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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Happy to get the word out! Tell the masses! And special thanks to poffadder for making it all possible! He and SavageCDN made this new domi what it is with their ArmA magic. Way to implement these ideas, guys! !cheers We do know about a few minor issues, such as the ACRE PRC-117 error, or the Jet Service station fix we have - they will be fixed properly in time. The WarFX BIKEY and BISIGN keys in the BlastCore Visuals mod need to be replaced with the following keys in order to gain access to Multi-Player Servers running them: blastcore-keys.rar Also, copy the "WarFXPE BIKEY" into your ArmA program file "Keys" folder as well.
  2. OMFG!!! That is amazing! 46 x 40mm HE grenades at 3000RPM!!! !spite
  3. The BigDog by Boston Dynamics is the creepiest looking robot I've ever seen. I can't believe how well it can stay on it's feet, even when kicked. These guys have a lot of cool videos with amazing robots they're developing. This video is a compilation by them showing the BigDog at various developmental stages, it's evolution. You gotta see this crazy thing!! Thank's to Robotfungus for the links! !cheers
  4. Yea, the 120Hz monitors are pretty damn expensive, more than the video card itself.
  5. Thanks, PITN. More of the same, though. No fix yet, beta use as a workaround.....ug. Well, at least it works for me on the Domination server, or I'd probably have pulled my own hair out by now.
  6. I must be doing something wrong here. I have connection problems to Insurgency Server since I installed the PMC and BAF dlc. The procedure I took was to simply install the two .exe's as I obtained them; on top of my currently patched Arma 2: Combined Operations (DVD-ROM) Install. This is the screenshot: (also, this screenshot would say all BAF key errors if I disable PMC as described below. Both have problems.) Like I said, perhaps I'm doing something wrong here. The only way I can connect to Insurgency now (workaround-style) is to rename the two folders BAF and PMC to something random like BAFZZZ and PMCZZZ. Then, when I load any game .exe, I can connect to Ins, though I'm back to low texture BAF and PMC items, of course. (thanks Iffn, for the idea!!)
  7. You probably have the wrong version of CBA. We are on CBA v0.7.6.160. here's an example mod line: -mod=@CBA;@Blastcore_Visuals_R1.2;@JSRS-E;@JSRS-V;@JSRS-VW;@JSRS-W Another thing, you'll need to put the WarFXPE BIKEY File into your ArmA 2 Keys folder. Hop on teamspeak tomorrow and I'll help you troubleshoot this thing.
  8. Works for me, man. I don't know what you're doing wrong. What does the error message say? If it's anything ACRE related and you can get past it and onto the server, with your sound and visuals mods working, you're fine. EDIT: *was solved: SixUdater may grab a more recent update of these mods - Jager had a newer CBA. Use links at top for the proper versions of CBA, JSRS, and BlastCore. Read further posts here for the BlastCore MultiPlayer Fix you must apply to get online with this mod. Post here for help.
  9. Yes, it actually works. On stormy night-ops, the lightening is truly awesome. And smoke is affected by wind. They both require CBA to be running, yes. Many client side mods do.
  10. You (or PITN) have to dredge the log for that one, Savage. Very tedious, but possible to get a GUID of anyone who ever set foot in the server. Easier to do closer to the time of the event.
  11. To manually update, you just download the latest BECLIENT file and replace the one you have. Here's the link: BattleEye (don't worry about the "no 64-bit" file crap if you have a 64-bit OS, just grab the 32-bit one appropriate for the version of the game you have)
  12. This is a public support call-out from your friendly admin, eMaj. =VG= SemlerPDX. major fan of VETERANS-GAMING servers, clan membership status aside I'd like to extend a personal Thank You to all those who donate to keep VETERANS-GAMING servers up and running. Your contributions, no matter what amount, are greatly appreciated! I can barely afford a few bucks here and there, but it all adds up... BLuDKLoT cannot, as one man, pay for all of this for all of us; You all help so much! !cheers Myself, I dreamt of properly administrated servers such as these back when I was at the mercy of first party servers dating all the way back to Socom Online for PS2. They were free, but void of assistance (technical or administrative). Here you...we all...have a voice, and with it, power in our games. _____________________________________________________________________ We here at VETERANS-GAMING will always provide servers for public use and maintain them with the most due diligence required. We will continue to ensure that teamkillers, hackers, and disruptive players are swiftly dealt with so that you, as the player, may enjoy the true levels of playablilty and immersion that the teamplay and communication we promote here embody. With your continued support, we are able to offer contests with awesome prizes, games, and other great additions to come. We will continue to add servers for the newest and hottest wargames released, while keeping servers open for your old favorites. PayPal is considered one of the most secure ways to donate and pay for goods online, and it's as simple as signing up. A one time donation can greatly help VETERANS-GAMING maintain the servers you enjoy. As we expand to include new servers featuring such games as the upcoming Arma 3, we need your help to perpetuate our vision of clean, smacktard-free gaming environments to play in. We admins, of course, will always continue to volunteer our time to enforce the rules of all our servers. Please consider signing up for PayPal today and making a donation, no matter how small, to VETERANS-GAMING and help us keep this tradition of international fraternity and cooperative teamplay alive. Thank you for your support!
  13. Nice videos! Uh...Iffn, I got this when I clicked your link: "Gameplay videos of Project Reality ht*tp://www.realitymod.co*m/ This playlist has no videos. *stars added to the http link so it isn't a "click here" thing
  14. The flashlight in daytime and "no coax" on the tank are glaring issues. Obviously, if a laser is going to work in such a way as well, it should be a very small target area on the targets eyeball. Using a mouse to aim is already like accurately aiming a laser, if you were to hold a laser in your hand, you could never so accurately point it. This is a big issue I don't thing they thought of with these "light/sun flare" tactics they added. Also, did anyone not expect that they would make certain weapons and attachments (including enemy weapons) unlockable or earnable?? Their business model is clearly taking a page from the success of Call of Duty(s). I'm sure not long after release, they'll sell gear and weapons packs as DLC. Mark my words.
  15. That would be a deal breaker for me as well. I cannot stand the idea of enemies respawning at the squad's rear. This is not just unrealistic, but removes any and all tactical elements and can turn any game mode into a big, crappy Team Deathmatch game.
  16. I've got a few FRAPS/Vegas and Arma video settings tips for you, Clippie, seeing as how we have such very similar systems. Like Savage said, a real key to success is to have the "capture" folder on a different hard drive than your OS/Programs drive. If size is a problem, just keep 20-30 GB free on your "capture" drive and transfer the files after each session to your OS/Programs drive to free up more space for recording. You have an awesome sound card, so feel free to set sound capture settings to the highest (multi-channel, etc.). I set my record external input (microphone) to only capture when I press TS3 PTT button as most of us use that in game for coms, and you can turn on "mic clicks" on you and others giving it an awesome sound. For video, unless you have high hopes of true HD, you can still get good ArmA videos recording at 30-45FPS. I did some testing myself and found I can't get a final video in vegas to look any different when I recorded at 60FPS or 30FPS. My final products are always 30FPS after rendering, though I don't have true HD capabilities. I force lossless RGB and it doesn't seem to hurt system speed. I found excellent improvement when I set my Graphics driver settings to have AA and Anisotropic Filtering to "application-controlled" (ATI, not sure about NVidia settings). I also got better FPS when I set Arma in game video settings to "Video RAM = Default" , though I have 1GB DDR5. Odd, but helps. When I adjust video settings in game, the 4 that matter for my FPS the most are Texture Detail; Terrain Detail; Objects Detail; & Shadow Quality. If your video is gonna take place mostly in one AO, on foot, try setting view distance for the shoot to under 2000m. If you're flying for the video, try turning off/down shadows and increasing view distance to (your) max. Also, set your FPS monitor to only update once a second instead of realtime. Most the default FRAPS command buttons are F commands, and Arma uses those. I recommend changing it for cleaner shots. I use PrintScreen, Scroll Lock, Pause/Break, and NumLock. I can't get into my vegas "render settings" and thought I made a post about it, but it's important, too. If you have good source video, but render it wrong, it'll still be crap. If you start with a crap source video, vegas won't improve it any. Can't polish a turd... Good luck!
  17. I'll volunteer to (help) make the promo videos and teasers; and help promote it on the web. Cool idea!!
  18. I'd have to fire her back up again to get that info. That "CPU Failure" thing was a bit startling, but I'm sure I could try to get a boot past it, but...Is that really advisable? I'll blow out all the dust and crap, and give it another go if it's advisable. Was thinking I may need to replace the CPU and MB; they are cheap now but I have little money right now... Can't yank the OS drive and examine externally....it's in RAID. Thanks for the help!
  19. I've been troubleshooting the frequent blue screen's of death I've been getting, and thought I was onto something when I disconnected a few unused internal parts from the power supply, and unplugged other items on the same ciruit. Later that day, I began pushing it again; connected the powered 2.1 speakers w/subwoofer, and tried to run my ATI w/ it's overclock enabled. Later that day, I began to get the BSOD's again. I shut it down for the day. BSOD ID is Kernal_Power; Event 41; Type 2; System shut down (don't have any other details anymore) This morning, I hit the power button, and first screen says: "CPU Failure. System will now shut down in 5 seconds to prevent damage" I opened her up, and found nothing physically wrong, aside from a thin layer of fine dust on everything. Any suggestions or experiences similar may be helpful. The oldest components are (same age) the MB/CPU and RAM. All other parts were new in box this past spring. System Specs are under my xfire (click box below). Will be AFK till I get this fixed, no more pushing this beast. Will check back here on my laptop often. !cheers
  20. Awesome pics Terremer! Good solo, too. That's hard when no one else is there. !2cool
  21. I also could care less about prettiness. I think everything looks great now (if you can get the textures to load fast enough, they're great). Fix all other gameplay problems before moving on to better graphics. =VG= Beast wrote ... Ooo! Know what'd be reeeally groovy? A ghillie suit that uses physics in the engine to have dynamic jute and foliage, swaying in the breeze or when you move! Whoop! yea, or the ability to veg out your suit based on local grasses you may be crossing.
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