around 5 takes in each area. Then we played around and shot tons of weapons and blew off steam. By which I mean blew Savage 74 meters East with a nice satchel. "Oh...hold on, I'll get out of the way," Savage "No no...Stay there! I wanna see how far you fly!" Semler "LOL! Ok....lemme get over to the....." Savage "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" Outlanders XD hilarity ensues For those other Vegas-ites, here's a pic of the project in all it's organized detail:
  22. Here is a demonstration of MRSI, Multiple-Round Simultaneous Impact using the M32 40mm Multiple Grenade Launcher and the M252 81mm Mortar in ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead. For the M252 Artillery Computer view, I layered both displays to show the rounds heading to the target in concert. We strike 4 square blocks of Shamali from over a mile away. The final view from the Forward Observer is truly devastating. All rounds should hit within half a second of each other giving the enemy absolutely no time to react. This requires patience, cooperation, and teamwork. Luckily, here at VG, we have loads of great team players. I can't wait to use this tactic on the battlefield! Music is from the game. Actors include =VG= Outlanders, =VG= SavageCDN, and =VG= SemlerPDX. !hi Thanks for watching!
  23. Great effort everyone!!! Sorry I missed that, BLuD, but you did find it. I have been deep in the s#@! in a very large Domi server for two 12 hour straight tours to see how others run it, and keep it under control. I asked the admins lots of questions, and they were super friendly even knowing I'm of a different clan. !cheers Also had the opportunity to get proficient with many of the support vehicles and aircraft, and their uses in a large, active battlefield. I love flying!!! They told me that the wreck chopper (a Huey on their map) is only for recovering bonus vehicles, which get used so seldom anyway that the wrecker goes largely unused. They had once considered making all vehicles to require recovery and adding a second or third wreck chopper, but didn't cause it may have killed playability. First great tactic I have learned: Bring an Avenger HMMWV to the AO along with the troops via Chinook instead of a tank or bradley. Gives an element of air protection right away against the enemy troop helis and attack aircraft over the AO. I have some great ideas and when we get the server up and going, I'll make post about the relevant things - like restricting use of attack air assets to TS3 users, etc. Can't wait, Savage!!! HURRY HURRY!!! !thankyou
  24. WOO HOO!! Holy shoot! We could go shooting!! !fans Hoorah!
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